注:本文是为了配合《Spark内核设计的艺术 架构设计与实现》一书的内容而编写,目的是为了节省成本、方便读者查阅。书中附录A的内容都在本文呈现。
Utils是Spark最常用的工具类之一,Spark Core大量使用了此类提供的基础功能。即使不关心其实现也不会对理解本书对Spark源码的分析有太多影响。下面将逐个介绍Utils提供的方法。
def getSystemProperties: Map[String, String] = {
.map(key => (key, System.getProperty(key))).toMap
def localHostName(): String = {
def getDefaultPropertiesFile(env: Map[String, String] = sys.env): String = {
.orElse(env.get("SPARK_HOME").map { t => s"$t${File.separator}conf" })
.map { t => new File(s"$t${File.separator}spark-defaults.conf")}
def getPropertiesFromFile(filename: String): Map[String, String] = {
val file = new File(filename)
require(file.exists(), s"Properties file $file does not exist")
require(file.isFile(), s"Properties file $file is not a normal file")
val inReader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
try {
val properties = new Properties()
k => (k, properties.getProperty(k).trim)).toMap
} catch {
case e: IOException =>
throw new SparkException(s"Failed when loading Spark properties from $filename", e)
} finally {
def loadDefaultSparkProperties(conf: SparkConf, filePath: String = null): String = {
val path = Option(filePath).getOrElse(getDefaultPropertiesFile())
Option(path).foreach { confFile =>
getPropertiesFromFile(confFile).filter { case (k, v) =>
}.foreach { case (k, v) =>
conf.setIfMissing(k, v)
sys.props.getOrElseUpdate(k, v)
最短栈:getOrCreate atJavaWordCount.java:48;
def getCallSite(skipClass: String => Boolean = sparkInternalExclusionFunction): CallSite = {
var lastSparkMethod = ""
var firstUserFile = ""
var firstUserLine = 0
var insideSpark = true
var callStack = new ArrayBuffer[String]() :+ ""
Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace().foreach { ste: StackTraceElement =>
if (ste != null && ste.getMethodName != null
&& !ste.getMethodName.contains("getStackTrace")) {
if (insideSpark) {
if (skipClass(ste.getClassName)) {
lastSparkMethod = if (ste.getMethodName == "") {
// Spark method is a constructor; get its class name
ste.getClassName.substring(ste.getClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
} else {
callStack(0) = ste.toString // Put last Spark method on top of the stack trace.
} else {
if (ste.getFileName != null) {
firstUserFile = ste.getFileName
if (ste.getLineNumber >= 0) {
firstUserLine = ste.getLineNumber
callStack += ste.toString
insideSpark = false
} else {
callStack += ste.toString
val callStackDepth = System.getProperty("spark.callstack.depth", "20").toInt
val shortForm =
if (firstUserFile == "HiveSessionImpl.java") {
// To be more user friendly, show a nicer string for queries submitted from the JDBC
// server.
"Spark JDBC Server Query"
} else {
s"$lastSparkMethod at $firstUserFile:$firstUserLine"
val longForm = callStack.take(callStackDepth).mkString("\n")
CallSite(shortForm, longForm)
def tryOrStopSparkContext(sc: SparkContext)(block: => Unit) {
try {
} catch {
case e: ControlThrowable => throw e
case t: Throwable =>
val currentThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName
if (sc != null) {
logError(s"uncaught error in thread $currentThreadName, stopping SparkContext", t)
if (!NonFatal(t)) {
logError(s"throw uncaught fatal error in thread $currentThreadName", t)
throw t
def getCurrentUserName(): String = {
def getUserJars(conf: SparkConf, isShell: Boolean = false): Seq[String] = {
val sparkJars = conf.getOption("spark.jars")
if (conf.get("spark.master") == "yarn" && isShell) {
val yarnJars = conf.getOption("spark.yarn.dist.jars")
unionFileLists(sparkJars, yarnJars).toSeq
} else {
def startServiceOnPort[T](
startPort: Int,
startService: Int => (T, Int),
conf: SparkConf,
serviceName: String = ""): (T, Int) = {
require(startPort == 0 || (1024 <= startPort && startPort < 65536),
"startPort should be between 1024 and 65535 (inclusive), or 0 for a random free port.")
val serviceString = if (serviceName.isEmpty) "" else s" '$serviceName'"
val maxRetries = portMaxRetries(conf)
for (offset <- 0 to maxRetries) {
val tryPort = if (startPort == 0) {
} else {
((startPort + offset - 1024) % (65536 - 1024)) + 1024
try {
val (service, port) = startService(tryPort)
logInfo(s"Successfully started service$serviceString on port $port.")
return (service, port)
} catch {
case e: Exception if isBindCollision(e) =>
if (offset >= maxRetries) {
val exceptionMessage =
s"${e.getMessage}: Service$serviceString failed after $maxRetries retries!"
val exception = new BindException(exceptionMessage)
throw exception
logWarning(s"Service$serviceString could not bind on port $tryPort. " +
s"Attempting port ${tryPort + 1}.")
throw new SparkException(s"Failed to start service$serviceString on port $startPort")
def createDirectory(root: String, namePrefix: String = "spark"): File = {
var attempts = 0
var dir: File = null
while (dir == null) {
attempts += 1
if (attempts > maxAttempts) {
throw new IOException("Failed to create a temp directory (under " + root + ") after " +
maxAttempts + " attempts!")
try {
dir = new File(root, namePrefix + "-" + UUID.randomUUID.toString)
if (dir.exists() || !dir.mkdirs()) {
dir = null
} catch { case e: SecurityException => dir = null; }
private[spark] def isRunningInYarnContainer(conf: SparkConf): Boolean = {
conf.getenv("CONTAINER_ID") != null
private def getYarnLocalDirs(conf: SparkConf): String = {
val localDirs = Option(conf.getenv("LOCAL_DIRS")).getOrElse("")
if (localDirs.isEmpty) {
throw new Exception("Yarn Local dirs can't be empty")
def getConfiguredLocalDirs(conf: SparkConf): Array[String] = {
val shuffleServiceEnabled = conf.getBoolean("spark.shuffle.service.enabled", false)
if (isRunningInYarnContainer(conf)) {
} else if (conf.getenv("SPARK_EXECUTOR_DIRS") != null) {
} else if (conf.getenv("SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS") != null) {
} else if (conf.getenv("MESOS_DIRECTORY") != null && !shuffleServiceEnabled) {
} else {
if (conf.getenv("MESOS_DIRECTORY") != null && shuffleServiceEnabled) {
logInfo("MESOS_DIRECTORY available but not using provided Mesos sandbox because " +
"spark.shuffle.service.enabled is enabled.")
conf.get("spark.local.dir", System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")).split(",")
def createTempDir(
root: String = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"),
namePrefix: String = "spark"): File = {
val dir = createDirectory(root, namePrefix)
def chmod700(file: File): Boolean = {
file.setReadable(false, false) &&
file.setReadable(true, true) &&
file.setWritable(false, false) &&
file.setWritable(true, true) &&
file.setExecutable(false, false) &&
file.setExecutable(true, true)
private def getOrCreateLocalRootDirsImpl(conf: SparkConf): Array[String] = {
getConfiguredLocalDirs(conf).flatMap { root =>
try {
val rootDir = new File(root)
if (rootDir.exists || rootDir.mkdirs()) {
val dir = createTempDir(root)
} else {
logError(s"Failed to create dir in $root. Ignoring this directory.")
} catch {
case e: IOException =>
logError(s"Failed to create local root dir in $root. Ignoring this directory.")
private[spark] def getOrCreateLocalRootDirs(conf: SparkConf): Array[String] = {
if (localRootDirs == null) {
this.synchronized {
if (localRootDirs == null) {
localRootDirs = getOrCreateLocalRootDirsImpl(conf)
def getLocalDir(conf: SparkConf): String = {
def getFormattedClassName(obj: AnyRef): String = {
obj.getClass.getSimpleName.replace("$", "")
def nonNegativeHash(obj: AnyRef): Int = {
// Required ?
if (obj eq null) return 0
val hash = obj.hashCode
// math.abs fails for Int.MinValue
val hashAbs = if (Int.MinValue != hash) math.abs(hash) else 0
// Nothing else to guard against ?
def nonNegativeMod(x: Int, mod: Int): Int = {
val rawMod = x % mod
rawMod + (if (rawMod < 0) mod else 0)
def tryWithSafeFinally[T](block: => T)(finallyBlock: => Unit): T = {
var originalThrowable: Throwable = null
try {
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
// Purposefully not using NonFatal, because even fatal exceptions
// we don't want to have our finallyBlock suppress
originalThrowable = t
throw originalThrowable
} finally {
try {
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
if (originalThrowable != null) {
logWarning(s"Suppressing exception in finally: " + t.getMessage, t)
throw originalThrowable
} else {
throw t
def tryOrIOException[T](block: => T): T = {
try {
} catch {
case e: IOException =>
logError("Exception encountered", e)
throw e
case NonFatal(e) =>
logError("Exception encountered", e)
throw new IOException(e)
def deleteRecursively(file: File) {
if (file != null) {
try {
if (file.isDirectory && !isSymlink(file)) {
var savedIOException: IOException = null
for (child <- listFilesSafely(file)) {
try {
} catch {
// In case of multiple exceptions, only last one will be thrown
case ioe: IOException => savedIOException = ioe
if (savedIOException != null) {
throw savedIOException
} finally {
if (!file.delete()) {
// Delete can also fail if the file simply did not exist
if (file.exists()) {
throw new IOException("Failed to delete: " + file.getAbsolutePath)
def getSparkClassLoader = getClass.getClassLoader
def bytesToString(size: Long): String = {
val TB = 1L << 40
val GB = 1L << 30
val MB = 1L << 20
val KB = 1L << 10
val (value, unit) = {
if (size >= 2*TB) {
(size.asInstanceOf[Double] / TB, "TB")
} else if (size >= 2*GB) {
(size.asInstanceOf[Double] / GB, "GB")
} else if (size >= 2*MB) {
(size.asInstanceOf[Double] / MB, "MB")
} else if (size >= 2*KB) {
(size.asInstanceOf[Double] / KB, "KB")
} else {
(size.asInstanceOf[Double], "B")
"%.1f %s".formatLocal(Locale.US, value, unit)
def classForName(className: String): Class[_] = {
Class.forName(className, true, getContextOrSparkClassLoader)
def getThreadDump(): Array[ThreadStackTrace] = {
val threadInfos = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean.dumpAllThreads(true, true).filter(_ != null)
private[spark] class CallerContext(
from: String,
appId: Option[String] = None,
appAttemptId: Option[String] = None,
jobId: Option[Int] = None,
stageId: Option[Int] = None,
stageAttemptId: Option[Int] = None,
taskId: Option[Long] = None,
taskAttemptNumber: Option[Int] = None) extends Logging {
val appIdStr = if (appId.isDefined) s"_${appId.get}" else ""
val appAttemptIdStr = if (appAttemptId.isDefined) s"_${appAttemptId.get}" else ""
val jobIdStr = if (jobId.isDefined) s"_JId_${jobId.get}" else ""
val stageIdStr = if (stageId.isDefined) s"_SId_${stageId.get}" else ""
val stageAttemptIdStr = if (stageAttemptId.isDefined) s"_${stageAttemptId.get}" else ""
val taskIdStr = if (taskId.isDefined) s"_TId_${taskId.get}" else ""
val taskAttemptNumberStr =
if (taskAttemptNumber.isDefined) s"_${taskAttemptNumber.get}" else ""
val context = "SPARK_" + from + appIdStr + appAttemptIdStr +
jobIdStr + stageIdStr + stageAttemptIdStr + taskIdStr + taskAttemptNumberStr
def setCurrentContext(): Unit = {
if (CallerContext.callerContextSupported) {
try {
val callerContext = Utils.classForName("org.apache.hadoop.ipc.CallerContext")
val builder = Utils.classForName("org.apache.hadoop.ipc.CallerContext$Builder")
val builderInst = builder.getConstructor(classOf[String]).newInstance(context)
val hdfsContext = builder.getMethod("build").invoke(builderInst)
callerContext.getMethod("setCurrent", callerContext).invoke(null, hdfsContext)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
logWarning("Fail to set Spark caller context", e)
def memoryStringToMb(str: String): Int = {
(JavaUtils.byteStringAsBytes(str) / 1024 / 1024).toInt
def getMaxResultSize(conf: SparkConf): Long = {
memoryStringToMb(conf.get("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "1g")).toLong << 20
def tempFileWith(path: File): File = {
new File(path.getAbsolutePath + "." + UUID.randomUUID())
def copyStream(in: InputStream,
out: OutputStream,
closeStreams: Boolean = false,
transferToEnabled: Boolean = false): Long =
var count = 0L
tryWithSafeFinally {
if (in.isInstanceOf[FileInputStream] && out.isInstanceOf[FileOutputStream]
&& transferToEnabled) {
val inChannel = in.asInstanceOf[FileInputStream].getChannel()
val outChannel = out.asInstanceOf[FileOutputStream].getChannel()
val initialPos = outChannel.position()
val size = inChannel.size()
while (count < size) {
count += inChannel.transferTo(count, size - count, outChannel)
val finalPos = outChannel.position()
assert(finalPos == initialPos + size,
|Current position $finalPos do not equal to expected position ${initialPos + size}
|after transferTo, please check your kernel version to see if it is 2.6.32,
|this is a kernel bug which will lead to unexpected behavior when using transferTo.
|You can set spark.file.transferTo = false to disable this NIO feature.
} else {
val buf = new Array[Byte](8192)
var n = 0
while (n != -1) {
n = in.read(buf)
if (n != -1) {
out.write(buf, 0, n)
count += n
} {
if (closeStreams) {
try {
} finally {
def logUncaughtExceptions[T](f: => T): T = {
try {
} catch {
case ct: ControlThrowable =>
throw ct
case t: Throwable =>
logError(s"Uncaught exception in thread ${Thread.currentThread().getName}", t)
throw t
def getContextOrSparkClassLoader =
private def doFetchFile(
url: String,
targetDir: File,
filename: String,
conf: SparkConf,
securityMgr: SecurityManager,
hadoopConf: Configuration) {
val targetFile = new File(targetDir, filename)
val uri = new URI(url)
val fileOverwrite = conf.getBoolean("spark.files.overwrite", defaultValue = false)
Option(uri.getScheme).getOrElse("file") match {
case "spark" =>
if (SparkEnv.get == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot retrieve files with 'spark' scheme without an active SparkEnv.")
val source = SparkEnv.get.rpcEnv.openChannel(url)
val is = Channels.newInputStream(source)
downloadFile(url, is, targetFile, fileOverwrite)
case "http" | "https" | "ftp" =>
var uc: URLConnection = null
if (securityMgr.isAuthenticationEnabled()) {
logDebug("fetchFile with security enabled")
val newuri = constructURIForAuthentication(uri, securityMgr)
uc = newuri.toURL().openConnection()
} else {
logDebug("fetchFile not using security")
uc = new URL(url).openConnection()
Utils.setupSecureURLConnection(uc, securityMgr)
val timeoutMs =
conf.getTimeAsSeconds("spark.files.fetchTimeout", "60s").toInt * 1000
val in = uc.getInputStream()
downloadFile(url, in, targetFile, fileOverwrite)
case "file" =>
// In the case of a local file, copy the local file to the target directory.
// Note the difference between uri vs url.
val sourceFile = if (uri.isAbsolute) new File(uri) else new File(url)
copyFile(url, sourceFile, targetFile, fileOverwrite)
case _ =>
val fs = getHadoopFileSystem(uri, hadoopConf)
val path = new Path(uri)
fetchHcfsFile(path, targetDir, fs, conf, hadoopConf, fileOverwrite,
filename = Some(filename))
def fetchFile(
url: String,
targetDir: File,
conf: SparkConf,
securityMgr: SecurityManager,
hadoopConf: Configuration,
timestamp: Long,
useCache: Boolean) {
val fileName = decodeFileNameInURI(new URI(url))
val targetFile = new File(targetDir, fileName)
val fetchCacheEnabled = conf.getBoolean("spark.files.useFetchCache", defaultValue = true)
if (useCache && fetchCacheEnabled) {
val cachedFileName = s"${url.hashCode}${timestamp}_cache"
val lockFileName = s"${url.hashCode}${timestamp}_lock"
val localDir = new File(getLocalDir(conf))
val lockFile = new File(localDir, lockFileName)
val lockFileChannel = new RandomAccessFile(lockFile, "rw").getChannel()
val lock = lockFileChannel.lock()
val cachedFile = new File(localDir, cachedFileName)
try {
if (!cachedFile.exists()) {
doFetchFile(url, localDir, cachedFileName, conf, securityMgr, hadoopConf)
} finally {
conf.getBoolean("spark.files.overwrite", false)
} else {
doFetchFile(url, targetDir, fileName, conf, securityMgr, hadoopConf)
// Decompress the file if it's a .tar or .tar.gz
if (fileName.endsWith(".tar.gz") || fileName.endsWith(".tgz")) {
logInfo("Untarring " + fileName)
executeAndGetOutput(Seq("tar", "-xzf", fileName), targetDir)
} else if (fileName.endsWith(".tar")) {
logInfo("Untarring " + fileName)
executeAndGetOutput(Seq("tar", "-xf", fileName), targetDir)
// Make the file executable - That's necessary for scripts
FileUtil.chmod(targetFile.getAbsolutePath, "a+x")
// Windows does not grant read permission by default to non-admin users
// Add read permission to owner explicitly
if (isWindows) {
FileUtil.chmod(targetFile.getAbsolutePath, "u+r")
def executeAndGetOutput(
command: Seq[String],
workingDir: File = new File("."),
extraEnvironment: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
redirectStderr: Boolean = true): String = {
val process = executeCommand(command, workingDir, extraEnvironment, redirectStderr)
val output = new StringBuilder
val threadName = "read stdout for " + command(0)
def appendToOutput(s: String): Unit = output.append(s).append("\n")
val stdoutThread = processStreamByLine(threadName, process.getInputStream, appendToOutput)
val exitCode = process.waitFor()
stdoutThread.join() // Wait for it to finish reading output
if (exitCode != 0) {
logError(s"Process $command exited with code $exitCode: $output")
throw new SparkException(s"Process $command exited with code $exitCode")
def memoryStringToMb(str: String): Int = {
(JavaUtils.byteStringAsBytes(str) / 1024 / 1024).toInt
def extractHostPortFromSparkUrl(sparkUrl: String): (String, Int) = {
try {
val uri = new java.net.URI(sparkUrl)
val host = uri.getHost
val port = uri.getPort
if (uri.getScheme != "spark" ||
host == null ||
port < 0 ||
(uri.getPath != null && !uri.getPath.isEmpty) || // uri.getPath returns "" instead of null
uri.getFragment != null ||
uri.getQuery != null ||
uri.getUserInfo != null) {
throw new SparkException("Invalid master URL: " + sparkUrl)
(host, port)
} catch {
case e: java.net.URISyntaxException =>
throw new SparkException("Invalid master URL: " + sparkUrl, e)
def isDynamicAllocationEnabled(conf: SparkConf): Boolean = {
val dynamicAllocationEnabled = conf.getBoolean("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled", false)
dynamicAllocationEnabled &&
(!isLocalMaster(conf) || conf.getBoolean("spark.dynamicAllocation.testing", false))