weblogic下写clob的方法 ????????

String SqlStr = "update TextInfo set Content=empty_clob() where TextInfoKey=" + Integer.toString(textinfokey);
      java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt = myConn.prepareStatement(SqlStr);

      SqlStr = "select Content from TextInfo where TextInfoKey=" + Integer.toString(textinfokey) + " for update";
      java.sql.Statement st = myConn.createStatement();
      java.sql.ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(SqlStr);
      java.sql.Clob clob ;
      if (rs.next()) {
        clob = rs.getClob("Content");
        weblogic.jdbc.rmi.SerialOracleClob cast1 =(weblogic.jdbc.rmi.SerialOracleClob)clob;
        weblogic.jdbc.rmi.internal.OracleTClobImpl cast2 =(weblogic.jdbc.rmi.internal.OracleTClobImpl)cast1.getTheRealClob();
        CLOB myClob = (oracle.sql.CLOB)cast2.getTheRealClob();
        java.io.Writer out=myClob.getCharacterOutputStream();


package blobexample;

import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import weblogic.jdbc.common.*;
import weblogic.jdbc.common.*;
import java.util.Properties;

public class LargeObject{

  public static void main(String argv[])
    String user = "scott";//连接oracle数据库所用的用户名
    String password = "tiger";//用户scott的密码
    String server = "myoracle";//在本地建立的oracle数据库网络服务名

    java.sql.Blob myBlob     = null;
    java.sql.Clob myClob     = null;
    java.sql.Connection conn = null;

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("user",     user);
    props.put("password", password);
    props.put("server",   server);

    try {
      //加载JDBC驱动程序:JDriver for oracle
      Driver myDriver = (Driver)
      conn = myDriver.connect("jdbc:weblogic:oracle" , props);
      // 在使用BLOB、CLOB时需要设置连接的事务自动提交属性为false

      // ============== 建立带有BLOB和CLOB类型字段的数据表lobtest==================
     try {
          // 如果表lobtest不存在,建立该表
          Statement crstmt = conn.createStatement();
          System.out.println("\nCreating table with Blobs and Clobs...");
          crstmt.execute("create table lobtest (id int, blobcol Blob, clobcol Clob)");
      catch (Exception e) {
          System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
          System.out.println("Table already exists. Dropping it and re-creating...");
          Statement crstmt2 = conn.createStatement();
          crstmt2.execute("drop table lobtest");
          crstmt2.execute("create table lobtest (id int, blobcol Blob, clobcol Clob)");
      System.out.println("table lobtest created.");

      // ============== 初始化表中的BLOB和CLOB字段 ==================
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
      System.out.println("\nInserting row with blank blob and clob columns...");
      stmt.execute("insert into lobtest values (44,EMPTY_BLOB(),EMPTY_CLOB())");
      System.out.println("Row has been inserted.");

      // ============== 生成BLOB对象myBLOB ======================
      stmt.execute("select * from lobtest where id=44");
      ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
      while ( rs.next() ) {
          myBlob = rs.getBlob("blobcol");

      // 建立一个byte型数组b,在该数组中存放一些数据
      System.out.println("\nCreating the following byte array:");
      int STREAM_SIZE = 10;
      byte[] b = new byte[STREAM_SIZE];
      for (int i=0; i < STREAM_SIZE; i++) {
          b = (byte)(40 + (i%20)); // range 40-60
          System.out.println("byte[" + i + "] = " + b);

      // 将数组b存放到数据流中,然后将数据流的数据写入myBlob所代表的BLOB列中
          ("\nWriting the byte array to a stream" +
           " and storing it in the table as a blob...");
      InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(b);
      java.io.OutputStream os =
          ((weblogic.jdbc.common.OracleBlob) myBlob).getBinaryOutputStream();
      byte[] inBytes = new byte[STREAM_SIZE];
      int numBytes = is.read(inBytes);
      while (numBytes > 0) {
          os.write(inBytes, 0, numBytes);
          numBytes = is.read(inBytes);

      //  将保存到BLOB列中的数据取出,然后存放到byte数组r中,最后将r中数据显示出来
      System.out.println("\nReading the blob back from the table and displaying:");
      Statement readblob = conn.createStatement();
      readblob.execute("select * from lobtest where id=44");
      ResultSet rsreadblob = readblob.getResultSet();
      byte[] r = new byte[STREAM_SIZE];
      while ( rsreadblob.next() ) {
          Blob myReadBlob =  rsreadblob.getBlob("blobcol");
          java.io.InputStream readis = myReadBlob.getBinaryStream();
          for (int i=0 ; i < STREAM_SIZE ; i++) {
              r = (byte) readis.read();
              System.out.println("output [" + i + "] = " + r);

      // 首先建立一个字符串,该字符串中的字符将会存入CLOB列中
      String ss = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
      System.out.println("\nCreated the following string to be stored as a clob:\n" +

      stmt.execute("select * from lobtest where id=44");
      ResultSet crs = stmt.getResultSet();
      while ( crs.next() ) {
          myClob = crs.getClob("clobcol");

          java.io.OutputStream osss =
              ((weblogic.jdbc.common.OracleClob) myClob).getAsciiOutputStream();
          byte[] bss = ss.getBytes("ASCII");

      // 从CLOB列中读出数据并显示出来
      System.out.println("\nReading the clob back from the table and displaying:");
      Statement readclob = conn.createStatement();
      readclob.execute("select * from lobtest where id=44");
      ResultSet rsreadclob = readclob.getResultSet();

        while ( rsreadclob.next() ) {
          Clob myReadClob =rsreadclob.getClob("clobcol");
          java.io.InputStream readClobis = myReadClob.getAsciiStream();
          char[] c = new char[26];
          for (int i=0 ; i < 26  ; i++) {
              c = (char) readClobis.read();
              System.out.println("output [" + i + "] = " + c);

      // 删除建立的表lobtest
      System.out.println("\nDropping table...");
      Statement dropstmt = conn.createStatement();
      dropstmt.execute("drop table lobtest");
      System.out.println("Table dropped.");

    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception was thrown: " + e.getMessage());
    } finally {
        try {
          if (conn != null)
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            System.out.println("SQLException was thrown: " + sqle.getMessage());

