Flex SDK升级时注意

VerifyError: Error #1053: 在 mx.messaging.channels.NetConnectionChannel 中非法覆盖 getPollSyncMessageResponder。

把引用的包swc 用当前工程的sdk版本再编译一次,否则版本冲突。当然这个只会在 rsl引用时会报。

When you upgrade your flex sdk, you'd better recompile all your models with the same sdk version, such as 3.4. Otherwise, there maybe some error like this:
VerifyError: Error #1053: 在 mx.messaging.channels.NetConnectionChannel 中非法覆盖 getPollSyncMessageResponder。
VerifyError: Error#1053: Illegal override of FlexModuleFactory in mx.core.FlexModuleFactory.
If you are using the third-part library and load it at runtime, you should update your third-part library to your sdk version also, or you can compile the library yourself with the updated sdk if it's a opensource library.
