有用的 SystemTap 脚本

注:该文原文是 Chapter 5. Useful SystemTap Scripts


本章列举了几种可以用来监测和调查不同的子系统的 SystemTap 脚本。一旦你安装了 systemtap-testsuite RPM 包,所有的这些脚本都可以在 /usr/share/systemtap/testsuite/systemtap.examples/ 目录下找到。

5.1 网络


5.1.1 网络性能分析

本节描述了如何描述网络活动,nettop.stp 提供了一个了解在每台机器上每个进程生成了多少网络流量的机会。


#! /usr/bin/env stap

global ifxmit, ifrecv
global ifmerged

probe netdev.transmit
  ifxmit[pid(), dev_name, execname(), uid()] <<< length

probe netdev.receive
  ifrecv[pid(), dev_name, execname(), uid()] <<< length

function print_activity()
  printf("%5s %5s %-7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %-15s\n",
         "PID", "UID", "DEV", "XMIT_PK", "RECV_PK",
         "XMIT_KB", "RECV_KB", "COMMAND")

  foreach ([pid, dev, exec, uid] in ifrecv) {
      ifmerged[pid, dev, exec, uid] += @count(ifrecv[pid,dev,exec,uid]);
  foreach ([pid, dev, exec, uid] in ifxmit) {
      ifmerged[pid, dev, exec, uid] += @count(ifxmit[pid,dev,exec,uid]);
  foreach ([pid, dev, exec, uid] in ifmerged-) {
    n_xmit = @count(ifxmit[pid, dev, exec, uid])
    n_recv = @count(ifrecv[pid, dev, exec, uid])
    printf("%5d %5d %-7s %7d %7d %7d %7d %-15s\n",
           pid, uid, dev, n_xmit, n_recv,
           n_xmit ? @sum(ifxmit[pid, dev, exec, uid])/1024 : 0,
           n_recv ? @sum(ifrecv[pid, dev, exec, uid])/1024 : 0,


  delete ifxmit
  delete ifrecv
  delete ifmerged

probe timer.ms(5000), end, error

注意 function print_activity() 使用以下表达式:

n_xmit ? @sum(ifxmit[pid, dev, exec, uid])/1024 : 0
n_recv ? @sum(ifrecv[pid, dev, exec, uid])/1024 : 0

这些表达式是 if/else 条件判断语句,上面第二个语句是以下伪代码的一个更简洁的写作方式:

if n_recv != 0 then
  @sum(ifrecv[pid, dev, exec, uid])/1024

nettop.stp 跟踪在系统上哪个进程在生成网络流量,并提供关于进程的以下信息:

  • PID — the ID of the listed process.
  • UID — user ID. A user ID of 0 refers to the root user.
  • DEV — which ethernet device the process used to send / receive data (for example, eth0, eth1)
  • XMIT_PK — number of packets transmitted by the process
  • RECV_PK — number of packets received by the process
  • XMIT_KB — amount of data sent by the process, in kilobytes
  • RECV_KB — amount of data received by the service, in kilobytes

nettop.stp 每 5 秒提供网络性能分析取样。你可以根据 probe timer.ms(5000) 改变这个设置, Example 5.1, “nettop.stp Sample Output” 包含了一份从 nettop.stp 输出的 20s 内的摘录。

Example 5.1. nettop.stp Sample Output

    0     0 eth0          0       5       0       0 swapper
11178     0 eth0          2       0       0       0 synergyc

 2886     4 eth0         79       0       5       0 cups-polld
11362     0 eth0          0      61       0       5 firefox
    0     0 eth0          3      32       0       3 swapper
 2886     4 lo            4       4       0       0 cups-polld
11178     0 eth0          3       0       0       0 synergyc

    0     0 eth0          0       6       0       0 swapper
 2886     4 lo            2       2       0       0 cups-polld
11178     0 eth0          3       0       0       0 synergyc
 3611     0 eth0          0       1       0       0 Xorg

    0     0 eth0          3      42       0       2 swapper
11178     0 eth0         43       1       3       0 synergyc
11362     0 eth0          0       7       0       0 firefox
 3897     0 eth0          0       1       0       0 multiload-apple

5.1.2 在网络 socket 代码中跟踪函数调用

本节描述了怎样从 net/socket.c 文件中跟踪函数调用。这个任务可以帮助你在更多的细节识别,在内核中,每个进程是怎么与网络交互的。


#! /usr/bin/env stap

probe kernel.function("*@net/socket.c").call {
  printf ("%s -> %s\n", thread_indent(1), ppfunc())
probe kernel.function("*@net/socket.c").return {
  printf ("%s <- %s\n", thread_indent(-1), ppfunc())

socket-trace.stp 是完全和 Example 3.6, “thread_indent.stp” 一样的。最早在 SystemTap Functions 中使用用于证明 thread_indent() 是怎么工作的。

Example 5.2. socket-trace.stp Sample Output

0 Xorg(3611): -> sock_poll
3 Xorg(3611): <- sock_poll
0 Xorg(3611): -> sock_poll
3 Xorg(3611): <- sock_poll
0 gnome-terminal(11106): -> sock_poll
5 gnome-terminal(11106): <- sock_poll
0 scim-bridge(3883): -> sock_poll
3 scim-bridge(3883): <- sock_poll
0 scim-bridge(3883): -> sys_socketcall
4 scim-bridge(3883):  -> sys_recv
8 scim-bridge(3883):   -> sys_recvfrom
12 scim-bridge(3883):-> sock_from_file
16 scim-bridge(3883):<- sock_from_file
20 scim-bridge(3883):-> sock_recvmsg
24 scim-bridge(3883):<- sock_recvmsg
28 scim-bridge(3883):   <- sys_recvfrom
31 scim-bridge(3883):  <- sys_recv
35 scim-bridge(3883): <- sys_socketcall

Example 5.2, “socket-trace.stp Sample Output” 包含了 socket-trace.stp 输出中的 3s 引用。想要脚本 thread_indent() 提供的更多信息,请移步至 SystemTap Functions Example 3.6, “thread_indent.stp”。

5.1.3 监控传入的 TCP 连接



#! /usr/bin/env stap

probe begin {
  printf("%6s %16s %6s %6s %16s\n",
         "UID", "CMD", "PID", "PORT", "IP_SOURCE")

probe kernel.function("tcp_accept").return?,
      kernel.function("inet_csk_accept").return? {
  sock = $return
  if (sock != 0)
    printf("%6d %16s %6d %6d %16s\n", uid(), execname(), pid(),
           inet_get_local_port(sock), inet_get_ip_source(sock))

tcp_connections.stp 正在运行,它将打印任何关于被系统实时接收的 TCP 连接的以下信息:

  • Current UID
  • CMD - the command accepting the connection
  • PID of the command
  • Port used by the connection
  • IP address from which the TCP connection originated
Example 5.3. tcp_connections.stp Sample Output

UID            CMD    PID   PORT        IP_SOURCE
0             sshd   3165     22
0             sshd   3165     22

5.1.4 监控 TCP 包

本节说明了如何监控被系统接收的 TCP 包。这个对分析在系统上运行的应用生成的网络流量非常有用。


#! /usr/bin/env stap

// A TCP dump like example

probe begin, timer.s(1) {
  printf("       Source IP         Dest IP  SPort  DPort  U  A  P  R  S  F \n")

probe udp.recvmsg /* ,udp.sendmsg */ {
  printf(" %15s %15s  %5d  %5d  UDP\n",
         saddr, daddr, sport, dport)

probe tcp.receive {
  printf(" %15s %15s  %5d  %5d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d  %d\n",
         saddr, daddr, sport, dport, urg, ack, psh, rst, syn, fin)

tcpdumplike.stp 在运行,它将打印以下关于任何被实时接收的 TCP 包的信息:

  • Source and destination IP address (saddr, daddr, respectively)
  • Source and destination ports (sport, dport, respectively)
  • Packet flags

为了确定被包使用的标志,tcpdumplike.stp 使用了以下函数:

  • urg - urgent
  • ack - acknowledgement
  • psh - push
  • rst - reset
  • syn - synchronize
  • fin - finished

上述函数返回 1 或 0 来指定包是否使用了匹配的标志。

Example 5.4. tcpdumplike.stp Sample Output

       Source IP         Dest IP  SPort  DPort  U  A  P  R  S  F
-----------------------------------------------------------------     80  20373  0  1  1  0  0  0     80  53214  0  1  0  0  1  0     80  53214  0  1  0  0  0  0     80  63433  0  1  0  0  1  0     80  63433  0  1  0  0  0  0     80  21141  0  1  1  0  0  0     80  21141  0  1  1  0  0  0     80  21141  0  1  1  0  0  0     80  21141  0  1  1  0  0  0     80  21141  0  1  1  0  0  0     80  63433  0  1  1  0  0  0

5.1.5 监控内核中的网络丢包

在 Linux 网络栈可以因为各种原因丢弃数据包。一些 Linux 内核包含了跟踪点,kernel.trace("kfree_skb"),可以很容易的跟踪包在哪里丢弃了。 dropwatch.stp 使用 kernel.trace("kfree_skb") 来追踪包丢弃;这个脚本概述了每 5 秒的间隔包丢弃的位置。


#! /usr/bin/env stap

# Dropwatch.stp
# Author: Neil Horman 
# An example script to mimic the behavior of the dropwatch utility
# http://fedorahosted.org/dropwatch

# Array to hold the list of drop points we find
global locations

# Note when we turn the monitor on and off
probe begin { printf("Monitoring for dropped packets\n") }
probe end { printf("Stopping dropped packet monitor\n") }

# increment a drop counter for every location we drop at
probe kernel.trace("kfree_skb") { locations[$location] <<< 1 }

# Every 5 seconds report our drop locations
probe timer.sec(5)
  foreach (l in locations-) {
    printf("%d packets dropped at %s\n",
           @count(locations[l]), symname(l))
  delete locations

kernel.trace("kfree_skb") 跟踪到内核丢弃网络包的位置。kernel.trace("kfree_skb") 有两个参数:一个指向缓冲区的指针被释放($skb)的 buffer,内核代码缓冲区的位置被释放($location)。dropwatch.stp 脚本提供了包含 $location 的函数。把 $location 映射回函数的信息不是测量的默认值。在 SystemTap 1.4 ,--all-modules 选项将包含要求的映射信息,以下命令可以被用于运行这个脚本。

stap --all-modules dropwatch.stp

在 SystemTap 的老版本,你可以使用以下命令来模仿 --all-modules 选项:

stap -dkernel \
`cat /proc/modules | awk 'BEGIN { ORS = " " } {print "-d"$1}'` \

运行 dropwatch.stp 脚本 15s 将有类似 Example 5.5, “dropwatch.stp Sample Output” 的输出结果。

Example 5.5. dropwatch.stp Sample Output

Monitoring for dropped packets

1762 packets dropped at unix_stream_recvmsg
4 packets dropped at tun_do_read
2 packets dropped at nf_hook_slow

467 packets dropped at unix_stream_recvmsg
20 packets dropped at nf_hook_slow
6 packets dropped at tun_do_read

446 packets dropped at unix_stream_recvmsg
4 packets dropped at tun_do_read
4 packets dropped at nf_hook_slow
Stopping dropped packet monitor

当脚本在一台机器上编译,在另外一台机器上运行, --all-modules/proc/modules 目录是不可用的。symname 函数将打印出原始地址。为了使得原始地址丢弃的更有意义,涉及 /boot/System.map-uname -r`` 文件。文件列表列出了每个函数的开始地址。允许你映射地址到 Example 5.5, “dropwatch.stp Sample Output” 输出的一个指定的函数名字。得到 /boot/System.map-uname -r 文件的以下片段。 0xffffffff8149a8ed 地址映射到函数 unix_stream_recvmsg:

ffffffff8149a420 t unix_dgram_poll
ffffffff8149a5e0 t unix_stream_recvmsg
ffffffff8149ad00 t unix_find_other

5.2 磁盘

后面的章节展示了监控磁盘和 I/O 活动的脚本。

5.2.1 统计磁盘读写流量

这节描述了怎样识别哪个进程在执行频繁的磁盘 reads/writes。


#!/usr/bin/env stap 
# Copyright (C) 2007 Oracle Corp.
# Get the status of reading/writing disk every 5 seconds,
# output top ten entries 
# This is free software,GNU General Public License (GPL);
# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
# Usage:
#  ./disktop.stp

global io_stat,device
global read_bytes,write_bytes

probe vfs.read.return {
  if ($return>0) {
    if (devname!="N/A") {/*skip read from cache*/
      io_stat[pid(),execname(),uid(),ppid(),"R"] += $return
      device[pid(),execname(),uid(),ppid(),"R"] = devname
      read_bytes += $return

probe vfs.write.return {
  if ($return>0) {
    if (devname!="N/A") { /*skip update cache*/
      io_stat[pid(),execname(),uid(),ppid(),"W"] += $return
      device[pid(),execname(),uid(),ppid(),"W"] = devname
      write_bytes += $return

probe timer.ms(5000) {
  /* skip non-read/write disk */
  if (read_bytes+write_bytes) {

    printf("\n%-25s, %-8s%4dKb/sec, %-7s%6dKb, %-7s%6dKb\n\n",
           "Average:", ((read_bytes+write_bytes)/1024)/5,

    /* print header */
    printf("%8s %8s %8s %25s %8s %4s %12s\n",
  /* print top ten I/O */
  foreach ([process,cmd,userid,parent,action] in io_stat- limit 10)
    printf("%8d %8d %8d %25s %8s %4s %12d\n",

  /* clear data */
  delete io_stat
  delete device
  read_bytes = 0
  write_bytes = 0  

probe end{
  delete io_stat
  delete device
  delete read_bytes
  delete write_bytes

disktop.stp 输出了最频繁读写磁盘的前 10 进程。Example 5.6, “disktop.stp Sample Output”显示了这个脚本的取样输出,每个列出的进程包含以下数据:

  • UID — user ID. A user ID of 0 refers to the root user.
  • PID — the ID of the listed process.
  • PPID — the process ID of the listed process's parent process.
  • CMD — the name of the listed process.
  • DEVICE — which storage device the listed process is reading from or writing to.
  • T — the type of action performed by the listed process; W refers to write, while R refers to read.
  • BYTES — the amount of data read to or written from disk.

disktop.stp 输出的时间和日期是由函数 ctime()gettimeofday_s(). ctime() 返回的。硬件时钟从 UNIX 时间(January 1, 1970)以秒为单位传递。 gettimeofday_s() 计算了从 UNIX 时间的实际秒数。给出了一个相当准确的人类可读的时间戳作为输出。

在这个脚本中,$return 是一个本地变量,存储了每个进程从虚拟文件系统读或写的实际字节数。$return 仅能被用于返回探针(例如, vfs.read.return )。

Example 5.6. disktop.stp Sample Output

Mon Sep 29 03:38:28 2008 , Average:  19Kb/sec, Read: 7Kb, Write: 89Kb

UID      PID     PPID                       CMD   DEVICE    T    BYTES
0    26319    26294                   firefox     sda5    W        90229
0     2758     2757           pam_timestamp_c     sda5    R         8064
0     2885        1                     cupsd     sda5    W         1678

Mon Sep 29 03:38:38 2008 , Average:   1Kb/sec, Read: 7Kb, Write: 1Kb

UID      PID     PPID                       CMD   DEVICE    T    BYTES
0     2758     2757           pam_timestamp_c     sda5    R         8064
0     2885        1                     cupsd     sda5    W         1678

5.2.2 为每个文件的读或写跟踪 I/O 时间



#! /usr/bin/env stap

 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat Inc.
 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
 * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
 * of the GNU General Public License v.2.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .
 * Print out the amount of time spent in the read and write systemcall
 * when each file opened by the process is closed. Note that the systemtap 
 * script needs to be running before the open operations occur for
 * the script to record data.
 * This script could be used to to find out which files are slow to load
 * on a machine. e.g.
 * stap iotime.stp -c 'firefox'
 * Output format is:
 * timestamp pid (executabable) info_type path ...
 * 200283135 2573 (cupsd) access /etc/printcap read: 0 write: 7063
 * 200283143 2573 (cupsd) iotime /etc/printcap time: 69

global start
global time_io

function timestamp:long() { return gettimeofday_us() - start }

function proc:string() { return sprintf("%d (%s)", pid(), execname()) }

probe begin { start = gettimeofday_us() }

global filehandles, fileread, filewrite

probe syscall.open.return {
  filename = user_string($filename)
  if ($return != -1) {
    filehandles[pid(), $return] = filename
  } else {
    printf("%d %s access %s fail\n", timestamp(), proc(), filename)

probe syscall.read.return {
  p = pid()
  fd = $fd
  bytes = $return
  time = gettimeofday_us() - @entry(gettimeofday_us())
  if (bytes > 0)
    fileread[p, fd] += bytes
  time_io[p, fd] <<< time

probe syscall.write.return {
  p = pid()
  fd = $fd
  bytes = $return
  time = gettimeofday_us() - @entry(gettimeofday_us())
  if (bytes > 0)
    filewrite[p, fd] += bytes
  time_io[p, fd] <<< time

probe syscall.close {
  if ([pid(), $fd] in filehandles) {
    printf("%d %s access %s read: %d write: %d\n",
           timestamp(), proc(), filehandles[pid(), $fd],
           fileread[pid(), $fd], filewrite[pid(), $fd])
    if (@count(time_io[pid(), $fd]))
      printf("%d %s iotime %s time: %d\n",  timestamp(), proc(),
             filehandles[pid(), $fd], @sum(time_io[pid(), $fd]))
  delete fileread[pid(), $fd]
  delete filewrite[pid(), $fd]
  delete filehandles[pid(), $fd]
  delete time_io[pid(),$fd]

iotime.stp 追踪系统调用打开, 关闭, 读, 和 写一个文件的时间。对于每个系统调用访问,iotime.stp 会计算任何读写花费的微秒数和追踪读写进文件中的数据量。

iotime.stp 也使用本地变量 $count 来追踪任何系统调用试图读和写的数据量。注意 $return(被用于 Section 5.2.1, “Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic” 的 disktop.stp ) 存储读写的实际数据量。 $count 仅能被用于追踪数据读写的探针上(是 syscall.readsyscall.write)。

Example 5.7. iotime.stp Sample Output

825946 3364 (NetworkManager) access /sys/class/net/eth0/carrier read: 8190 write: 0
825955 3364 (NetworkManager) iotime /sys/class/net/eth0/carrier time: 9
117061 2460 (pcscd) access /dev/bus/usb/003/001 read: 43 write: 0
117065 2460 (pcscd) iotime /dev/bus/usb/003/001 time: 7
3973737 2886 (sendmail) access /proc/loadavg read: 4096 write: 0
3973744 2886 (sendmail) iotime /proc/loadavg time: 11

Example 5.7, “iotime.stp Sample Output” 打印以下数据:

  • 时间戳,以微秒为单位。
  • 进程 ID 和进程名字。
  • 一个 access 或 iotime 标志。
  • 被访问的文件。

如果一个进程可以读写任何数据,一对 access 和 iotime 应该出现在一起, access 行的时间戳涉及到一个给定的进程访问文件的时间;在这行的最后,它将显示读写字节数。iotime 行显示了一个进程为了执行读写所花费的时间。

如果 access 行后跟随的不是任何 iotime 行,意味着该进程没有读写任何数据。

5.2.3 跟踪累积 I/O

这节描述了怎样跟踪累积的系统 I/O。


#! /usr/bin/env stap
# traceio.stp
# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc., Eugene Teo 
# Copyright (C) 2009 Kai Meyer 
#   Fixed a bug that allows this to run longer
#   And added the humanreadable function
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.

global reads, writes, total_io

probe vfs.read.return {
  if ($return > 0) {
    reads[pid(),execname()] += $return
    total_io[pid(),execname()] += $return

probe vfs.write.return {
  if ($return > 0) {
    writes[pid(),execname()] += $return
    total_io[pid(),execname()] += $return

function humanreadable(bytes) {
  if (bytes > 1024*1024*1024) {
    return sprintf("%d GiB", bytes/1024/1024/1024)
  } else if (bytes > 1024*1024) {
    return sprintf("%d MiB", bytes/1024/1024)
  } else if (bytes > 1024) {
    return sprintf("%d KiB", bytes/1024)
  } else {
    return sprintf("%d   B", bytes)

probe timer.s(1) {
  foreach([p,e] in total_io- limit 10)
    printf("%8d %15s r: %12s w: %12s\n",
           p, e, humanreadable(reads[p,e]),
  # Note we don't zero out reads, writes and total_io,
  # so the values are cumulative since the script started.

traceio.stp 打印了前十的可执行文件生成 I/O 通信。此外,它也跟踪 I/O 读写的累积数量,通过这些前十的可执行文件。这些信息会被追踪并每隔 1s 打印出来,以降序的方式。

注意 traceio.stp 也使用本地变量 $return,被 Section 5.2.1, “Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic” 章节的 disktop.stp 使用的。

Example 5.8. traceio.stp Sample Output

           Xorg r:   583401 KiB w:        0 KiB
       floaters r:       96 KiB w:     7130 KiB
multiload-apple r:      538 KiB w:      537 KiB
           sshd r:       71 KiB w:       72 KiB
pam_timestamp_c r:      138 KiB w:        0 KiB
        staprun r:       51 KiB w:       51 KiB
          snmpd r:       46 KiB w:        0 KiB
          pcscd r:       28 KiB w:        0 KiB
     irqbalance r:       27 KiB w:        4 KiB
          cupsd r:        4 KiB w:       18 KiB

           Xorg r:   588140 KiB w:        0 KiB
       floaters r:       97 KiB w:     7143 KiB
multiload-apple r:      543 KiB w:      542 KiB
           sshd r:       72 KiB w:       72 KiB
pam_timestamp_c r:      138 KiB w:        0 KiB
        staprun r:       51 KiB w:       51 KiB
          snmpd r:       46 KiB w:        0 KiB
          pcscd r:       28 KiB w:        0 KiB
     irqbalance r:       27 KiB w:        4 KiB
          cupsd r:        4 KiB w:       18 KiB

5.2.4 I/O 监控 (By Device)

这节描述了怎样在指定设备上监控 I/O 活动。


#! /usr/bin/env stap

global device_of_interest

probe begin {
  /* The following is not the most efficient way to do this.
      One could directly put the result of usrdev2kerndev()
      into device_of_interest.  However, want to test out
      the other device functions */
  dev = usrdev2kerndev($1)
  device_of_interest = MKDEV(MAJOR(dev), MINOR(dev))

probe vfs.write, vfs.read
  if (dev == device_of_interest)
    printf ("%s(%d) %s 0x%x\n",
            execname(), pid(), ppfunc(), dev)

traceio2.stp 需要一个参数:整个设备号。为了获取这个数字,使用 stat -c "0x%D" directorydirectory 位于被监控的设备。

usrdev2kerndev() 函数把整个设备号转换成内核可理解的格式。usrdev2kerndev() 产生的输出被用于连接 MKDEV()MINOR(), 和 MAJOR() 函数来确定指定设备的最大和最小的数字。

traceio2.stp 输出包含任何执行读写进程的 ID 和名字,执行的函数(vfs_read 或 vfs_write),和内核设备号。

以下示例是从 stap traceio2.stp 0x805 的完整输出摘录的,0x805/home 的整个设备号,/home/dev/sda5 中,就是我们希望监控的设备。

Example 5.9. traceio2.stp Sample Output

synergyc(3722) vfs_read 0x800005
synergyc(3722) vfs_read 0x800005
cupsd(2889) vfs_write 0x800005
cupsd(2889) vfs_write 0x800005
cupsd(2889) vfs_write 0x800005

5.2.5 监控到一个文件的读和写



#! /usr/bin/env stap

probe vfs.write, vfs.read
  # dev and ino are defined by vfs.write and vfs.read
  if (dev == MKDEV($1,$2) # major/minor device
      && ino == $3)
    printf ("%s(%d) %s 0x%x/%u\n",
      execname(), pid(), ppfunc(), dev, ino)

5.2.6 监控文件属性的改变

5.2.7 定期打印 I/O 阻塞时间

5.3 优化

5.3.1 计算函数调用

5.3.2 调用图跟踪

5.3.3 确定在内核空间和用户空间花费的时间

5.3.4 监控轮询程序

5.3.5 跟踪最频繁的系统调用

5.3.6 跟踪每个进程的系统调用卷

5.4 识别用户空间竞争锁
