How to change the XMLDB Http and FTP Ports for Oracle

To change the HTTP and FTP ports for Oracle XMLDB, we only need to call the following command in Oracle with DBA role.


  • change HTTP port from 8080 to 9999

call dbms_xdb.cfg_update(updateXML(dbms_xdb.cfg_get(), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-port/text()', 9999));
  • change FTP port from 2100 to 2111
call dbms_xdb.cfg_update(updateXML( dbms_xdb.cfg_get(), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/ftpconfig/ftp-port/text()' , 2111));

  • refresh settings
exec dbms_xdb.cfg_refresh;
