Exchange Server学习---发送邮件

Introduction to Collaboration Data Objects for Microsoft Exchange 2000


  介绍了CDO的一些知识,并介绍了如何使用CDO协同Exchange Server进行工作。

   1 发送邮件
'Create variable
Dim objAddressee

'Point it to a CDO addressee object
Set objAddressee = CreateObject("CDO.Addressee")
'Set the address to send to
objAddressee.emailaddress = "[email protected]"
'Declare the message variable, Msg
Dim Msg

'Since this is VBScript, you must use the CreateObject method.
Set Msg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With Msg
   .To   = "[email protected]"
   .From = "[email protected]"
   .Subject  = "Lunch meeting"
   .TextBody = "I have attached the suggested menu."
   .AddAttachment "file://c:/menu.doc"
End With

//例子中的Set objAddressee = CreateObject("CDO.Addressee")在以后的代码中并没有出现,于是x掉
CDO.Message msg=new CDO.MessageClass();

   msg.Subject="this is11111 subject";
   msg.TextBody="this is test body";

