Sign In System--Fingerprint(指纹识别系统)

         指纹识别签到系统, 虽然目前这个软件普遍存在, 但是起码我自己一个人一行又一行的敲出了自己的指纹签到软件, 耗费了60个小时, 共计1500行左右的代码, 运行环境是Linux, 用qtcreator2.7.1配合qt4.8.4暂时完成整个项目,数据库采用SQLITE。 主要功能有, 指纹签到, 增加删除查找修改学生的信息, 查找旷课迟到请假指定次数以上的学生, 并能保存成xls文件方便存储数据。 

       由于是第一次用QT做软件, 而且本人有轻微强迫症, 所以设计界面的时候花费了比较多的时间, 整个项目比较难的就是指纹模块的通信以及整个识别过程的控制, 开始几天都不能成功与FPMA10A通信, 经过多次尝试终于成功了。 剩下的基本都是数据库的操作, 因为学过SQL语句, 所以操作起来也比较简单。

       第一次做软件, 第一个感觉就是乱, 没有事先的模块化设计, 没有相应类的设计, 就直接画了界面, 然后就写代码实现了。 这样的工程以后维护起来就麻烦了,  最近看了软件工程, 更是觉得设计的规划的重要性。 其次还有一个文档的问题, 当然, 我也没写相关的总体设计文档, 测试文档等等, 这也是不利于维护的。 不过自己用英文写了的用户使用文档, 虽然语法多有错误, 但是第一次尝试用英文写文档, 感觉还不错, 还有一点就是我的代码有比较全面的注释, 也都是用英文写的, 写注释当然也是为了以后能方便维护。

        总结一下, 这次小项目技术性不是很高, 但也不是很简单, 实践果然是理论知识的最佳助手。 对于软件的规范性等, 我想在下一个项目, Shell,中来实践一下。下面附上几张软件截图, 以及README, , 欢迎大家共同交流


Sign In System--Fingerprint(指纹识别系统)_第1张图片

【Main Window】

Sign In System--Fingerprint(指纹识别系统)_第2张图片


Sign In System--Fingerprint(指纹识别系统)_第3张图片

【After sign in】

Sign In System--Fingerprint(指纹识别系统)_第4张图片


			                (C) 2013 HuangJinDong

December 27, 2013

    This is a system for sign in. It can use in the class that need it.
Maybe you can call it as "Sign In System".It spent me almost one mouth 
to finish it. In fact, it is not finished because you know that, all of 
the software have been not finished ever. But, this system works well and 
you can use it to sign in or search students information or look up who 
truancy this class and so on. See more functions in HOW TO USE.

      There are not obvious information how to use it show
      on the interface, but you can see them if you put your
      cursor on the button. To do that is to let the gui looks
      more simply.

      As a teacher, if you have no counter to log in then 
      you should register first.
    --Log in
      Input your counter's information to log in the system.

    --Start sign in
      Make sure that your system connect with the FMPA10A.
      Then click the power on button to start sign in. 
      And put student's finger on the FMPA10A and wait for
      3s or more (I will improve it in the future) then you
      can see corresponding picture on gui is lighted! It
      indicates you sign in succeed. Of course, the premise
      is the student is a member of this class.
    --Stop sign in 
      Double click the power button if you won't sign in
      any more. 
    --Look up
      In the look up line edit, you can input ID or name 
      to search the corresponding student. Moreover, you
      can input "a:num" or "b:num" or "t:num" to search 
      ask for leave at least num times or be late at least
      num times or truancy at least num times respectively.
      Especially, input "a:" and "b:" and "t:" so that 
      search all students. By the way, the result of search
      will show in abt window.
    --Add student
      If you want to add a student to database, you can
      click the + button and click add button after you
      finish your input.
      You should click the refresh button after you add
      a student in order to show his picture on the gui.

    --Abt window
      You can press up to look the previous page and press
      down to see the next page. In addition, you save the
      students's information on the abt window into *.xls
      file if you double click the down button. Of course,
      you can see more information about the student by 
      press the corresponding student's button.

    --Student ifo window
      Obviously, you can modify student's information by 
      click modify button and delete student by click 
      delete button or click cancel button to cancel this
      operation. By the way, the function of teacher's 
      evaluate and student's evaluate is not implemented.
      (It will be implemented later)

      It is the main function that I mention above. Other
      function you can use without look this file. 

    [email protected]
