Oops. OpenStack board member says letting VMware into project was a mistake阅读笔记

Oops. OpenStack board member says letting VMware into project was a mistake

By Brandon Butler, Network World 
August 29, 2012 03:03 PM ET




Boris Renski is co-founder of OpenStack integration consultancy Mirantis

评:Boris是OpenStack Mirantis的co-founder


In a blog post on the Mirantis website, Renski says his opposition comes down mostly to marketing and perception of OpenStack as an alternative to VMware. 



he believes it could drive users to competing open source cloud projects, such as the Citrix-backed Apache CloudStack and Eucalyptus, which do not have associations with VMware. 



Gartner cloud analyst Lydia Leong, who has been tracking the OpenStack project, says ever since VMware's purchase of Nicira, it was inevitable that VMware would in some way or another be involved in OpenStack. The company wants its Nicira technology -- for which it paid a hefty price -- to be fully used within the OpenStack ecosystem. 


Gartner的分析师Lydia Leong认为,VMware想把其Nicira技术使用到OpenStack中。


There could be some ancillary benefits as well, including VMware getting more insight into strategies of other member companies, such as Cisco, HP, Dell and Red Hat. 

也许 Cisco, HP, Dell 和 Red Hat,都曾参与到OpenStack的开发中,VMware可能可以通过介入OpenStack,了解到这些商业对手(或伙伴)的技术和策略。





Does OpenStack need a Linus Torvalds阅读笔记:http://photon.iteye.com/blog/1951510

