cloudstack 4.4高级网络配置遇到的若干问题

一、cloudstack 4.4安装配置阶段
(1).Copying  /usr/share/cloudstack-common/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/xenserver60/../vhd-util to
XenServer's  /opt/xensource/bin


(2).create xen-pool before add host

(3).Cannot transit agent status with event AgentDisconnected for host 3, mangement server id is 189262218410139,Unable to transition to a new state from Creating via AgentDisconnected

①Run the following command in the command line interface of both the new pool and the host pool, to determine which network stack each pool is using:
more /etc/xensource/network.conf

②When the incorrect network stack is determined, run the following commands to change the network stack:
xe-switch-network-backend bridge (changes to the Linux-based stack)
xe-switch-network-backend openvswitch (changes to the more robust vSwitch stack)

注:OS为CentOS 6.6。
