Apache TomEE Web stack passes TCK

Called Apache TomEE, the stack has been certified by Oracle via the Java Community Process. The stack can be used for deploying Web applications. Developers using the stack are ensured portability across Java EE-compatible solutions, Apache said. Components of the stack include the enterprise edition of the Tomcat Java servlet container, along with several other Apache projects: OpenEJB (Enterprise JavaBeans); OpenWebBeans, for Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) capabilities; OpenJPA (Java Persistence API), for data access; and MyFaces, for server-side Web applications.

称之为“Apache TomEE”的一站式服务框架已经通过Oracle的JCP认证。该框架能被用于部署Web App。Apache官方声称能确保使用该框架的开发者能保持JEE兼容方案的可移植性。 该框架的组件包括:企业版Tomcat Java Servet容器,OpenEJB(Enterprise JavaBeans),OpenWebBeans(上下文和依赖注入),OpenJPA(Java Persistence API,数据访问接口),MyFaces(服务端Web app)
