关于Struts2.0 标签中采用%{}%的处理原理



 <s:set var="hasDeductAmount" value="%{bill.supplier.moneyPool>#amount?#amount:bill.supplier.moneyPool}"> </s:set>






备注: (1)原理看下面的源代码即可理解:


<input name="billCon.amount" type="text" class="inputbg" value="<s:property value='#hasDeductAmount'/>" />








     * Finds a value from the OGNL stack based on the given expression.
     * Will always evaluate <code>expr</code> against stack except when <code>expr</code>
     * is null. If altsyntax (%{...}) is applied, simply strip it off.
     * @param expr  the expression. Returns <tt>null</tt> if expr is null.
     * @return the value, <tt>null</tt> if not found.
    protected Object findValue(String expr) {
        if (expr == null) {
            return null;


        expr = stripExpressionIfAltSyntax(expr);


        return getStack().findValue(expr, throwExceptionOnELFailure);


     * If altsyntax (%{...}) is applied, simply strip the "%{" and "}" off.
     * @param expr the expression (must be not null)
     * @return the stripped expression if altSyntax is enabled. Otherwise
     * the parameter expression is returned as is.
 protected String stripExpressionIfAltSyntax(String expr) {
  return stripExpressionIfAltSyntax(stack, expr);
     * If altsyntax (%{...}) is applied, simply strip the "%{" and "}" off.
     * @param stack the ValueStack where the context value is searched for.
     * @param expr the expression (must be not null)
     * @return the stripped expression if altSyntax is enabled. Otherwise
     * the parameter expression is returned as is.
 public static String stripExpressionIfAltSyntax(ValueStack stack, String expr) {
  if (altSyntax(stack)) {
            // does the expression start with %{ and end with }? if so, just cut it off!
            if (expr.startsWith("%{") && expr.endsWith("}")) {
                return expr.substring(2, expr.length() - 1);
  return expr;
