SSB Exception - Sql Server 2005

SSB Exception - Sql Server 2005


SSB Exception of SQL SERVER 2005

An exception occurred while enqueueing a message in the target queue. Error: 15404, State: 19. Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'domain\myuser', error code 0xea.



Could be either because of a network problem (i.e. the machine could not connect to the domain controller for authenticating the user) or the user account running sqlservr.exe does not have permission to query the domain controller. The later could happen if sqlservr.exe is running using an domain account different from the user 'domain\myuser' above or if sqlservr.exe is running as LOCALSYSTEM and the machine is on a different domain than 'domain\myuser' and there is no two-way trust.



To avoid such problems, you could use a SQL login instead of a Windows login to be the dbo of your database. You can change the dbo using the sp_changedbowner stored proc or using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.


For example, exec sp_changedbowner ‘sa’


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