tigase 安装后出现登陆错误原因


tigase db error,client can't login

5 replies [ Last post]

tigase db error,like this:
2012-10-15 10:05:19 SaslAuth.supStreamFeatures() WARNING: Database problem: tigase.db.TigaseDBException: No euthentication mechanisms found, probably DB misconfiguration problem.
2012-10-15 10:05:20 SaslAuth.supStreamFeatures() WARNING: Database problem: tigase.db.TigaseDBException: No euthentication mechanisms found, probably DB misconfiguration problem.
2012-10-15 10:05:21 JabberIqAuth.process() WARNING: Database problem, most likely misconfiguration error: java.lang.NullPointerException

At last week tigase and mysql is no problem,i reinstall can't resolve this problem.

PS:use mysql client and use java jdbc connect mysql server is correct.

chlaws (not verified)

==resolve by myself===

install command: java -jar tigase-server-5.1.0-b3002.jar -console (all finished say:Install was successeful)

yeaterday question:
The logfile output db problem when I login.
The error log you can see other comment.

today I retry install on all server use some db type,all config and install and startup method is same like yesterday

case 1: use db derby
on centos6.2 x86_64 jdk version 1.7.0_03
on suse10sp4 x86_64 jdk version 1.7.0_03
init.properties content:
--user-db = derby
--admins = admin@pp-im
--user-db-uri = jdbc:derby:/home/chlaws/tigase/tigasedb
config-type = --gen-config-def
--virt-hosts = pp-im
--debug = server

startup command:./scripts/tigase.sh start ./etc/tigase.conf
register and login is succesful

startup command:./xmpp.sh start
xmpp content:
if [ $# -eq 1 ];then
if [ $1 == "start" ];then
./tigase/scripts/tigase.sh start ./tigase/etc/tigase.sh
elif [ $1 == "stop" ];then
./tigase/scripts/tigase.sh stop ./tigase/etc/tigase.sh
echo "unknown cmd:$@"
echo "unknown cmd:$@"

use myself shell xmpp.sh start has error like yesterday,so I check agian,the command in the xmpp.sh is error.
change etc/tigase.sh to etc/tigase.conf ,restart all is right.

in the end, I think may be scripts/tigase.sh should add check ,when parameters file suffix not .conf or the file not defualt file like etc/tigase.conf you should echo prompt tell user use self config file.

Artur Hefczyc
Joined: 2006-09-03
Points: 267328

As the error says, the most likely cause is the server misconfiguration. Config file could help. Also how to you start the server, what OS do you use?

Joined: 2010-11-24
Points: 765

Can you provide your configuration as well as log excerpt from the server startup?

chlaws (not verified)

1.reinstall and use db is derby on two server,the error exist

2.I Change new server and install use db is derby,this time no error
use psi can register and login.

=>I don't known the error what happen ,has someone tell me why?

chlaws (not verified)

when i use postgresql instead mysql ,the error also exist.
Register successful,but data not write postgresql.
2012-10-15 16:42:37 SaslAuth.supStreamFeatures() WARNING: Database problem: tigase.db.TigaseDBException: No euthentication mechanisms found, probably DB misconfiguration problem.
2012-10-15 16:42:37 JabberIqAuth.process() WARNING: Database problem, most likely misconfiguration error: java.lang.NullPointerException
2012-10-15 16:42:37 RepositoryAccess.register() INFO: User added: jiangwenlong@pp-im, pass: 123
2012-10-15 16:42:37 RepositoryAccess.register() INFO: Registration data set for: jiangwenlong@pp-im, pass: 123, reg_params: null
2012-10-15 16:42:39 SaslAuth.supStreamFeatures() WARNING: Database problem: tigase.db.TigaseDBException: No euthentication mechanisms found, probably DB misconfiguration problem.
2012-10-15 16:42:39 JabberIqAuth.process() WARNING: Database problem, most likely misconfiguration error: java.lang.NullPointerException
