What happens if you have a USB printer and not via the LPT port?

Take a note of your computer name from your system configuration. Then open the printer conrol panel and right-click on the name of your USB printer. Select Sharing from the pop-up menu. If your USB printer does not already have a sharename, give it one (with no spaces or quotion marks, and preferably short, like EPSON or Lexmark etc). Click OK and exit the Sharing tab and printer list (if it is visible).

Use Start/Run and type CMD, then click OK or press Enter. Type the following:

net use lpt1 \\computer name\printer share name /persistent:yes

followed by enter.


net use lpt1 \\nickm\epson /persistent:yes

then use the following line in a DOS window:

copy filename.prn lpt1 /b

and your USB printer will print the file.

I think that all its doing is assigning the USB printer the LPT1 port so anything assiciated with LPT1 will go to the USB printer.

works for me (EPSON 895).

Let me know how it goes.

If you need to undo the assignment of LPT1 to the USB port for any reason (need to use an older printer/scanner), you need to type the following in a DOS prompt:

net use lpt1 /delete
