freeswitch 高性能

freeswitch can handle up to 3,000-5,000 simultaneous calls on a performant standard hardware,

When Freeswitch is not used as media server, the capacity of the system (number of simultaneous calls) can be enhanced by a factor 10-20. Thus systems with up to 100.000 active calls can be realized on a single telephony server with a million of users. By using the built-in cluster functionality, these numbers can be even enhanced with several parallel Freeswitch servers.


  • CentOS 5.3 64bit
  • FreeSWITCH Version 1.0.trunk (14125)
  • sipp 3.0
Result :

test variant call duration calls per second established calls in peak system ram %CPU remarks
maxout cps dur 0 0s 700 700 0.8GB 61%
maxout cps dur 5s 5s 450 2250 2.2GB 68%
maxout cps dur 90s 90s 50 4500 4.9GB 72%
