
// Copyright 2010 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions at <your ArcGIS install location>/DeveloperKit10.0/userestrictions.txt.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesFile;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB;

namespace GPCalculateArea

    public class CalculateAreaFunction : IGPFunction2
         private string m_ToolName = "CalculateArea"; //Function Name
        //Local members
        private string m_metadatafile = "CalculateArea_area.xml";
        private IArray m_Parameters;             // Array of Parameters
        private IGPUtilities m_GPUtilities;      // GPUtilities object
        public CalculateAreaFunction()
            m_GPUtilities = new GPUtilitiesClass();

        #region IGPFunction Members

        // Set the name of the function tool. 
        // This name appears when executing the tool at the command line or in scripting. 
        // This name should be unique to each toolbox and must not contain spaces.
        public string Name
            get { return m_ToolName; }

        // Set the function tool Display Name as seen in ArcToolbox.
        public string DisplayName
            get { return "Calculate Area"; }

        // This is the location where the parameters to the Function Tool are defined. 
        // This property returns an IArray of parameter objects (IGPParameter). 
        // These objects define the characteristics of the input and output parameters. 
        public IArray ParameterInfo
                //Array to the hold the parameters	
                IArray parameters = new ArrayClass();

                //Input DataType is GPFeatureLayerType
                IGPParameterEdit3 inputParameter = new GPParameterClass();
                inputParameter.DataType = new GPFeatureLayerTypeClass();

                // Default Value object is GPFeatureLayer
                inputParameter.Value = new GPFeatureLayerClass();

                // Set Input Parameter properties
                inputParameter.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput;
                inputParameter.DisplayName = "Input Features";
                inputParameter.Name = "input_features";
                inputParameter.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired;

                // Area field parameter
                inputParameter = new GPParameterClass();
                inputParameter.DataType = new GPStringTypeClass();

                // Value object is GPString
                IGPString gpStringValue = new GPStringClass();
                gpStringValue.Value = "Area";
                inputParameter.Value = (IGPValue)gpStringValue;

                // Set field name parameter properties
                inputParameter.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput;
                inputParameter.DisplayName = "Area Field Name";
                inputParameter.Name = "field_name";
                inputParameter.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired; 

                // Output parameter (Derived) and data type is DEFeatureClass
                IGPParameterEdit3 outputParameter = new GPParameterClass();
                outputParameter.DataType = new GPFeatureLayerTypeClass();

                // Value object is DEFeatureClass
                outputParameter.Value = new DEFeatureClassClass();
                // Set output parameter properties
                outputParameter.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionOutput;
                outputParameter.DisplayName = "Output FeatureClass";
                outputParameter.Name = "out_featureclass";
                outputParameter.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeDerived;

                // Create a new schema object - schema means the structure or design of the feature class (field information, geometry information, extent)
                IGPFeatureSchema outputSchema = new GPFeatureSchemaClass();
                IGPSchema schema = (IGPSchema)outputSchema;

                // Clone the schema from the dependency. 
                //This means update the output with the same schema as the input feature class (the dependency).                                
                schema.CloneDependency = true;               

                // Set the schema on the output because this tool will add an additional field.
                outputParameter.Schema = outputSchema as IGPSchema;

                return parameters;

        // Validate: 
        // - Validate is an IGPFunction method, and we need to implement it in case there
        //   is legacy code that queries for the IGPFunction interface instead of the IGPFunction2 
        //   interface.  
        // - This Validate code is boilerplate - copy and insert into any IGPFunction2 code..
        // - This is the calling sequence that the gp framework now uses when it QI's for IGPFunction2..
        public IGPMessages Validate(IArray paramvalues, bool updateValues, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr)
            if (m_Parameters == null)
                m_Parameters = ParameterInfo;

            // Call UpdateParameters(). 
            // Only Call if updatevalues is true.
            if (updateValues == true)
                UpdateParameters(paramvalues, envMgr);

            // Call InternalValidate (Basic Validation). Are all the required parameters supplied?
            // Are the Values to the parameters the correct data type?
            IGPMessages validateMsgs = m_GPUtilities.InternalValidate(m_Parameters, paramvalues, updateValues, true, envMgr);

            // Call UpdateMessages();
            UpdateMessages(paramvalues, envMgr, validateMsgs);

            // Return the messages
            return validateMsgs;

        // This method will update the output parameter value with the additional area field.
        public void UpdateParameters(IArray paramvalues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
            m_Parameters = paramvalues;

            // Retrieve the input parameter value
            IGPValue parameterValue = m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(m_Parameters.get_Element(0));

            // Get the derived output feature class schema and empty the additional fields. This will ensure you don't get duplicate entries.
            IGPParameter3 derivedFeatures = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(2);
            IGPFeatureSchema schema = (IGPFeatureSchema)derivedFeatures.Schema;
            schema.AdditionalFields = null;

            // If we have an input value, create a new field based on the field name the user entered.            
            if  (parameterValue.IsEmpty() == false)
                IGPParameter3 fieldNameParameter = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(1);
                string fieldName = fieldNameParameter.Value.GetAsText();
                // Check if the user's input field already exists
                IField areaField = m_GPUtilities.FindField(parameterValue, fieldName);
                if (areaField == null)
                    IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit = new FieldsClass();
                    IFieldEdit fieldEdit = new FieldClass();
                    fieldEdit.Name_2 = fieldName;
                    fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;

                    // Add an additional field for the area values to the derived output.
                    IFields fields = fieldsEdit as IFields;                    
                    schema.AdditionalFields = fields;

        // Called after returning from the update parameters routine. 
        // You can examine the messages created from internal validation and change them if desired. 
        public void UpdateMessages(IArray paramvalues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr, IGPMessages Messages)
            // Check for error messages
            IGPMessage msg = (IGPMessage)Messages;
            if (msg.IsError())

            // Get the first Input Parameter
            IGPParameter parameter = (IGPParameter)paramvalues.get_Element(0);

            // UnPackGPValue. This ensures you get the value either form the dataelement or GpVariable (ModelBuilder)
            IGPValue parameterValue = m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(parameter);

            // Open the Input Dataset - Use DecodeFeatureLayer as the input might be a layer file or a feature layer from ArcMap.
            IFeatureClass inputFeatureClass;
            IQueryFilter qf;
            m_GPUtilities.DecodeFeatureLayer(parameterValue, out inputFeatureClass, out qf);

            IGPParameter3 fieldParameter = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(1);
            string fieldName = fieldParameter.Value.GetAsText();

            // Check if the field already exists and provide a warning.
            int indexA = inputFeatureClass.FindField(fieldName);
            if (indexA > 0)
                Messages.ReplaceWarning(1, "Field already exists. It will be overwritten.");


        // Execute: Execute the function given the array of the parameters
        public void Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages message)
            // Get the first Input Parameter
            IGPParameter parameter = (IGPParameter)paramvalues.get_Element(0);

            // UnPackGPValue. This ensures you get the value either form the dataelement or GpVariable (ModelBuilder)
           IGPValue parameterValue = m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(parameter);

            // Open Input Dataset
            IFeatureClass inputFeatureClass;
            IQueryFilter qf;
            m_GPUtilities.DecodeFeatureLayer(parameterValue, out inputFeatureClass, out qf);

            if (inputFeatureClass == null)
                message.AddError(2, "Could not open input dataset.");
            // Add the field if it does not exist.
            int indexA;

            parameter = (IGPParameter)paramvalues.get_Element(1);
            string field = parameter.Value.GetAsText();

            indexA = inputFeatureClass.FindField(field);
            if (indexA < 0)
                IFieldEdit fieldEdit = new FieldClass();
                fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;
                fieldEdit.Name_2 = field;

             int featcount = inputFeatureClass.FeatureCount(null);     
             //Set the properties of the Step Progressor
            IStepProgressor pStepPro = (IStepProgressor)trackcancel;
            pStepPro.MinRange = 0;
            pStepPro.MaxRange = featcount;
            pStepPro.StepValue = (1);
            pStepPro.Message = "Calculating Area";
            pStepPro.Position = 0;

            // Create an Update Cursor
            indexA = inputFeatureClass.FindField(field);
            IFeatureCursor updateCursor = inputFeatureClass.Update(qf, false);
            IFeature updateFeature = updateCursor.NextFeature();
            IGeometry geometry;
            IArea area;
            double dArea;   
            while (updateFeature != null)
                geometry = updateFeature.Shape;
                area = (IArea)geometry;
                dArea = area.Area;
                updateFeature.set_Value(indexA, dArea);
                updateFeature = updateCursor.NextFeature();

            // Release the update cursor to remove the lock on the input data.

        // This is the function name object for the Geoprocessing Function Tool. 
        // This name object is created and returned by the Function Factory.
        // The Function Factory must first be created before implementing this property.
        public IName FullName
                // Add CalculateArea.FullName getter implementation
                IGPFunctionFactory functionFactory = new CalculateAreaFunctionFactory();
                return (IName)functionFactory.GetFunctionName(m_ToolName);

        // This is used to set a custom renderer for the output of the Function Tool.
        public object GetRenderer(IGPParameter pParam)
            return null;

        // This is the unique context identifier in a [MAP] file (.h). 
        // ESRI Knowledge Base article #27680 provides more information about creating a [MAP] file. 
        public int HelpContext
            get { return 0; }

        // This is the path to a .chm file which is used to describe and explain the function and its operation. 
        public string HelpFile
            get { return ""; }

        // This is used to return whether the function tool is licensed to execute.
        public bool IsLicensed()
            IAoInitialize aoi = new AoInitializeClass();
            ILicenseInformation licInfo = (ILicenseInformation)aoi;

            string licName = licInfo.GetLicenseProductName(aoi.InitializedProduct());

            if (licName == "ArcInfo")
                 return true;
                return false;

        // This is the name of the (.xml) file containing the default metadata for this function tool. 
        // The metadata file is used to supply the parameter descriptions in the help panel in the dialog. 
        // If no (.chm) file is provided, the help is based on the metadata file. 
        // ESRI Knowledge Base article #27000 provides more information about creating a metadata file.
        public string MetadataFile
            get { return m_metadatafile; }

        // By default, the Toolbox will create a dialog based upon the parameters returned 
        // by the ParameterInfo property.
        public UID DialogCLSID
            get { return null; }


    // Function Factory Class
    public class CalculateAreaFunctionFactory : IGPFunctionFactory
        private const string m_ToolName = "ylArea"; //Function Name
        // Register the Function Factory with the ESRI Geoprocessor Function Factory Component Category.
        #region "Component Category Registration"
        static void Reg(string regKey)

        static void Unreg(string regKey)

        // Utility Function added to create the function names.
        private IGPFunctionName CreateGPFunctionNames(long index)
            IGPFunctionName functionName = new GPFunctionNameClass();
            functionName.MinimumProduct = esriProductCode.esriProductCodeProfessional;
            IGPName name;

            switch (index)
                case (0):
                    name = (IGPName)functionName;
                    name.Category = "AreaCalculation";
                    name.Description = "Calculate Area for FeatureClass";
                    name.DisplayName = "Calculate Area";
                    name.Name = m_ToolName;                
                    name.Factory = (IGPFunctionFactory)this;

            return functionName;

        // Implementation of the Function Factory
        #region IGPFunctionFactory Members

        // This is the name of the function factory. 
        // This is used when generating the Toolbox containing the function tools of the factory.
        public string Name
            get { return m_ToolName; }

        // This is the alias name of the factory.
        public string Alias
            get { return "area"; }

        // This is the class id of the factory. 
        public UID CLSID
                UID id = new UIDClass();
                id.Value = this.GetType().GUID.ToString("B");
                return id;

        // This method will create and return a function object based upon the input name.
        public IGPFunction GetFunction(string Name)
            switch (Name)
                case (m_ToolName):
                    IGPFunction gpFunction = new CalculateAreaFunction();
                    return gpFunction;

            return null;

        // This method will create and return a function name object based upon the input name.
        public IGPName GetFunctionName(string Name)
            IGPName gpName = new GPFunctionNameClass();

            switch (Name)
                case (m_ToolName):
                    return (IGPName)CreateGPFunctionNames(0);
            return null;

        // This method will create and return an enumeration of function names that the factory supports.
        public IEnumGPName GetFunctionNames()
            IArray nameArray = new EnumGPNameClass();
            return (IEnumGPName)nameArray;

        // This method will create and return an enumeration of GPEnvironment objects. 
        // If tools published by this function factory required new environment settings, 
        //then you would define the additional environment settings here. 
        // This would be similar to how parameters are defined. 
        public IEnumGPEnvironment GetFunctionEnvironments()
            return null;



