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create table PROJECT(id int,name nvarchar(20),parent_id int)
insert PROJECT select 1,'所有项目',null
union all select 2,'项目1',1
union all select 3,'项目2',1

create table task(id int,name nvarchar(20),outline varchar(10))
insert task select 1 ,'任务1' ,'1'
union all select 2 ,'任务1.1' ,'1.1'
union all select 3 ,'任务1.1.1' ,'1.1.1'
union all select 4 ,'任务1.1.2' ,'1.1.2'
union all select 5 ,'任务2' ,'2'
union all select 6 ,'任务2.1' ,'2.1'
union all select 7 ,'任务2.1.1' ,'2.1.1'
union all select 8 ,'任务2.1.1.1',''
union all select 9 ,'任务3' ,'3'
union all select 10,'任务4' ,'4'
union all select 11,'任务4.1' ,'4.1'




--** PROJECT 表的内容
id name parent_id
----------- -------------------- -----------
1 所有项目 NULL
2 项目1 1
3 项目2 1
4 任务1 2
5 任务1.1 4
6 任务2 2
7 任务2.1 6
8 任务2.1.1 7
9 任务4 2

(所影响的行数为 9 行)

--temp1 表的内容
id name project_id
----------- -------------------- -----------
1 任务1.1.1 5
2 任务1.1.2 5
3 任务2.1.1.1 8
4 任务3 2
5 任务4.1 9

(所影响的行数为 5 行)

create proc p_process
@parent_id int=2
set nocount on
declare @id int,@step int,@s nvarchar(1000)

--得到 PROJECT 表中的新编号(因为不知道PROJECT的id是否标识字段,所以用了一些判断)
select @step=ident_incr('PROJECT')
if @id is null
select @id=isnull(max(id),0)+1 from PROJECT
select @s='alter table #t add id int identity('+rtrim(@id)+','+rtrim(isnull(@step,1))+')'

select name,parent_id=@parent_id,outline into #t from task a
where exists(
select * from task where outline like a.outline+'.%')
order by outline

--生成id,并且生成 praent_id
update a set parent_id=b.id
from #t a,#t b
where charindex('.',a.outline)>0
and a.outline like b.outline+'.%'
and charindex('.',a.outline,len(b.outline)+2)=0

--处理结果插入 PROJECT
if @step is not null
set identity_insert PROJECT on
insert PROJECT(id,name,parent_id) select id,name,parent_id from #t

if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='temp1' and objectproperty(id,'isusertable')=1)
drop table temp1
select id=identity(int),a.name,isnull(b.id,@parent_id) as project_id
into temp1 from task a left join
#t b on a.outline like b.outline+'.%'
and charindex('.',a.outline,len(b.outline)+2)=0
where not exists(
select * from #t where outline=a.outline)

exec p_process 2

select * from PROJECT
select * from temp1

drop table PROJECT,task,temp1
drop proc p_process
