
前天(7月12日),大牛Nicholas C. Zakas 发布了一篇博客:It's time to stop blaming Internet Explorer,讲述了以下观点:

  1. IE6/7尽管让很多人抱怨,但支持这样的浏览器依然是我们工作的一部分(If it’s our job to support those browsers then that’s just part of our job.)
  2. 每一种工作都有好的部分和坏的部分(The truth is that every job has some part of it that sucks.),关注好的部分才会原谅坏的部分(You just need to focus on the good parts so you can tolerate the bad ones.)
  3. IE9是一个很不错的浏览器(Internet Explorer 9, on the other hand, is a damn good browser.),微软已经在努力纠正过去的错误了
  4. 正因为有多种浏览器 Web 才如此美丽(What makes the Web beautiful is precisely that there are multiple browsers and, if you build things correctly, your sites and applications work in them all.)
  5. 使用渐进增强,可以让 Web 应用程序使用任何新特性(There is absolutely nothing preventing you from using new features in your Web applications, that’s what progressive enhancement is all about.)
  6. 旧浏览器没有阻挡 Web,而是旧的思想在阻挡 Web(It’s not actually old browsers that are holding back the web, it’s old ways of thinking about the Web that are holding back the Web.)
  7. 创造解决方案而不要再对IE指手画脚
