import java.util.*; public class ddfd { public static void main(String[] args) { Menu choicemenu= new Menu(); String input="Y"; do{ choicemenu.choiceMenu(); Scanner in=new Scanner(; int choice=in.nextInt(); switch (choice) { case 1: choicemenu.choice1(); break; case 2: choicemenu.choice2(); break; case 3: choicemenu.choice3(); break; case 4: choicemenu.choice4(); break; default:System.out.println("Please input the number bewteen 1 and 4."); } System.out.println("Come back to the Choice-Menu(Y/N)?");; if(input.equals("N")||input.equals("Y")) { if(input.equals("N")) { System.out.println("Thinks for your use!"); System.exit(0); } } else { System.out.println("You have a wrong choice!"); System.out.println("Please input your choice again!(Y/N)"); } } while(input.equals("Y")); } } class TaxPayer { private double salary; public TaxPayer() { salary=0; } public double getSalary() { return salary; } public void setSalary(double s) { salary=s; } } class TaxList { private double taxpoint; private double[] taxrate=new double[5]; public TaxList(double p,double t0,double t1,double t2,double t3,double t4) { taxpoint=p; taxrate[0]=t0; taxrate[1]=t1; taxrate[2]=t2; taxrate[3]=t3; taxrate[4]=t4; } public double getTaxpoint() { return taxpoint; } public void setTaxpoint(double n) { taxpoint=n; } public double getTaxrate(int n) { return taxrate[n]; } public void setTaxrate(int n,double r) { taxrate[n]=r; } public double calculate(double s) { double taxsalary=s-taxpoint; double tax; if(taxsalary>20000) { tax=(taxsalary-20000)*0.25+3625; return tax; } if(taxsalary>5000) { tax=(taxsalary-5000)*0.2+625; return tax; } if(taxsalary>2000) { tax=(taxsalary-2000)*0.15+175; return tax; } if(taxsalary>500) { tax=(taxsalary-500)*0.1+25; return tax; } tax=taxsalary*0.05; return tax; } } class Menu { private String input="Y"; Scanner in=new Scanner(; TaxList list=new TaxList(1600,0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20,0.25); TaxPayer person=new TaxPayer(); public void choiceMenu() { System.out.println("*********************************************************************"); System.out.println(" Welcome to use this tax-calculate system!"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" 1:Change your taxpoint."); System.out.println(" 2:Change your taxrate."); System.out.println(" 3:Calculate your tax."); System.out.println(" 4:Exit."); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" Please input your choice:"); System.out.println("*********************************************************************"); } public void choice1() { System.out.println("Now,the taxpoint is"+list.getTaxpoint()); System.out.println("Do you need change the taxpoint(Y/N)?"); do {; if(input.equals("N")||input.equals("Y")) { if(input.equals("Y")) { System.out.println("Please input your new taxpoint."); list.setTaxpoint(in.nextDouble()); } break; } else { System.out.println("You have a wrong choice!"); System.out.println("Do you need change the taxpoint(Y/N)?"); } } while(true); } public void choice2() { System.out.println("Now,the taxrate is:"); System.out.println("Level one:"+list.getTaxrate(0)); System.out.println("Level two:"+list.getTaxrate(1)); System.out.println("Level three:"+list.getTaxrate(2)); System.out.println("Level four:"+list.getTaxrate(3)); System.out.println("Level five:"+list.getTaxrate(4)); System.out.println("Do you need change the taxrate(Y/N)?"); do {; if(input.equals("N")||input.equals("Y")) { if(input.equals("Y")) { System.out.println("Please input you new taxrate."); System.out.println("Level one:"); list.setTaxrate(0,in.nextDouble()); System.out.println("Level two:"); list.setTaxrate(1,in.nextDouble()); System.out.println("Level three:"); list.setTaxrate(2,in.nextDouble()); System.out.println("Level four:"); list.setTaxrate(3,in.nextDouble()); System.out.println("Level five:"); list.setTaxrate(4,in.nextDouble()); } break; } else { System.out.println("You have a wrong choice!"); System.out.println("Please input your choice again!(Y/N)"); } } while(true); } public void choice3() { double salary; do { System.out.println("Please input your salary:"); salary=in.nextDouble(); if(salary>=0) { person.setSalary(salary); System.out.println("Your salary is:"+person.getSalary()); System.out.println("Your tax is:"+list.calculate(salary)); break; } else { System.out.println("Please input the number above 0."); } } while(true); } public void choice4() { System.out.println("This system come from Deng He!"); System.out.println("Thinks for your use!"); System.exit(0); } }