
1) From the command line, type in, ENVI,

2) Click File|Open External File|Generic Format|HDF. Select a file and click OK

3) Select both precipitation and relativeError (e.g., 3B43.100201.6A.HDF) and click OK. Select BSQ in HDF Data Set Storage Order

4) Select Basic Tools|Rotate/Flip Data. Select Data Set #1 (precipitation) and click OK. Type in -90 degrees and select Memory.

5) Right click Memory1 and select Edit Header. Click Edit Attributes|Map Info. Fill in the table with Image X = 1, Image Y = 1;
-179.875 and 49.875 for Map Coordinate of the Tie Point. Put 0.25 degree for Pixel Size of both X and Y. Click OK.

6) Pick the parameter you just added the map info to and click Load Band.

