Console.WriteLine("Main thread: starting a dedicated thread " + "to do an asynchronous operation"); Thread dedicatedThread = new Thread(ComputeBoundOp); dedicatedThread.Start(5); Console.WriteLine("Main thread: Doing other work here..."); //Thread.Sleep(10000); // Simulating other work (10 seconds) dedicatedThread.Join(); // 等待dedicatedThread线程执行完才会继续下面的线程 Console.WriteLine("haiziguo"); Console.ReadLine(); } // This method's signature must match the ParametizedThreadStart delegate private static void ComputeBoundOp(Object state) { // This method is executed by a thread pool thread Console.WriteLine("In ComputeBoundOp: state={0}", state); Thread.Sleep(10000); // Simulates other work (1 second) // When this method returns, the dedicated thread dies }
CallContext.LogicalSetData("Name", "Jeffrey"); // Initiate some work to be done by a thread pool thread // The thread pool thread can access the logical call context data ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( state => Console.WriteLine("Name={0}", CallContext.LogicalGetData("Name"))); // Suppress the flowing of the Main thread’s execution context ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow(); // Initiate some work to be done by a thread pool thread // The thread pool thread can NOT access the logical call context data ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( state => Console.WriteLine("Name={0}", CallContext.LogicalGetData("Name")));
private static void CancellingAWorkItem() { CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); // Pass the CancellationToken and the number-to-count-to into the operation ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => Count(cts.Token, 1000)); Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to cancel the operation."); Console.ReadLine(); cts.Cancel(); // If Count returned already, Cancel has no effect on it // Cancel returns immediately, and the method continues running here... Console.ReadLine(); // For testing purposes } private static void Count(CancellationToken token, Int32 countTo) { for (Int32 count = 0; count < countTo; count++) { if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { Console.WriteLine("Count is cancelled"); break; // Exit the loop to stop the operation } Console.WriteLine(count); Thread.Sleep(200); // For demo, waste some time } Console.WriteLine("Count is done"); }
如果禁止被取消时,可以传入一个Token的静态变量。可以使用CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cts1.Token, cts2.Token);来创建多个,一个取消时,LinkedTokenSource就取消。可以创建多个。
Task<Int32> t = new Task<Int32>(n => Sum((Int32)n), 10000); // You can start the task sometime later t.Start(); // Optionally, you can explicitly wait for the task to complete t.Wait(); // FYI: Overloads exist accepting a timeout/CancellationToken // Get the result (the Result property internally calls Wait) Console.WriteLine("The sum is: " + t.Result); // An Int32 value
private static Int32 Sum(CancellationToken ct, Int32 n) { Int32 sum = 0; for (; n > 0; n--) { // The following line throws OperationCanceledException when Cancel // is called on the CancellationTokenSource referred to by the token //如果使用CancellationToken的取消,那么就抛出异常, //判断是否是指定的异常,来判断是否是取消了任务 ct.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); Console.WriteLine(n); //Thread.Sleep(0); // Simulate taking a long time checked { sum += n; } } return sum; }
private static void Cancel() { CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task<Int32> t = new Task<Int32>(() => Sum(cts.Token, 10000), cts.Token); t.Start(); // Sometime later, cancel the CancellationTokenSource to cancel the Task cts.Cancel(); try { // If the task got canceled, Result will throw an AggregateException Console.WriteLine("The sum is: " + t.Result); // An Int32 value } catch (AggregateException ae) { // Consider any OperationCanceledException objects as handled. // Any other exceptions cause a new AggregateException containing // only the unhandled exceptions to be thrown ae.Handle(e => e is OperationCanceledException); // If all the exceptions were handled, the following executes Console.WriteLine("Sum was canceled"); } }
//继续的任务会自动开始 // Create Task, defer starting it, continue with another task Task<Int32> t = new Task<Int32>(n => Sum((Int32)n), 10000); // You can start the task sometime later t.Start(); // ContinueWith returns a Task but you usually don't care Task cwt = t.ContinueWith(task => Console.WriteLine("The sum is: " + task.Result)); //cwt.Start();
// // 摘要: // 用 32 位无符号整数来度量时间间隔,以初始化 Timer 类的新实例。 // // 参数: // callback: // 一个 System.Threading.TimerCallback 委托,表示要执行的方法。 // // state: // 一个包含回调方法要使用的信息的对象,或者为 null。 // // dueTime: // 调用 callback 之前延迟的时间量(以毫秒为单位)。 指定 System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite 可防止启动计时器。 // 指定零 (0) 可立即启动计时器。 // // period: // 调用 callback 的时间间隔(以毫秒为单位)。 指定 System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite 可以禁用定期终止。 // // 异常: // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: // dueTime 或 period 参数为负,并且不等于 System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite。 // // System.ArgumentNullException: // callback 参数为 null。 [CLSCompliant(false)] [SecuritySafeCritical] public Timer(TimerCallback callback, object state, uint dueTime, uint period);
Timer timer = new Timer((s) => { for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { Console.WriteLine(i); } }, null, 0,Timeout.Infinite); Thread.Sleep(5000); timer.Change(0, Timeout.Infinite);
Timeout.Infinite, 然后再使用Change。