【TED】只需专注10分钟-Andy Puddicombe


if our mind is full of difficult and confusing emotions,

we get stressed

we may miss out some important things to us

we are anxious when we are feeling about anxious


there was a research paper came out of Harvard,

it said on average our minds are lost in thoughts almost 47% of the time

and this will also cause unhappiness


Just 10 mins, doing nothing, 

no emailing, no texting, no TV, no thinking about the past or planning for the future

because we should spend time to look after our mind,

that we rely upon to be creative, focused, spontaneous

how to deal with that,

study meditation

can learn to not being distracted

there's a positive, practical, achievable, scientifically proven technique which allows our minds to be healthy, to be more mindful and less distracted

just 10 mins per day,

the essential of meditation is a framework of how to be more mindful,


we can't change every little things that happens in our daily life,

but we can change the way that we experience it

that's the potential of meditation 


只需专注10分钟-Andy Puddicombe





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