JForum 的 SSO集成的问题解决


4.说明:已有的电子商务网站域名:http://www.123.com jforum域名:www.123.com/forum,电子商务网站和jfroum在统一台服务器和同一应用服务器下,如果分开可能会存在session或cookie访问的问题。


<!-- Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/ --> public class CookieUserSSO implements SSO { static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CookieUserSSO. class .getName()); public String authenticateUser(RequestContext request) { // login cookie set by my web LOGIN application Cookie cookieNameUser = ControllerUtils.getCookie(SystemGlobals .getValue(ConfigKeys.COOKIE_NAME_USER)); String username = null ; if (cookieNameUser != null ) { username = cookieNameUser.getValue(); } logger.info( " cookie username= " + username); System. out .println( " cookie username= " + username); return username; // return username for jforum // jforum will use this name to regist database or set in HttpSession } public boolean isSessionValid(UserSession userSession, RequestContext request) { Cookie cookieNameUser = ControllerUtils.getCookie(SystemGlobals .getValue(ConfigKeys.COOKIE_NAME_USER)); // user cookie String remoteUser = null ; if (cookieNameUser != null ) { remoteUser = cookieNameUser.getValue(); // jforum username } if (remoteUser == null && userSession.getUserId() != SystemGlobals .getIntValue(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID)) { // user has since logged out return false ; } else if (remoteUser != null && userSession.getUserId() == SystemGlobals .getIntValue(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID)) { // anonymous user has logged in return false ; } else if (remoteUser != null && ! remoteUser.equals(userSession.getUsername())) { // not the same user (cookie and session) return false ; } return true ; // myapp user and forum user the same. valid user. } }


<!-- Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/ --> authentication.type = sso sso.implementation = net.jforum.sso.CookieUserSSO sso.redirect = http: // www.123.com/login.jsp // 可根据实际的登录页面地址进行修改 cookie.name.user = 123UserInfo // 电子商务网站中保存的cookie名称,可根据实际情况修改


<!-- Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/ --> 登录部分加入以下代码: ... Cookie cookie = new Cookie( " springTourUserInfo " , sname); cookie.setMaxAge( - 1 ); cookie.setPath( " / " ); // cookie只在同一应用服务器有效 response.addCookie(cookie); ... 注销部分加入以下代码: ...... Cookie cookie = new Cookie( " springTourUserInfo " , "" ); cookie.setMaxAge( 0 ); // delete the cookie. cookie.setPath( " / " ); response.addCookie(cookie); ......

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