ubuntu11.10 How can I install Adobe AIR?

down vote
I need Air for about three programs - YNAB, LongTailPro, Xtend:

Download Latest Version Air 2.6.0 For Linux to your Desktop:

http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/lin/download/2.6/AdobeAIRInstaller.bin - 15.4Mb
Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs - (32bit crap if you want to run this in x64 Ubuntu)

cd Desktop (change dir. to Desktop dir.)

chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin (change mode - execute permission yes)

sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin (run or execute as root - ./ + filename.bin)

Maybe you'll get an error after the last command?

" Sorry, an error has occured. Adobe AIR could not be installed. Install either Gnome Keyring or KDE KWallet before installing Adobe AIR."

This can be fixed:

Terminal, Ctrl+Alt+T - locate libgnome-keyring.so - (locate libgnome-keyring.so)

This is my result (yours might be different):



Create a symbolic link to your location strings that you found with the previous commands:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnome-keyring.so.0 /usr/lib/libgnome-keyring.so.0

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnome-keyring.so.0.2.0 /usr/lib/libgnome-keyring.so.0.2.0

Then repeat step 4 & 6 not 5 as the permission to execute the folder has already been changed.

Remove symbolic links after installation of Adobe AIR 2.6.0:

sudo rm /usr/lib/libgnome-keyring.so.0

sudo rm /usr/lib/libgnome-keyring.so.0.2.0



linkimprove this answer
edited Apr 14 at 9:10

answered Apr 9 at 2:26

up vote
down vote
Step 1: Get some Air Next download the Adobe Air .bin file (direct link here).

Step 2: Installation

Open a terminal (applications > Accessories > Terminal) and navigate to your Downloads folder (or the folder in which you saved the .bin file).

* cd Download/
We need to let the .bin file have permissions to install so enter the following command carefully: -

* chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
Now lets install it:

* ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
Installation should zip though and, if everything goes okay, a new menu entry will appear in ‘Applications > Accessories’ titled ‘Adobe Air Application Installer’.
