[链接列表] 我写的一些基于HotSpot Serviceability Agent的小工具

DumpClassURL: print the list of currently loaded Java classes, along with code source path and defining class loader information
打印出HotSpot VM里当前加载的所有类的路径和加载器摘要信息的工具

DirectMemorySize: Print NIO direct memory usage stats, as an alternative on JDK6 without JMX support for direct memory monitoring
打印NIO direct memory使用状况的工具

JMapHistoGenerational: an extension to "jmap -histo", prints generational stats of GC heap usage
增强版jmap -histo,显示分代信息

PrintInvokedMethods: print the list of Java methods invoked at least once in HotSpot VM
(discussion on hotspot-dev mailing list: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-dev/2012-May/005809.html)
基于SA打印HotSpot VM执行过的Java方法的列表


add "objtree" command to CLHSDB: prints the object graph starting from the specified root as a depth-first traversal tree

你可能感兴趣的:(jvm,HotSpot VM)