来自我的个人网站: http://wangbch.com
- mouse_moveTo(x, y)
move mouse to the location(x,y) in the screen. Input is two int, not turple
- mouse_getPosition(sleep_time)
reutrn the position(two int) after sleep_time(unit: s)
- mouse_click(x, y, click_type, times)
left(click_type == “L”, default) or right (click_type == “R”) click at the (x,y) position for times(default 1)
- mouse_hold(x, y, click_type)
keep mouse down
- mouse_release()
- key_stringInput(str)
control the keyboard to input some string
- key_keyInput(c)
key c, c is e.g. “ctrl”, “leftshift”, “a”, “b” and so on, more details on VK_CODE in the file.
- key_holdKey(c)
keep key c down
- key_releaseKey(c)
key release
you need aircv: https://github.com/NetEaseGame/aircv
- locate_pic(filename, position)
filename: the filename of the picture you need to locate in the screen.
position: default is “center”, options are “left”, “leftup”, “leftdown”, “right”, “rightup”, “rightdown”, “up” and “down”. Returns the location as following fig.1 shows: