
1. Copy “JAVA” folder to “D:\”
2. Copy “links” folder to “C:\RAD7”
3. Configuration as below.
    Perference >>> Java >>> JadClipse >>> Path to decompiler :

4. Everything OK la~

EasyExplore – Can open the selected file directory directly in Eclipse

Using like below, you can found the “Easy Explore…” in any “right menu” in Eclipse.
We can use this plug-in even in the “Search diagram” or “Console diagram” windows. It is very easy and powerful~


JADclipse – The facility plug-in for using JAD in Eclipse

In order to use this plug-in, we need have JAD firstly.

You can found it in our share driver:  \\\sg_team\ShareTools\jad158g

We need configuration it in Eclipse. Only need set the “Path to decompiler ”

Step3. Now we can open all class file as source code in Eclipse directly.


And share some plug-in instillation method in Eclipse.
Method 1: Copy plug-in under Eclipse directory
As we know, we can copy *.jar / *.zip file into “features”/“plugins” under Eclipse directly for setup.
But sometimes we will met multiple Eclipse version and multiple plug-in problem in real life. E.g. if we need update one plug-in have many files under “plugins”, we have to found them and delete them manually. And multiple Eclipse cannot share one plug-in in this type.

Method2: Use link file to installation plug-in.
Benefit of these method:
1. We can share plug-in between multiple Eclipse
2. We can update plug-in version facilitate
3. When update Eclipse or reinstallation, we can copy these personal customize configuration quickly and smoothly
4. Reduce version problem caused risk when using different version Eclipse [This is old problem in Open-Source project]

Step1. Created one folder named “links” under Eclipse directory.
Step2. Create “*.link” for these plug-in you want to installation into Eclipse

Step3. The file structure of these “*.link” file as below.  [Path=”XXXX”] – XXX is the plug-in store dir

Step4. The plug-in store dir should have below file structure.

Step5. Copy these plug-in under this folder just like installation under Eclipse directly
Step6. Now, we can share one plug-in between multiple Eclipse and update these plug-in facilitate.

