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PHP Tutorial for WordPress Users – PHP 101

Welcome to PHP 101, to the quickest, simplest PHP tutorial around, and the only PHP tutorial written specifically for the average WordPress user. I cover only the minimal amount of PHP necessary to competently modify your themes (and maybe even to modify plugins).
What this is

My tutorial is only a few pages long; you can read it in 20 minutes. It covers basic PHP syntax. It tells you how to assign a value to a variable, how to check that value, and how to set up a PHP if ... else ... statement. From my experience, that's all most WordPress users need (and want) to know. If you want more details later, try PHP.net's tutorial .

After you have mastered the basics, you can visit one of the subpages linked below to learn several little tricks that folks ask about frequently in the wp.org support forums :

    How do I make my first post look different from the rest?
    How do I make my posts (or anything else) have alternating colors?


    Basic knowledge of HTML (HTML tutorial )
    Basic knowledge of CSS (CSS tutorial )


Most tutorials are written in inaccessible, overly technical language. I'm going to write as clearly and non-technically as possible. So please don't complain if you notice me being a little less than precise.
Table of contents

As you click through the pagination links below, we'll address the following topics:

    Introduction (this page)
    What is PHP? PHP vs HTML
    How do I insert PHP into a web page?
    Conditional statements (if, elseif, etc)
    Variables in conditional statements
    Functions, and the difference between echo and return

