

  JavaScript 作为一门语法灵活多变且对格式要求相对松散的语言,代码格式的混乱和某些语言特性的不正确使用,往往使得最终交付的产品中包含许多因编码风格约定造成的未预见的行为或错误,这种习惯性的问题如果不及时指出并修改,往往会在项目的迭代过程中不断的重现,严重影响 Web 产品的稳定性与安全性。

  JSLint 正是 Douglas Crockford 为解决此类问题创建的工具,JSLint 除了能指出这些不合理的约定,还能标出结构方面的问题。虽然 JSLint 不能保证代码逻辑一定正确,但却有助于发现错误并教会开发人员一些好的编码实践。值得一提的是 JSLint 工具本身也是一段 JavaScript 代码,它是检验 JavaScript 代码质量的 JavaScript 脚本。

  JSLint 对 JavaScript 脚本的质量检测主要包括以下几个方面:

  • 检测语法错误:例如大括号“{}”的配对错误。
  • 变量定义规范:例如未定义变量的检测。
  • 代码格式规范:例如句末分号的缺失。
  • 蹩脚语言特性的使用检测:如 eval 和 with 的使用限制。

  目前,与 JSLint 功能类似的 JavaScript 代码检测工具有很多,包括:YUI Test、Firebug、MS Script Debugger 、CompanionJS 等等,它们中大多数都是以浏览器插件的形式存在于客户端浏览器进行 JavaScript 运行时的检测和调试,JSLint 与这些工具的重要区别在于其更加注重静态代码格式的检测,而这也正是当前火热的敏捷开发中持续构建所需要和提倡的。





Step One: Open Eclipse up on your machine and
go to ‘Help’ -> ‘Install New Software’

Step Two: Click ‘add’ and to stuff the
with the following


then click ‘ok’.

Step Three: Selecting ‘Javascript Development
Tools’ and ‘jslint4java’ and click next.



Step One: Download jslint4java

Step Two: Put jslint4java.jar somewhere

Step Three: Add an external tool configuration
in Eclipse:

Location: /usr/bin/java(or your path to

Arguments: -jar E:/java_tools/jsLint4/jslint4java-2.0.3/jslint4java-2.0.3.jar ${resource_loc} --debug --warnings

 http://code.google.com/p/jslint4java/ jslint4java.jar and source

 Usage: jslint4java [options] file.js ...
       If the space may be omitted in anonymous function declarations
       If bitwise operators should be allowed
       If the standard browser globals should be predefined
       If the continuation statement should be tolerated
       If css workarounds should be tolerated
       If debugger statements should be allowed
       If logging should be allowed (console, alert, etc.)
       Specify the input encoding
       If == should be allowed
       If es5 syntax should be allowed
       If eval should be allowed
       If for in statements need not filter
       If html fragments should be allowed
       Display usage information
       Default: false
       The indentation factor
       Specify an alternative version of jslint.js
       The maximum number of errors to allow
       The maximum length of a source line
       If constructor names capitalization is ignored
       If node.js globals should be predefined
       If names may have dangling _
       If html event handlers should be allowed
       If the scan should stop on first error
       If increment/decrement should be allowed
       The names of predefined global variables
       If all property names must be declared with /*properties*/
       If the . should be allowed in regexp literals
       Display report in different formats: plain, xml, junit, checkstyle and
       If the rhino environment globals should be predefined
       If the 'use strict'; pragma is optional
       If really stupid practices are tolerated
       If all forms of subscript notation are tolerated
       Maximum number of seconds JSLint can run for
       Default: 0
       If todo comments are tolerated
       If variables can be declared out of order
       If unused parameters should be tolerated
       If multiple var statements per function should be allowed
       Show the version of JSLint in use.
       Default: false
       Enable additional warnings (jslint4java)
       If sloppy whitespace is tolerated
       If ms windows-specific globals should be predefined

using jslint version 2012-12-04



1. Help -> Install new software

2. Click the 'Add' button

Name : Rockstar Apps (or whatever you want)

Location : http://update.rockstarapps.com/site.xml

3. expend the selection and check Rockstar

4. Click 'Next'...again

5. Accept and install

(you'll have to hit okay when it prompts you
about installing unsigned content).

6. Restart





