{ Article: Most Recently Used (MRU) menu component - TMRU http://delphi.about.com/library/weekly/aa112503a.htm Full source code of a TMRU component, a non-visual component which simplifies implementing a "Most Recently Used" file list in a menu (or a popup menu). The TMRU component allows for quick selection of a file that was recently accessed (opened) in an application. MRU - Most Recently Used Many applications offer a list of most recently used files (like Delphi's File | Reopen menu) - a list that reflects the user's most recently accessed files in an application. The MRU list allows for quick selection of a file that was recently opened without having to select an Open menu item and search to locate a specific lately accessed file. The TMRU Delphi component is a non-visual component which simplifies implementing a "Most Recently Used" file list in a menu (or a popup menu). Here are the TadpMRU component's features: MRU menu items are attached to a "ParentMenuItem" Dynamic, supports *unlimited* number of MRU items. A maximum number of MRU entries can be defined. Files can be added or removed from the list. The files are listed with the most recently used at the top of the list (from the "most recent" to "least recent.") Each file can be displayed using the full path name or just the file name. The MRU list is saved to the Registry upon application termination and loaded upon application startup. Enables more Registry storage areas by providing the RegistryPath property Exposes an OnClick event with the Filename as a parameter. and more... http://www.angusj.com/delphi/mruunit.html for <IniFile> Copyright 2003 Angus Johnson } unit uMRU; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Menus, IniFiles, Registry; const MRU_MAX_ITEMS = 16; MRU_NAME = 'MRU'; type // riggered when a "MRU menu item" is clicked. TMRUClickEvent = procedure( Sender : TObject; const FileName : String ) of object; TMRU = class( TComponent ) private FItems : TStringList; FMaxItems : cardinal; FShowFullPath : boolean; FRegistryPath : string; FIniFileName : string; FParentMenuItem : TMenuItem; FOnClick : TMRUClickEvent; procedure SetMaxItems( const Value : cardinal ); procedure SetShowFullPath( const Value : boolean ); procedure SetParentMenuItem( const Value : TMenuItem ); procedure SetIniFileName( const Value : string ); procedure SetRegistryPath( const Value : string ); procedure LoadMRU; procedure SaveMRU; procedure LoadFromRegistry; procedure SaveToRegistry; procedure LoadFromIniFile; procedure SaveToIniFile; procedure ItemsChange( Sender : TObject ); procedure ClearParentMenu; protected procedure Loaded; override; procedure Notification( AComponent : TComponent; Operation : TOperation ); override; procedure DoClick( Sender : TObject ); public constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent ); override; destructor Destroy; override; // Adds the Filename to the MRU list, as the first item. procedure AddItem( const FileName : string ); // Removes a MRU item provided with a file name. // Returns true if an existing item was removed; false otherwise. function RemoveItem( const FileName : string ) : boolean; published // Gets or sets the string value representing the key in Registry // where MRU entries are saved. // If omitted the MRU list is NOT saved upon application termination. // The root key used is HKEY_CURRENT_USER property RegistryPath : string read FRegistryPath write SetRegistryPath; // Gets or sets the string value representing the Ini FileName // where MRU entries are saved. // If omitted the MRU list is NOT saved upon application termination. property IniFileName : string read FIniFileName write SetIniFileName; // Gets or sets the maximum number of files in the MRU list. property MaxItems : cardinal read FMaxItems write SetMaxItems default MRU_MAX_ITEMS; // Gets or sets the value that indicates whether files as menu items // are displayed with full file name (or just using the file name). property ShowFullPath : boolean read FShowFullPath write SetShowFullPath default True; // Determines the menu item that the MRU items will be // added to as child menu items. property ParentMenuItem : TMenuItem read FParentMenuItem write SetParentMenuItem; // riggered when a "MRU menu item" is clicked. property OnClick : TMRUClickEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; end; procedure Register; implementation type // to be able to recognize MRU menu item when deleting TMRUMenuItem = class( TMenuItem ); procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents( 'delphi.about.com', [ TMRU ] ); end; { TMRU } constructor TMRU.Create( AOwner : TComponent ); begin inherited; FParentMenuItem := nil; FItems := TStringList.Create; FItems.OnChange := ItemsChange; FMaxItems := MRU_MAX_ITEMS; FShowFullPath := True; end; (* Create *) destructor TMRU.Destroy; begin if not( csDesigning in ComponentState ) then SaveMRU; FItems.OnChange := nil; FItems.Free; inherited; end; (* Destroy *) procedure TMRU.Loaded; begin inherited Loaded; if not( csDesigning in ComponentState ) then LoadMRU; end; (* Loaded *) procedure TMRU.Notification( AComponent : TComponent; Operation : TOperation ); begin inherited; if ( Operation = opRemove ) and ( AComponent = FParentMenuItem ) then FParentMenuItem := nil; end; (* Notification *) procedure TMRU.AddItem( const FileName : string ); begin if FileName <> '' then begin FItems.BeginUpdate; try if FItems.IndexOf( FileName ) > -1 then FItems.Delete( FItems.IndexOf( FileName ) ); FItems.Insert( 0, FileName ); while FItems.Count > MaxItems do FItems.Delete( MaxItems ); finally FItems.EndUpdate; end; end; end; (* AddItem *) function TMRU.RemoveItem( const FileName : string ) : boolean; begin if FItems.IndexOf( FileName ) > -1 then begin FItems.Delete( FItems.IndexOf( FileName ) ); Result := True; end else Result := False; end; (* RemoveItem *) procedure TMRU.SetMaxItems( const Value : cardinal ); begin if Value <> FMaxItems then begin if Value < 1 then FMaxItems := 1 else if Value > MaxInt then FMaxItems := MaxInt - 1 else begin FMaxItems := Value; FItems.BeginUpdate; try while FItems.Count > MaxItems do FItems.Delete( FItems.Count - 1 ); finally FItems.EndUpdate; end; end; end; end; (* SetMaxItems *) procedure TMRU.SetIniFileName( const Value : string ); begin if FIniFileName <> Value then begin FIniFileName := Value; LoadMRU; end; end; procedure TMRU.SetRegistryPath( const Value : string ); begin if FRegistryPath <> Value then begin FRegistryPath := Value; LoadMRU; end; end; (* SetRegistryPath *) procedure TMRU.SetShowFullPath( const Value : boolean ); begin if FShowFullPath <> Value then begin FShowFullPath := Value; ItemsChange( Self ); end; end; (* SetShowFullPath *) procedure TMRU.LoadFromRegistry; var i : cardinal; begin with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if OpenKey( FRegistryPath, False ) then begin FItems.BeginUpdate; FItems.Clear; try for i := 1 to FMaxItems do if ValueExists( MRU_NAME + IntToStr( i ) ) then FItems.Add( ReadString( MRU_NAME + IntToStr( i ) ) ); finally FItems.EndUpdate; end; CloseKey; end; finally Free; end; end; (* LoadFromRegistry *) procedure TMRU.SaveToRegistry; var i : integer; begin with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if OpenKey( FRegistryPath, True ) then begin // delete old mru i := 1; while ValueExists( MRU_NAME + IntToStr( i ) ) do begin DeleteValue( MRU_NAME + IntToStr( i ) ); Inc( i ); end; // write new mru for i := 0 to -1 + FItems.Count do WriteString( MRU_NAME + IntToStr( i + 1 ), FItems[ i ] ); CloseKey; end; finally Free; end; end; procedure TMRU.LoadFromIniFile; var i : cardinal; LItemName : string; IniFilePath : string; IniFileName : string; begin IniFilePath := ExtractFilePath( FIniFileName ); if IniFilePath <> '' then IniFileName := FIniFileName // Valid IniFile with path else if FIniFileName = '' then IniFileName := ChangeFileExt( paramStr( 0 ), '.ini' ) // default IniFile else // FIniFileName <> '' IniFileName := ExtractFilePath( paramStr( 0 ) ) + FIniFileName; if FileExists( IniFileName ) then begin with TIniFile.Create( IniFileName ) do begin try FItems.BeginUpdate; FItems.Clear; try for i := 1 to FMaxItems do begin LItemName := ReadString( MRU_NAME, IntToStr( i ), '' ); if LItemName = '' then break; FItems.Add( LItemName ); end; finally FItems.EndUpdate; end; finally Free; end; end; end; end; procedure TMRU.SaveToIniFile; var i : cardinal; IniFilePath : string; IniFileName : string; begin IniFilePath := ExtractFilePath( FIniFileName ); if IniFilePath <> '' then IniFileName := FIniFileName // Valid IniFile with path else if FIniFileName = '' then IniFileName := ChangeFileExt( paramStr( 0 ), '.ini' ) // default IniFile else // FIniFileName <> '' IniFileName := ExtractFilePath( paramStr( 0 ) ) + FIniFileName; with TIniFile.Create( IniFileName ) do begin try for i := 1 to FMaxItems do begin if i <= FItems.Count then WriteString( MRU_NAME, IntToStr( i ), FItems[ i - 1 ] ); end; finally Free; end; end; end; procedure TMRU.LoadMRU; begin if FRegistryPath <> '' then LoadFromRegistry else LoadFromIniFile; end; procedure TMRU.SaveMRU; begin if FRegistryPath <> '' then SaveToRegistry else SaveToIniFile; end; (* SaveMRU *) procedure TMRU.ItemsChange( Sender : TObject ); var i : integer; NewMenuItem : TMenuItem; FileName : String; begin if ParentMenuItem <> nil then begin ClearParentMenu; for i := 0 to -1 + FItems.Count do begin if ShowFullPath then FileName := StringReplace( FItems[ i ], '&', '&&', [ rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase ] ) else FileName := StringReplace( ExtractFileName( FItems[ i ] ), '&', '&&', [ rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase ] ); NewMenuItem := TMRUMenuItem.Create( Self ); NewMenuItem.Caption := Format( '%s', [ FileName ] ); NewMenuItem.Tag := i; NewMenuItem.OnClick := DoClick; ParentMenuItem.Add( NewMenuItem ); end; end; end; (* ItemsChange *) procedure TMRU.ClearParentMenu; var i : integer; begin if Assigned( ParentMenuItem ) then for i := -1 + ParentMenuItem.Count downto 0 do if ParentMenuItem.Items[ i ] is TMRUMenuItem then ParentMenuItem.Delete( i ); end; (* ClearParentMenu *) procedure TMRU.DoClick( Sender : TObject ); begin if Assigned( FOnClick ) and ( Sender is TMRUMenuItem ) then FOnClick( Self, FItems[ TMRUMenuItem( Sender ).Tag ] ); end; (* DoClick *) procedure TMRU.SetParentMenuItem( const Value : TMenuItem ); begin if FParentMenuItem <> Value then begin ClearParentMenu; FParentMenuItem := Value; ItemsChange( Self ); end; end; (* SetParentMenuItem *) end. (* MRU.pas *) { ******************************************** Zarko Gajic About.com Guide to Delphi Programming http://delphi.about.com email: [email protected] free newsletter: http://delphi.about.com/library/blnewsletter.htm forum: http://forums.about.com/ab-delphi/start/ ******************************************** }