Content portal for Pocketables Tasker articles

I write a lot about Tasker, and the problem is that the more articles there are, the harder it is to find everything. This post will serve as a launch platform for Tasker content on the site, which will hopefully make it easier to find everything. It contains most Tasker posts from the site, although some have been omitted due to them either being unimportant, or known to be outdated.

Make sure to check out the section on the bottom of the page with some practical information regarding these links!


Beginner’s Guide

How-To articles

Quick tips

Advanced Tasker series

Provided As Is series (read disclaimer in the articles)

Other Tasker articles

Using Tasker with accessories

Reader requests

joaomgcd’s Tasker plug-ins (AutoRemote, AutoShortcut, etc)




Links to apps

Practical information about this page

Do note that articles generally aren’t updated over time, so make sure to check the time stamp of articles. Both Tasker and other important aspects of a creation might have changed since an article was published. Furthermore, Tasker creations I talk about in one article might no longer be in use by me, or have been heavily modified, changed or rewritten by the time another article was written.

Since device, OS version, ROM, installed apps, and Tasker version all have the potential to make a Tasker creation work for one person, but not another, there’s rarely much I can do if you come across something in an article that doesn’t work for you personally. You can always leave a comment and ask for help, but in a lot of cases, there’s nothing I can do without having the device in my hands.

August ’13 update: Starting this month I will have a lot less time on my hands. That means I will at best post less, likely not at all. I will also stop responding to most comments and questions, both here and elsewhere. A lot of the posts here will still be relevant for a long time to come, but as far as my involvement in the Tasker community goes, it’s pretty much over.

Keep up to date with new Tasker posts
