
Automation Plan(自动化计划)
an automation plan controls the order in which actions are being performed. It consists of automation plan entries. Automation plans are edited in the uTomate automation plan editor window.

Automation Plan Entry(自动化计划条目)
an automation plan entry is a control structure of an automation plan. An entry can be anything from as simple as "Execute a single action" up to "Execute another plan". There are also entries for making decisions or running things in a loop.

an action is a piece of work that can be done independently. You can create actions and configure them in the Unity3D inspector window.

Automation plans(自动化计划)
Automation plans consist of a set of automation plan entries. Using the entries you can control the order in which your actions are running. Each entry can be connected to another entry. When you run an automation plan, uTomate will start executing the entry which is marked as the first entry. Once an entry has finished executing, the entry that is connected to this entry as as Next Entry will be executed. Once an entry has no more next entry, the automation plan is finished. There are specialised entry types which allow you to add decisions or loops to your automation plan, therefore enabling you to visually script the flow of your automation.

Creating automation plans(创建自动化计划)
To create an automation plan, right-click the folder in which you want to create the plan, then select Create → uTomate → Automation plan.

Editing automation plans(编辑自动化计划)
Automation plans are not edited in the Unity inspector. Instead we have provided a specialised visual editor for editing them. To open the automation plan editor go to the main menu and select Window → uTomate → Automation Plan Editor.

At the top of the automation plan editor you can see the automation plan selector. You can select a plan for editing by clicking on the dot icon at the right of the plan selector. Alternatively you can drag an automation plan from the project tree on the plan selector. The rest of the automation plan editor is divided in two sections. On the left side you see the entries that are part of the automation plan in a node view. On the right side you see the entry inspector which allows you to modify the properties of the currently selected entry.


In the node view you can see which entries are currently part of your automation plan. Each node in the node view represents a single entry of the automation plan. The first entry of the automation plan is highlighted with a blue ribbon. When you run an automation plan it will start with the node marked with that blue ribbon. To set an entry as the first entry, right-click that entry and select the Set As First Node option in the context menu. To delete an entry, right-click the entry and select the Delete Node option in the context menu. This will automatically delete all incoming and outgoing connections of that entry as well. You can add new entries to an automation plan by right-clicking on a free space in the node view. This will open a context menu from which you can select which type of entry you’d like to add. Please look at the Entry types section for more information about the available entry types.
在node视图中,您可以看到哪些条目目前是您的自动化计划的一部分。节点视图中的每个节点表示自动化计划的单个入口。自动化计划的第一个条目用一条蓝丝带突出显示。当您运行一个自动化计划时,它将从带有蓝色丝带的节点开始。要将条目设置为第一个条目,请右键单击该条目并在上下文菜单中选择作为第一个节点选项的set。若要删除条目,请右键单击条目,并在上下文菜单中选择delete Node选项。

The automation plan entries can be connected with each other using connectors. These connections control which entry is executed after which. Each connector can only be connected to a single entry, however multiple connectors can connect to the same entry. Most entries have only a single connector named Next Entry which should be connected to the entry that you want to be executed after the originating entry. To connect two entries simply drag a connection from the connector to another entry (click on the connector circle, keep the mouse button down and then drag into the direction of the other entry. When you are above the other entry, release the mouse button). To delete a connection, right-click the connector circle of the entryfrom where the connection starts and then select the Delete Connection option in the context menu. To connect an already connected connector to a different entry, simply drag a new connection from the connector to the new entry. It will replace the old connection.
自动化计划条目可以使用连接器彼此连接。这些连接控制在此之后执行的条目。每个连接器只能连接到一个条目,但是多个连接器可以连接到同一个条目。大多数条目只有一个名为Next的连接器,该连接器应该与您希望在原始条目之后执行的条目连接。要连接两个条目,只需将连接从连接器拖到另一个条目(单击连接器圆,将鼠标按钮保持向下,然后拖动到另一个条目的方向)。当您在其他条目之上时,释放鼠标按钮。要删除连接,请右键单击连接开始处的entryfrom的连接器圆,然后在上下文菜单中选择delete connection选项。要将已连接的连接器连接到不同的条目,只需从连接器拖动新的连接到新条目。它将取代旧的连接。

Be careful when connecting entries. uTomate cannot safely determine whether or not your connected entries form a circle (especially when using loop or decision entries with expressions). When the entries form a circle, your automation plan might loop forever (again depending on the used expressions) and you will have to manually stop it.


Automation plan entries(自动化计划项)
uTomate comes with 6 types of automation plan entries, which you can combine into automation plans.


Run Action(运行操作)
The Run Action entry will execute a single action and is the bread and butter automation plan entry that you will use most of the time. You can add a Run Action entry using the context menu or by simply dragging an action from your project tree into the node view.

The action that should be run. If no action is specified, the entry will do nothing.


The decision entry allows you to add decisions to your automation plan. For example you might not want to run parts of your plan on certain platforms or you might want to skip expensive parts of your plan without having to modify the plan over and over again. The decision entry has two connectors Entry If True and Entry If False. In the inspector of the decision entry you can specify the decision to be made. By default this is a simple check box. If you tick the check box the entry that is connected to Entry If True will be executed next. If the checkbox is not ticked the entry that is connected to Entry If False is connected. You can switch the decision property to expression mode to dynamically evaluate an expression when the entry is executed. If this expression evaluates to true the entry connected to Entry If True will be executed next, otherwise the entry connected to Entry If False will be executed next.

The decision to be made. You will almost always want to put this into expression mode.


For Each(为每一个)
The For Each entry repeats a part of the automation plan for each entry in a given list or array. When the For Each entry is running it will read a list of items from the configured Items property. Then it will write the currently iterated item into a configured Item property and run the automation plan entry that the Start Of Subtree connector is pointing to. Once the last entry in the subtree has been executed, the For Each entry will write the next item from the Items list into the Item property and then again run the entry to which the Start Of Subtree connector is pointing. This will be repeated until every item in the list has been iterated over.

Items Property Name(物品属性名)
The name of the property which contains the list of items.

Item Property Name(项目属性名)
The name of the property which should be filled with the currently iterated item.

Index Property Name(索引属性名)
The name of the property which should be filled with the current index in the list of items.


For Each File(为每一个文件)
This entry works similar to the For Each entry, but instead of a list of items, it works on a file set. It has properties for specifying files to be included and excluded from the file set (just like a lot of uTomates actions have). The currently iterated file will be written into a configured property- When you run this entry, it will first build the file set based on the specification. Then it will put the name of the first file in the file set into the property given in File Property Name. Then the entry that the Start Of Subtree connector is pointing to will be run. After the sub-tree is executed, the whole process will be repeated for the next file in the file set until all files in the file set have been iterated over.

File Property Name(文件属性名)
The name of the property which should be filled with the current file name.

Index Property Name(索引属性名)
The name of the property which should be filled with the index of the current file in the file list.

The files to be included into the file set.

The files to be excluded from the file set.


Run Plan(运行计划)
The Run Plan entry allows you to run another automation plan as part of this automation plan. This is useful if you want to re-use the logic from one plan in another.

The automation plan to be run.


The Note automation plan entry allows you to place notes on your plan. This is useful for documenting parts of your automation that might not be self-explanatory. It can also be used to document prerequisites of the plan (e.g. some editor properties that need to be set before the plan can be run). This entry is special in that it has no connectors, cannot be set as the first entry and therefore not be executed. It is for documentation purposes, only.

A text note to document the automation plan.


Creating actions(创建操作)
To automate any work using uTomate you use actions. To create an action simply right-click the folder in your project where you want to add the action. Then select Create → uTomate and select the kind of action you want to create. You can find a description of all actions at our uTomate actions reference pages.

Editing actions(编辑动作)
When you select an action in the project view, the action’s properties will be displayed in Unity’s inspector panel. The inspector works the same way as the usual Unity3D inspector, so for each property of an action you will see a line in the inspector which enables you to modify this property. In addition to this, there are a few other elements which are described in the following image:
