Bruce Eckel(著有多部编程书籍)和Jonas Boner(Akka的缔造者和Typesafe的CTO)发表了“反应性宣言”,在其中尝试着定义什么是反应性应用。
在这份宣言公布之后,Scala的创造者Martin Odersky、Reactive Extensions的创造者Erik Meijer和Akka科技公司的领导者Roland Kuhn,在Coursera上发布了一套免费课程,名为“反应性编程原理”:
Reactive Extensions(Rx)的优点在于能够将传统的异步编程方式从支离破碎的代码调用中解放出来。Rx能够使的我们可以将异步代码写到一个单独的方法中,使得代码可读性和可维护性大大增强。
《Reactive Extensions介绍》我们了解了Rx中的一些比较重要的操作符,本文中我们将会学习如何将Reactive Extensions(Rx)应用到我们的应用程序中。
public static void ObservableStart(int x, int y) { PlusTwoNumberAsync(x, y).Subscribe(Console.WriteLine); Console.ReadKey(); } private static IObservable<int> PlusTwoNumberAsync(int x, int y) { return Observable.Start(() => PlusTwoNumber(x, y)); } private static int PlusTwoNumber(int x, int y) { Thread.Sleep(5000); return x + y; }
private static IObservable<int> PlusTwoNumberReturnAsync(int x, int y) { return Observable.Return(PlusTwoNumber(x, y)); }
public static void ObservableSelectMany(int x, int y)
PlusTwoNumberStartAsync(x, y).SelectMany(aPlusB => MultiplyByFiveAsync(aPlusB)).Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
private static IObservable<int> MultiplyByFiveAsync(int x)
return Observable.Return(MultiplyByFive(x));
private static int MultiplyByFive(int x)
return x * 5;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // <copyright file="RxAsyncCall.cs" company=""> // TODO: Update copyright text. // </copyright> // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace RxPractice { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Reactive.Linq; using System.Threading; /// <summary> /// 异步调用 /// </summary> public class RxAsyncCall { public static void ObservableStart(int x, int y) { PlusTwoNumberStartAsync(x, y).Subscribe(Console.WriteLine); } public static void ObservableReturn(int x, int y) { PlusTwoNumberReturnAsync(x, y).Subscribe(Console.WriteLine); } public static void ObservableSelectMany(int x, int y) { PlusTwoNumberStartAsync(x, y).SelectMany(aPlusB => MultiplyByFiveAsync(aPlusB)).Subscribe(Console.WriteLine); } private static IObservable<int> PlusTwoNumberStartAsync(int x, int y) { return Observable.Start(() => PlusTwoNumber(x, y)); } private static int PlusTwoNumber(int x, int y) { Thread.Sleep(2000); return x + y; } private static IObservable<int> MultiplyByFiveAsync(int x) { return Observable.Return(MultiplyByFive(x)); } private static int MultiplyByFive(int x) { Thread.Sleep(5000); return x * 5; } private static IObservable<int> PlusTwoNumberReturnAsync(int x, int y) { return Observable.Return(PlusTwoNumber(x, y)); } } }
Implementing the GeoCoordinateWatcher as a Reactive Service
Using Reactive Extensions for Streaming Data from Database
Bing it on, Reactive Extensions! – Story, code and slides is the online resource for getting started with the Reactive Extensions to .Net