//#define NET35 namespace TestConsoleApplication { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microshaoft; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Begin ..."); Random r = new Random(); int sleep = 100; int iterations = 2000; int maxDegreeOfParallelism = 8; // Environment.ProcessorCount; var performanceCountersCategoryName = "Microshaoft EasyPerformanceCounters Category"; var performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName = string.Format ( "{2}{0}{3}{1}{4}" , ": " , " @ " , "" , "" , Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName ); //EasyPerformanceCountersHelper 调用示例 //调用 EasyPerformanceCountersHelper.AttachPerformanceCountersCategoryInstance 可加载性能计数器 EasyPerformanceCountersHelper.AttachPerformanceCountersCategoryInstance ( performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName + "-1" ); var enableCounters = MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessCounter | MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedAverageTimerCounter | MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedCounter | MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondCounter | MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessingCounter; //EasyPerformanceCountersHelper 可以直接使用 比如 用于 ASP.NET page_load 程序中代码中 EasyPerformanceCountersHelper.CountPerformance ( enableCounters , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName + "-1" , null , () => { //需要性能计数器的代码段 //begin ============================================== var x = r.Next(0, 10) * sleep; Thread.Sleep(x); //end ================================================ } , null ); Parallel.For ( 0 , 99 , (x) => { Stopwatch stopwatch = EasyPerformanceCountersHelper.CountPerformanceBegin ( enableCounters , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName + "-1" ); //需要性能计数器的代码段 //begin ============================================== var xx = r.Next(0, 10) * sleep; Thread.Sleep(xx); //end ================================================ if (stopwatch != null) { EasyPerformanceCountersHelper.CountPerformanceEnd ( enableCounters , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName + "-1" , stopwatch ); stopwatch = null; } } ); //CodeTimerPerformance 调用示例 //CodeTimerPerformance.AttachPerformanceCountersCategoryInstance 可加载性能计数器 CodeTimerPerformance.AttachPerformanceCountersCategoryInstance ( performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName + "-2" ); enableCounters = MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessCounter | MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessingCounter | MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedCounter | MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedAverageTimerCounter | MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondCounter; //enableCounters = MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None; CodeTimerPerformance.ParallelTime ( "ParallelTime1" , iterations , () => { //需要性能计数器的代码段 //begin ============================================== var x = r.Next(0, 10) * sleep; Thread.Sleep(x); //end ================================================ } , maxDegreeOfParallelism , enableCounters , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName + "-1" ); CodeTimerPerformance.Time ( "Time2" , iterations , () => { //需要性能计数器的代码段 //begin ============================================== var x = r.Next(0, 10) * sleep; Thread.Sleep(x); //end ================================================ } //, maxDegreeOfParallelism , enableCounters , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName + "-2" ); Console.WriteLine("End ..."); Console.ReadLine(); } } } namespace Microshaoft { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; public static class CodeTimerPerformance { public static void Initialize() { Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High; Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; Time("", 1, () => { }, MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None, string.Empty, string.Empty); } public static void AttachPerformanceCountersCategoryInstance ( string performanceCountersCategoryName , string performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ) { EasyPerformanceCountersHelper.AttachPerformanceCountersCategoryInstance ( performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ); } public static void ParallelTime ( string name , int iterations , Action actionOnce , int maxDegreeOfParallelism //= 1 , MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags enablePerformanceCounters //= false , string performanceCountersCategoryName , string performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ) { // 1. ConsoleColor currentForeColor = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(name); // 2. GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced); int[] gcCounts = new int[GC.MaxGeneration + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= GC.MaxGeneration; i++) { gcCounts[i] = GC.CollectionCount(i); } IntPtr threadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); ulong cycleCount = GetCurrentThreadCycleCount(); Parallel.For ( 0 , iterations , new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxDegreeOfParallelism //, TaskScheduler = null } , (x) => { EasyPerformanceCountersHelper.CountPerformance ( enablePerformanceCounters , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName , null , actionOnce , null ); } ); ulong cpuCycles = GetCurrentThreadCycleCount() - cycleCount; watch.Stop(); //watch = null; // 4. Console.ForegroundColor = currentForeColor; Console.WriteLine ( "{0}Time Elapsed:{0}{1}ms" , "\t" , watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString("N0") ); Console.WriteLine ( "{0}CPU Cycles:{0}{1}" , "\t" , cpuCycles.ToString("N0") ); // 5. for (int i = 0; i <= GC.MaxGeneration; i++) { int count = GC.CollectionCount(i) - gcCounts[i]; Console.WriteLine ( "{0}Gen{1}:{0}{0}{2}" , "\t" , i , count ); } Console.WriteLine(); } public static void Time ( string name , int iterations , Action actionOnce , MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags enablePerformanceCounters //= false , string performanceCountersCategoryName , string performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ) { ParallelTime ( name , iterations , actionOnce , 1 , enablePerformanceCounters , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ); } private static ulong GetThreadCycleCount(IntPtr threadID) { ulong cycleCount = 0; QueryThreadCycleTime(threadID, ref cycleCount); return cycleCount; } private static ulong GetCurrentThreadCycleCount() { IntPtr threadID = GetCurrentThread(); return GetThreadCycleCount(threadID); } [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] static extern bool QueryThreadCycleTime(IntPtr threadHandle, ref ulong cycleTime); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] static extern IntPtr GetCurrentThread(); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] static extern IntPtr GetCurrentThreadId(); } } namespace Microshaoft { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; //using System.Collections.Concurrent; public static class EasyPerformanceCountersHelper { private static Dictionary<string, CommonPerformanceCountersContainer> _dictionary = new Dictionary<string, CommonPerformanceCountersContainer>(); public static void AttachPerformanceCountersCategoryInstance ( string performanceCountersCategoryName , string performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ) { string key = string.Format ( "{1}{0}{2}" , "-" , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ); CommonPerformanceCountersContainer container = null; if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out container)) { container = new CommonPerformanceCountersContainer(); _dictionary.Add ( key , container //new CommonPerformanceCountersContainer() ); container.AttachPerformanceCountersToProperties(performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName, performanceCountersCategoryName); } } private static object _lockerObject = new object(); public static Stopwatch CountPerformanceBegin ( MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags enabledPerformanceCounters , string performanceCountersCategoryName , string performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ) { Stopwatch r = null; if (enabledPerformanceCounters != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None) { string key = string.Format ( "{1}{0}{2}" , "-" , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ); CommonPerformanceCountersContainer container = null; if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out container)) { lock (_lockerObject) { container = new CommonPerformanceCountersContainer(); _dictionary.Add ( key , new CommonPerformanceCountersContainer() ); container.AttachPerformanceCountersToProperties ( performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName , performanceCountersCategoryName ); } } var enableProcessCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessCounter) { container.PrcocessPerformanceCounter.Increment(); } var enableProcessingCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessingCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessingCounter) { container.ProcessingPerformanceCounter.Increment(); } var enableProcessedAverageTimerCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedAverageTimerCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessedAverageTimerCounter) { r = Stopwatch.StartNew(); } } return r; } public static void CountPerformanceEnd ( MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags enabledPerformanceCounters , string performanceCountersCategoryName , string performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName , Stopwatch stopwatch ) { string key = string.Format ( "{1}{0}{2}" , "-" , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ); CommonPerformanceCountersContainer container = null; if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out container)) { return; } var enableProcessedAverageTimerCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedAverageTimerCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessedAverageTimerCounter) { if (stopwatch != null) { PerformanceCounter performanceCounter = container.ProcessedAverageTimerPerformanceCounter; PerformanceCounter basePerformanceCounter = container.ProcessedAverageBasePerformanceCounter; stopwatch.Stop(); performanceCounter.IncrementBy(stopwatch.ElapsedTicks); basePerformanceCounter.Increment(); //stopwatch = null; } } var enableProcessingCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessingCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessingCounter) { container.ProcessingPerformanceCounter.Decrement(); } var enableProcessedPerformanceCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessedPerformanceCounter) { container.ProcessedPerformanceCounter.Increment(); } var enableProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondPerformanceCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondPerformanceCounter) { container.ProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondPerformanceCounter.Increment(); } } public static void CountPerformance ( MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags enabledPerformanceCounters , string performanceCountersCategoryName , string performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName , Action onBeforeCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction , Action onCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction , Action onAfterCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction ) { if (enabledPerformanceCounters != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None) { if (onCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction != null) { string key = string.Format ( "{1}{0}{2}" , "-" , performanceCountersCategoryName , performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName ); CommonPerformanceCountersContainer container = null; if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out container)) { lock (_lockerObject) { container = new CommonPerformanceCountersContainer(); _dictionary.Add ( key , new CommonPerformanceCountersContainer() ); container.AttachPerformanceCountersToProperties ( performanceCountersCategoryInstanceName , performanceCountersCategoryName ); } } var enableProcessCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessCounter) { container.PrcocessPerformanceCounter.Increment(); } var enableProcessingCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessingCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessingCounter) { container.ProcessingPerformanceCounter.Increment(); } var enableProcessedAverageTimerCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedAverageTimerCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); try { container.ProcessedAverageTimerPerformanceCounter.ChangeAverageTimerCounterValueWithTryCatchExceptionFinally ( enableProcessedAverageTimerCounter , container.ProcessedAverageBasePerformanceCounter , () => { if (onCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction != null) { if (onBeforeCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction != null) { onBeforeCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction(); } onCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction(); if (onAfterCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction != null) { onAfterCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction(); } } } , null , null ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("ReThrow Exception On Caught Excepion", e); } finally { if (enableProcessingCounter) { container.ProcessingPerformanceCounter.Decrement(); } var enableProcessedPerformanceCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessedPerformanceCounter) { container.ProcessedPerformanceCounter.Increment(); } var enableProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondPerformanceCounter = ( (enabledPerformanceCounters & MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.ProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondCounter) != MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags.None ); if (enableProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondPerformanceCounter) { container.ProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondPerformanceCounter.Increment(); } } } } else { if (onCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction != null) { onCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction(); } } } } } //========================================================================================= //========================================================================================= namespace Microshaoft { using System; using System.Diagnostics; public class CommonPerformanceCountersContainer { #region PerformanceCounters private PerformanceCounter _processPerformanceCounter; [PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute(CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64, CounterName = "01.接收处理笔数(笔)")] public PerformanceCounter PrcocessPerformanceCounter { private set { ReaderWriterLockSlimHelper.TryEnterWriterLockSlimWrite<PerformanceCounter>(ref _processPerformanceCounter, value, 2); } get { return _processPerformanceCounter; } } private PerformanceCounter _processingPerformanceCounter; [PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute(CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64, CounterName = "02.正在处理笔数(笔)")] public PerformanceCounter ProcessingPerformanceCounter { private set { ReaderWriterLockSlimHelper.TryEnterWriterLockSlimWrite<PerformanceCounter>(ref _processingPerformanceCounter, value, 2); } get { return _processingPerformanceCounter; } } private PerformanceCounter _processedPerformanceCounter; [PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute(CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64, CounterName = "03.完成处理笔数(笔)")] public PerformanceCounter ProcessedPerformanceCounter { private set { ReaderWriterLockSlimHelper.TryEnterWriterLockSlimWrite<PerformanceCounter>(ref _processedPerformanceCounter, value, 2); } get { return _processedPerformanceCounter; } } private PerformanceCounter _processedRateOfCountsPerSecondPerformanceCounter; [PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute(CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.RateOfCountsPerSecond64, CounterName = "04.每秒完成处理笔数(笔/秒)")] public PerformanceCounter ProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondPerformanceCounter { private set { ReaderWriterLockSlimHelper.TryEnterWriterLockSlimWrite<PerformanceCounter>(ref _processedRateOfCountsPerSecondPerformanceCounter, value, 2); } get { return _processedRateOfCountsPerSecondPerformanceCounter; } } private PerformanceCounter _ProcessedAverageTimerPerformanceCounter; [PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute(CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.AverageTimer32, CounterName = "05.平均每笔处理耗时秒数(秒/笔)")] public PerformanceCounter ProcessedAverageTimerPerformanceCounter { private set { ReaderWriterLockSlimHelper.TryEnterWriterLockSlimWrite<PerformanceCounter>(ref _ProcessedAverageTimerPerformanceCounter, value, 2); } get { return _ProcessedAverageTimerPerformanceCounter; } } private PerformanceCounter _processedAverageBasePerformanceCounter; [PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute(CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.AverageBase)] public PerformanceCounter ProcessedAverageBasePerformanceCounter { private set { ReaderWriterLockSlimHelper.TryEnterWriterLockSlimWrite<PerformanceCounter>(ref _processedAverageBasePerformanceCounter, value, 2); } get { return _processedAverageBasePerformanceCounter; } } #endregion // indexer declaration public PerformanceCounter this[string name] { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); //return null; } } //private bool _isAttachedPerformanceCounters = false; public void AttachPerformanceCountersToProperties ( string instanceName , string categoryName ) { var type = this.GetType(); PerformanceCountersHelper.AttachPerformanceCountersToProperties<CommonPerformanceCountersContainer>(instanceName, categoryName, this); } } } namespace Microshaoft { using System; using System.Diagnostics; public static class PerformanceCounterExtensionMethodsManager { public static T ChangeCounterValueWithTryCatchExceptionFinally<T> ( this PerformanceCounter performanceCounter , bool enabled , Func<PerformanceCounter, T> onCounterChangeProcessFunc //= null , Action<PerformanceCounter> onCounterChangedProcessAction //= null , Func<PerformanceCounter, Exception, bool> onCaughtExceptionProcessFunc //= null , Action<PerformanceCounter> onCaughtExceptionFinallyProcessAction //= null ) { T r = default(T); if (enabled) { if (onCounterChangeProcessFunc != null) { var caughtException = false; try { r = onCounterChangeProcessFunc(performanceCounter); } catch (Exception e) { caughtException = true; var reThrow = true; if (onCaughtExceptionProcessFunc != null) { reThrow = onCaughtExceptionProcessFunc(performanceCounter, e); } if (reThrow) { throw new Exception("ReThrow Exception On Caught Excepion", e); } } finally { if (caughtException) { if (onCaughtExceptionFinallyProcessAction != null) { onCaughtExceptionFinallyProcessAction(performanceCounter); } } } } } if (onCounterChangedProcessAction != null) { var caughtException = false; try { onCounterChangedProcessAction(performanceCounter); } catch (Exception e) { caughtException = true; var reThrow = true; if (onCaughtExceptionProcessFunc != null) { reThrow = onCaughtExceptionProcessFunc(performanceCounter, e); } if (reThrow) { throw new Exception("ReThrow Exception On Caught Excepion", e); } } finally { if (caughtException) { if (onCaughtExceptionFinallyProcessAction != null) { onCaughtExceptionFinallyProcessAction(performanceCounter); } } } } return r; } public static void ChangeAverageTimerCounterValueWithTryCatchExceptionFinally ( this PerformanceCounter performanceCounter , bool enabled , PerformanceCounter basePerformanceCounter , Action onCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction //= null , Func<PerformanceCounter, Exception, bool> onCaughtExceptionProcessFunc //= null , Action<PerformanceCounter, PerformanceCounter> onCaughtExceptionFinallyProcessAction //= null ) { if (enabled) { var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); if (onCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction != null) { var caughtException = false; try { onCountPerformanceInnerProcessAction(); } catch (Exception e) { caughtException = true; var reThrow = true; if (onCaughtExceptionProcessFunc != null) { reThrow = onCaughtExceptionProcessFunc(performanceCounter, e); } if (reThrow) { throw new Exception("ReThrow Exception On Caught Excepion", e); } } finally { stopwatch.Stop(); performanceCounter.IncrementBy(stopwatch.ElapsedTicks); stopwatch = null; basePerformanceCounter.Increment(); if (caughtException) { if (onCaughtExceptionFinallyProcessAction != null) { onCaughtExceptionFinallyProcessAction(performanceCounter, basePerformanceCounter); } } } } } } } } namespace Microshaoft { using System; using System.Diagnostics; [FlagsAttribute] public enum MultiPerformanceCountersTypeFlags : ushort { None = 0, ProcessCounter = 1, ProcessingCounter = 2, ProcessedCounter = 4, ProcessedAverageTimerCounter = 8, ProcessedRateOfCountsPerSecondCounter = 16 }; [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] public class PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute : Attribute { public PerformanceCounterType CounterType; public string CounterName; } } namespace Microshaoft { using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; public static class PerformanceCountersHelper { public static void AttachPerformanceCountersToProperties<T> ( string performanceCounterInstanceName , string category , T target //= default(T) ) { var type = typeof(T); var propertiesList = type.GetProperties().ToList(); propertiesList = propertiesList.Where ( (pi) => { var parameters = pi.GetIndexParameters(); return ( pi.PropertyType == typeof(PerformanceCounter) && (parameters == null ? 0 : parameters.Length) <= 0 ); } ).ToList(); if (PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(category)) { propertiesList.ForEach ( (pi) => { if (PerformanceCounterCategory.CounterExists(pi.Name, category)) { if (PerformanceCounterCategory.InstanceExists(performanceCounterInstanceName, category)) { //var pc = new PerformanceCounter(category, pi.Name, instanceName, false); //pc.InstanceName = instanceName; //pc.RemoveInstance(); } } } ); //PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete(category); } if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(category)) { var ccdc = new CounterCreationDataCollection(); propertiesList.ForEach ( (pi) => { var propertyName = pi.Name; var performanceCounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64; var performanceCounterName = propertyName; var attribute = pi.GetCustomAttributes(false).FirstOrDefault ( (x) => { return x as PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute != null; } ) as PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute; if (attribute != null) { var counterName = attribute.CounterName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(counterName)) { performanceCounterName = counterName; } var counterType = attribute.CounterType; //if (counterType != null) { performanceCounterType = counterType; } } var ccd = PerformanceCountersHelper.GetCounterCreationData ( performanceCounterName , performanceCounterType ); ccdc.Add(ccd); } ); PerformanceCounterCategory.Create ( category, string.Format("{0} Category Help.", category), PerformanceCounterCategoryType.MultiInstance, ccdc ); } propertiesList.ForEach ( (pi) => { var propertyName = pi.Name; var performanceCounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64; var performanceCounterName = propertyName; var attribute = pi.GetCustomAttributes(false).FirstOrDefault ( (x) => { return x as PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute != null; } ) as PerformanceCounterDefinitionAttribute; if (attribute != null) { var counterName = attribute.CounterName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(counterName)) { performanceCounterName = counterName; } var counterType = attribute.CounterType; //if (counterType != null) { performanceCounterType = counterType; } } var pc = new PerformanceCounter() { CategoryName = category , CounterName = performanceCounterName , InstanceLifetime = PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime.Process , InstanceName = performanceCounterInstanceName , ReadOnly = false , RawValue = 0 }; if (pi.GetGetMethod().IsStatic) { var setter = DynamicPropertyAccessor.CreateSetStaticPropertyValueAction<PerformanceCounter>(type, propertyName); setter(pc); } else { if (target != null) { var setter = DynamicPropertyAccessor.CreateSetPropertyValueAction<PerformanceCounter>(type, propertyName); setter(target, pc); } } } ); } public static CounterCreationData GetCounterCreationData(string counterName, PerformanceCounterType performanceCounterType) { return new CounterCreationData() { CounterName = counterName , CounterHelp = string.Format("{0} Help", counterName) , CounterType = performanceCounterType }; } } } namespace Microshaoft { using System; using System.Threading; public static class ReaderWriterLockSlimHelper { public static bool TryEnterWriterLockSlimWrite<T> ( ref T target , T newValue , int enterTimeOutSeconds ) where T : class { bool r = false; var rwls = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(); int timeOut = Timeout.Infinite; if (enterTimeOutSeconds >= 0) { timeOut = enterTimeOutSeconds * 1000; } try { r = (rwls.TryEnterWriteLock(timeOut)); if (r) { Interlocked.Exchange<T>(ref target, newValue); r = true; } } finally { if (r) { rwls.ExitWriteLock(); } } return r; } public static bool TryEnterWriterLockSlim ( Action action , int enterTimeOutSeconds ) { bool r = false; if (action != null) { var rwls = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(); int timeOut = Timeout.Infinite; if (enterTimeOutSeconds >= 0) { timeOut = enterTimeOutSeconds * 1000; } try { r = (rwls.TryEnterWriteLock(timeOut)); if (r) { action(); r = true; } } finally { if (r) { rwls.ExitWriteLock(); } } } return r; } } } namespace Microshaoft { using System; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; public class DynamicPropertyAccessor { private static Assembly GetAssemblyByTypeName(string typeName) { return AppDomain .CurrentDomain .GetAssemblies() .First ( (a) => { return a .GetTypes() .Any ( (t) => { return ( t.FullName == typeName ); } ); } ); } public static Func<object, object> CreateGetPropertyValueFunc ( string typeName , string propertyName , bool isTypeFromAssembly = false ) { Type type; if (isTypeFromAssembly) { var assembly = GetAssemblyByTypeName(typeName); type = assembly.GetType(typeName); } else { type = Type.GetType(typeName); } return CreateGetPropertyValueFunc(type, propertyName); } public static Func<object, object> CreateGetPropertyValueFunc ( Type type , string propertyName ) { var target = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object)); var castTarget = Expression.Convert(target, type); var getPropertyValue = Expression.Property(castTarget, propertyName); var castPropertyValue = Expression.Convert(getPropertyValue, typeof(object)); var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(castPropertyValue, target); return lambda.Compile(); } public static Func<object, TProperty> CreateGetPropertyValueFunc<TProperty> ( string typeName , string propertyName , bool isTypeFromAssembly = false ) { Type type; if (isTypeFromAssembly) { var assembly = GetAssemblyByTypeName(typeName); type = assembly.GetType(typeName); } else { type = Type.GetType(typeName); } return CreateGetPropertyValueFunc<TProperty>(type, propertyName); } public static Func<object, TProperty> CreateGetPropertyValueFunc<TProperty> ( Type type , string propertyName ) { var target = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object)); var castTarget = Expression.Convert(target, type); var getPropertyValue = Expression.Property(castTarget, propertyName); var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, TProperty>>(getPropertyValue, target); return lambda.Compile(); } public static Func<TProperty> CreateGetStaticPropertyValueFunc<TProperty> ( string typeName , string propertyName , bool isTypeFromAssembly = false ) { Type type; if (isTypeFromAssembly) { var assembly = GetAssemblyByTypeName(typeName); type = assembly.GetType(typeName); } else { type = Type.GetType(typeName); } return CreateGetStaticPropertyValueFunc<TProperty>(type, propertyName); } public static Func<TProperty> CreateGetStaticPropertyValueFunc<TProperty> ( Type type , string propertyName ) { Func<TProperty> func = null; var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName, typeof(TProperty)); if (property == null) { property = type .GetProperties() .ToList() .FirstOrDefault ( (x) => { return ( x.Name.ToLower() == propertyName.ToLower() ); } ); } if (property != null) { var getPropertyValue = Expression.Property(null, property); var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TProperty>>(getPropertyValue, null); func = lambda.Compile(); } return func; } public static Func<object> CreateGetStaticPropertyValueFunc ( Type type , string propertyName ) { Func<object> func = null; var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName); if (property == null) { property = type .GetProperties() .ToList() .FirstOrDefault ( (x) => { return ( x.Name.ToLower() == propertyName.ToLower() ); } ); } if (property != null) { var getPropertyValue = Expression.Property(null, property); var castPropertyValue = Expression.Convert(getPropertyValue, typeof(object)); var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(castPropertyValue, null); func = lambda.Compile(); } return func; } public static Func<object> CreateGetStaticPropertyValueFunc ( string typeName , string propertyName , bool isTypeFromAssembly = false ) { Type type; if (isTypeFromAssembly) { var assembly = GetAssemblyByTypeName(typeName); type = assembly.GetType(typeName); } else { type = Type.GetType(typeName); } return CreateGetStaticPropertyValueFunc(type, propertyName); } public static Action<object, object> CreateSetPropertyValueAction ( Type type , string propertyName ) { Action<object, object> action = null; var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName); if (property == null) { property = type .GetProperties() .ToList() .FirstOrDefault ( (x) => { return ( x.Name.ToLower() == propertyName.ToLower() ); } ); } if (property != null) { var target = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object)); var propertyValue = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object)); var castTarget = Expression.Convert(target, type); var castPropertyValue = Expression.Convert(propertyValue, property.PropertyType); var getSetMethod = property.GetSetMethod(); if (getSetMethod == null) { getSetMethod = property.GetSetMethod(true); } var call = Expression.Call(castTarget, getSetMethod, castPropertyValue); var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<object, object>>(call, target, propertyValue); action = lambda.Compile(); } return action; } public static Action<object, object> CreateSetPropertyValueAction ( string typeName , string propertyName , bool isTypeFromAssembly = false ) { Type type; if (isTypeFromAssembly) { var assembly = GetAssemblyByTypeName(typeName); type = assembly.GetType(typeName); } else { type = Type.GetType(typeName); } return CreateSetPropertyValueAction(type, propertyName); } public static Action<object, TProperty> CreateSetPropertyValueAction<TProperty> ( Type type , string propertyName ) { Action<object, TProperty> action = null; var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName); if (property == null) { property = type .GetProperties() .ToList() .FirstOrDefault ( (x) => { return ( x.Name.ToLower() == propertyName.ToLower() ); } ); } if (property != null) { var target = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object)); var propertyValue = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TProperty)); var castTarget = Expression.Convert(target, type); var castPropertyValue = Expression.Convert(propertyValue, property.PropertyType); var getSetMethod = property.GetSetMethod(); if (getSetMethod == null) { getSetMethod = property.GetSetMethod(true); } var call = Expression.Call(castTarget, getSetMethod, castPropertyValue); var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<object, TProperty>>(call, target, propertyValue); action = lambda.Compile(); } return action; } public static Action<object, TProperty> CreateSetPropertyValueAction<TProperty> ( string typeName , string propertyName , bool isTypeFromAssembly = false ) { Type type; if (isTypeFromAssembly) { var assembly = GetAssemblyByTypeName(typeName); type = assembly.GetType(typeName); } else { type = Type.GetType(typeName); } return CreateSetPropertyValueAction<TProperty>(type, propertyName); } public static Action<object> CreateSetStaticPropertyValueAction ( Type type , string propertyName ) { Action<object> action = null; var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName); if (property == null) { property = type .GetProperties() .ToList() .FirstOrDefault ( (x) => { return ( x.Name.ToLower() == propertyName.ToLower() ); } ); } if (property != null) { var propertyValue = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object)); var castPropertyValue = Expression.Convert(propertyValue, property.PropertyType); var getSetMethod = property.GetSetMethod(); if (getSetMethod == null) { getSetMethod = property.GetSetMethod(true); } var call = Expression.Call(null, getSetMethod, castPropertyValue); var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<object>>(call, propertyValue); action = lambda.Compile(); } return action; } public static Action<object> CreateSetStaticPropertyValueAction ( string typeName , string propertyName , bool isTypeFromAssembly = false ) { Type type; if (isTypeFromAssembly) { var assembly = GetAssemblyByTypeName(typeName); type = assembly.GetType(typeName); } else { type = Type.GetType(typeName); } return CreateSetStaticPropertyValueAction(type, propertyName); } public static Action<TProperty> CreateSetStaticPropertyValueAction<TProperty> ( Type type , string propertyName ) { Action<TProperty> action = null; var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName); if (property == null) { property = type .GetProperties() .ToList() .FirstOrDefault ( (x) => { return ( x.Name.ToLower() == propertyName.ToLower() ); } ); } if (property != null) { var propertyValue = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TProperty)); //var castPropertyValue = Expression.Convert(propertyValue, property.PropertyType); var getSetMethod = property.GetSetMethod(); if (getSetMethod == null) { getSetMethod = property.GetSetMethod(true); } var call = Expression.Call(null, getSetMethod, propertyValue); var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<TProperty>>(call, propertyValue); action = lambda.Compile(); } return action; } public static Action<TProperty> CreateSetStaticPropertyValueAction<TProperty> ( string typeName , string propertyName , bool isTypeFromAssembly = false ) { Type type; if (isTypeFromAssembly) { var assembly = GetAssemblyByTypeName(typeName); type = assembly.GetType(typeName); } else { type = Type.GetType(typeName); } return CreateSetStaticPropertyValueAction<TProperty>(type, propertyName); } } } //以下 only for .NET 3.5 ============================= #if NET35 namespace System.Threading.Tasks { using System; using System.Threading; public class ParallelOptions { public int MaxDegreeOfParallelism { set; get; } } public static class Parallel { public static void For ( int from , int to , ParallelOptions options , Action<int> action ) { var iterations = to - from; var threads = options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism; var ares = new AutoResetEvent[threads]; var i = 0; var count = 0; Array.ForEach ( ares , (x) => { var are = new AutoResetEvent(false); ares[i++] = are; new Thread ( new ThreadStart ( () => { while (true) { int j = Interlocked.Increment(ref from); if (j <= to) { Interlocked.Increment(ref count); action(j); } else { break; } } are.Set(); } ) ).Start(); } ); WaitHandle.WaitAll(ares); Console.WriteLine(count); } } } #endif |