Unity Asset Store 地址Getting started is easy. Just add Component->Script->Win 7Touch Manager to a GameObject, then add "using Win7MT;" in your script.
Interface into the Input system.
Class Variables
touches |
static var touches :Win7Touch[] Returns list of objects representing status of all touches during last frame. (Read Only) |
toucheCount |
static var touchCount : int Number of touches. Guaranteed not to change throughout the frame. (Read Only) |
Class Functions
GetTouch |
static function GetTouch (index : int) : Win7Touch Description Returns object representing status of a specific touch. |
Structure describing status of a finger touching the screen.
fingerId |
var fingerId : int The unique index for touch. |
position |
var position : Vector2 The position of the touch. |
deltaPosition |
var deltaPosition: Vector2 The position delta since last change. |
deltaTime |
var deltaTime : float Amount of time passed since last change. |
phase |
var phase : Win7TouchPhase Describes the phase of the touch. |
Describes phase of a finger touch.
Began |
Win7TouchPhase.Began A finger touched the screen. |
Moved |
Win7TouchPhase. Moved A finger moved on the screen. |
Stationary |
Win7TouchPhase. Stationary A finger is touching the screen but hasn't moved. |
Ended |
Win7TouchPhase. Ended A finger was lifted from the screen. This is the final phase of a touch. |
Canceled |
Win7TouchPhase. Canceled The system cancelled tracking for the touch, as when (for example) the user puts the device to her face or more than five touches happened simultaneously. This is the final phase of a touch. |