在Qcril_qmi_nas.cpp中,qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state中,一次命令执行以 > 开始,以<结束。 “cur reg state”返回了VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE 中的regState字段。
卡1 移动或联通高清语音通话中,卡2 电信的信号会丢网。
从ril log看,卡2确实丢网了。
03-18 14:56:30.157 RILJ : [2911]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = REG_HOME, .rat = 14, .cellIdentity = {.cellInfoType = LTE, .cellIdentityLte = [{.base = {.mcc = 460, .mnc = 11, .ci = -1, .pci = -1, .tac = 19215, .earfcn = -1}, .operatorNames = {.alphaLong = CHN-CT, .alphaShort = CT}, .bandwidth = 2147483647}], .cellIdentityTdscdma = []}} [SUB1]
03-18 15:08:25.922 RILJ : [3085]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_SEARCHING_OP, [SUB1]
03-18 15:08:57.915 RILJ : [3158]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_SEARCHING_OP, [SUB1]
03-18 15:10:24.999 RILJ : [3204]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_SEARCHING_OP, [SUB1]
03-18 15:13:11.920 RILJ : [3245]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_SEARCHING_OP, [SUB1]
03-18 15:13:12.046 RILJ : [3250]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_SEARCHING_OP, [SUB1]
03-18 15:13:15.122 RILJ : [3299]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_SEARCHING_OP, [SUB1]
03-18 15:13:15.340 RILJ : [3305]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_SEARCHING_OP, [SUB1]
03-18 15:13:17.052 RILJ : [3320]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = REG_HOME, .rat = 14, .cellIdentity = {.cellInfoType = LTE, .cellIdentityLte = [{.base = {.mcc = 460, .mnc = 11, .ci = 162732209, .pci = 111, .tac = 19209, .earfcn = 1825}, .operatorNames = {.alphaLong = CHN-CT, .alphaShort = CT}, .bandwidth = 2147483647}], .cellIdentityTdscdma = []}} [SUB1]
从qcril log看,voice reg状态从无服务变为有服务时打印的“cur reg state”从2无服务,变为1有服务。无服务时打印“prep wcdma”从wcdma获取注册状态。有服务时打印“prep lte”从lte获取注册状态。
所以入参1从NAS_SYS_INFO_IS_3GPP 变为NAS_SYS_INFO_IS_3GPP |NAS_SYS_INFO_IS_LTE,入参2从wcdma获取变为从lte获取。
从log看出来变化的是lte reg 从0无服务到1有服务.
intermediate res 1,时的打印还都是1.到intermediate res 2时打印就是0了。
qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: … srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 2 … srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 2
eb supported,紧急号码的支持都是true。
但是 voice on lte的支持从false 变为true。
voice on lte为何中间一段时间为false进而导致无服务?
从如下代码看,这个变量从qmi消息的voice_support_on_lte.获取 。
其实voice_support_on_lte 在modem侧已经在几分钟前变为false。当时终端灭屏了,所以没有上报modem。亮屏时才上报的。
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/Medium/CM [cmsds.c 6111] IMS_REG: Domsel:IMS registration is failed. cause code 2 backoff timer 0
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/Medium/CM [cmsds.c 6111] IMS_REG: Domsel:IMS registration is failed. cause code 2 backoff timer 0
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [cmsds.c 1073] DOM_SEL: sub 1 Indicating NO VOICE support on LTE
07:06:51.326 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmtask.c 10346] MSGR RXD: CMSDS, sub 1
07:06:51.326 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 4168] AS_ID 1, IMS->CM: IMS_REG: RXD: IMS_REG_STATUS_IND, status 0 call_type_mask=
07:06:51.326 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 3914] AS_ID 1, IMS_REG: IMS_REG_STATUS_IND, status 0, call_type_mask=
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/Medium/CM [ cmsds.c 6111] IMS_REG: Domsel:IMS registration is failed. cause code 2 backoff timer 02
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 364] Set IMS voice reg_status 5 on mode 9 asubs_id 1
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmss.c 27364] CM->NAS: sub 1, Send MMCM_IMS_REGISTRATION_INFO, is_avail 0
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmss.c 29458] CM->MSGR: sub 1, MM_CM_IMS_REG_STATUS_IND, is_registered 0, call_type 1
07:06:51.327 LML1/LowFreq/High/LML1 [lte_ml1_aps.c 1570] APS: ims_reg_status {as_id 1, is_reg 0, call_type_mask 1}2
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/Medium/CM [ cmsds.c 7035] Domsel:PPCSFB not possible mode=9,status=2,domain=22
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 6763] 1XCSFB is not supported in msim or csfb not enabled 0
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/Medium/CM [ cmsds.c 2397] voice_domain_chgd: DOM SEL: Update current voice domain selected: Old Dom 0 New Dom -1 sysMode 9
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 1073] DOM_SEL: sub 1 Indicating NO VOICE support on LTE
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 2212] DOM SEL: DOM_SEL_SHGD_IND new_dom -1 call_type 1
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 2235] CM->MSGR: SEND: DOMAIN_SELECTED_CHANGED_IND, sys_mode=9, sub=12
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 5698] Domsel: Skip IMS REG status processing
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 3451] SMS DOM SEL: Act on IMS_REG STATUS, is_registered=0, sys_mode=9, sub 1 stk 02
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 3293] SMS DOM SEL: No IMS Suppport for SMS.ph srv_dom_pef 0, sub 1 stk 0
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/Medium/CM [ cmsds.c 3171] Domsel:Process No SMS Ind: is_sms_mandatory =0, sys_mode=92
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 2523] DOM SEL: SMS_DOM_SEL_SHGD_IND Old 0 New 4
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 2212] DOM SEL: DOM_SEL_SHGD_IND new_dom 4 call_type 8
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 2235] CM->MSGR: SEND: DOMAIN_SELECTED_CHANGED_IND, sys_mode=9, sub=12
07:06:51.327 MMODE/STRM/Medium/CM [ cmsds.c 3244] SMS_DOM_SEL: SMS Domsel:Stay on LTE as SMS is not Mandatory
07:06:51.326 IMS DPL/High [ qpDcm.c 8363] qpDcmGetVopsIndicationFromDomainSelection | ims_pref --> 9 | vops -->12
从log看IMS 上报注册失败消息给 DOMAIN seleciton 模块。在函数cmsds_voice_dom_sel_process_ims_reg_status模块中处理。失败原因是TEMPORARY。
SA Lifetime expired2
[0051/0001] MSG 07:06:51.305 IMS/Medium [qpRegisterService.cpp 5587] RegisterService::qpMafTimerCallBack | Enter0 0
[0051/0001] MSG 07:06:51.305 IMS/Medium [qpRegisterService.cpp 5745] RegisterService::qpProcessTimerExpireMsg | SA Lifetime expired2 0
07:06:51.314 IMS/Medium [qpRegisterService.cpp 5716] RegisterService::qpProcessTimerExpireMsg | final timer fired; Cleaning Up SADB2 0
07:06:51.314 IMS/Medium [qpRegisterService.cpp 1872] RegisterService::qpCleanUpSADB | Enter2 0
07:06:51.314 IMS/High [qpRegisterService.cpp 1927] RegisterService::qpCleanUpSADB | Port = 40062 Status = 42 0
07:06:51.314 IMS/Medium [qpRegisterService.cpp 1944] RegisterService::qpCleanUpSADB | IPC to close udp port 400622 0
07:06:51.315 IMS/Medium [qpRegisterService.cpp 7903] RegisterService::qpDispCloseSecureServerPort | SADB empty. Closing Secure server port2 0
07:06:51.315 IMS/Medium [qpRegisterService.cpp 7937] RegisterService::qpDispCloseSecureServerPort | IPC to close port 449732 0
07:06:51.319 IMS/High [qpRegisterService.cpp 1692] RegisterService::Close | this: [0x8e71c970] tzwlan cancel err [1]2 0
07:06:51.319 IMS/High [qpRegisterService.cpp 1715] RS::Close | Resetting Sec-Veirfy/service-route/P-Associated-URI in Common Data2 0
07:06:51.320 IMS/High [qpRegisterService.cpp 9600] RegisterService::ResetNATVariables | Resetting NAT specific shared config variables2 0
07:06:51.320 IMS/High [qpRegisterService.cpp 1804] RegisterService::Close() | Setting RegService in SingoConfig to Invalid2 0
07:06:51.320 IMS/High [qpRegisterService.cpp 1804] RegisterService::Close() | Setting RegService in SingoConfig to Invalid2 0
07:06:51.320 IMS/High [qpRegisterService.cpp 1843] RegisterService::Close()| clearing location info in geolocation service2 0
07:06:51.328 IMS/Medium [qpRegisterService.cpp 6867] RegisterService::qpDeleteSACallBack | Enter2 0
07:06:51.322 IMS REGMGR/High [ AppManager.cpp 563] DeletedApplication - Deleted application: OptionsManager
07:06:51.323 IMS REGMGR/High [ AppManager.cpp 563] DeletedApplication - Deleted application: RegManager
07:06:51.323 IMS REGMGR/High [ RegistrationHandle 10905] ProcessServiceUnavailable (Service UnAvailable Temporary#0#0)
07:06:51.323 IMS REGMGR/High [ RegMonitorHandler. 282] UpdateRegisteredClients Service UnAvailable Temporary#0#0
07:06:51.323 IMS REGMGR/High [ qpRegistrationMoni 317] ProcessIPCMessage: Service UnAvailable Temporary#0#0
07:06:51.325 IMS REGMGR/High [ AppManager.cpp 563] DeletedApplication - Deleted application: +g.3gpp.smsip
07:06:51.325 IMS REGMGR/High [ AppManager.cpp 563] DeletedApplication - Deleted application:
07:06:51.325 IMS REGMGR/High [ AppManager.cpp 563] DeletedApplication - Deleted application: audio
07:06:51.326 IMS REGMGR/High [ AppManager.cpp 563] DeletedApplication - Deleted application: video
07:06:51.327 IMS REGMGR/High [ qpRegistrationMoni 1830] AddService Add Service00"+g.3gpp.smsip";"+g.3gpp.icsi-ref="urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"";"au
07:06:51.328 IMS REGMGR/High [ qpRegistrationMoni 317] ProcessIPCMessage: Service UnAvailable Temporary#0#0
07:06:51.329 IMS REGMGR/High [ RegMonitorHandler. 457] handleMessage: Add Service00"+g.3gpp.smsip";"+g.3gpp.icsi-ref="urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel""
07:06:51.329 IMS REGMGR/High [ FeatureTagManageme 334] AddService - n_bNonValidated 0 n_bExpilcitOTA 0 current m_bExplicitOTA 0 Str:"+g.3gpp.smsip";"+g.3gpp
07:06:51.329 IMS REGMGR/High [ FeatureTagManageme 305] FlushFts - Key:+g.3gpp.smsip, Mask:10
07:06:51.329 IMS REGMGR/High [ FeatureTagManageme 305] FlushFts - Key:+g.3gpp.icsi-ref="urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel", Mask:10
07:06:51.329 IMS REGMGR/High [ FeatureTagManageme 305] FlushFts - Key:audio, Mask:10
07:06:51.329 IMS REGMGR/High [ FeatureTagManageme 305] FlushFts - Key:video, Mask:10
07:06:51.329 IMS REGMGR/High [ RegistrationHandle 2037] Insert[+g.3gpp.smsip]
07:06:51.329 IMS REGMGR/High [ RegistrationHandle 2037] Insert[+g.3gpp.icsi-ref="urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"]
07:06:51.329 IMS REGMGR/High [ RegistrationHandle 2037] Insert[audio]
07:06:51.329 IMS REGMGR/High [ RegistrationHandle 2037] Insert[video]
[0051/0002] MSG 07:06:51.326 IMS/High [ ISMCMAdapter.cpp 262] informLTERegStatus csVolteFTState : 0 isPdnUp(DCM_RAT_LTE) : 1 oprt mode : 22 0
[0051/0002] MSG 07:06:51.326 IMS/High [ ISMCMAdapter.cpp 126] informNonLTERegStatus: ReportRegStatus = 12 0
[0051/0002] MSG 07:06:51.326 IMS/High [ ISMCMAdapter.cpp 344] informLTERegStatus: registered status = 0, domain set to = 9, serving system = 9, endcause = 2 retryAfterValue2 0
[0051/0002] MSG 07:06:51.330 IMS/High [ RegisterManager.cpp 6436] CheckRegistrationNeeded - Reg Blocked due to TRM Unavailable RegType[0]2 0
[0051/0002] MSG 07:06:51.330 IMS/High [ RegisterManager.cpp 4384] update: REG_ADD_REMOVE_SER_EV/REG_REREG_EV Active 1x/GSM call status 02 0
07:07:10.073 IMS/High [ qpDcm.c 10617] qpDplSendSSInfoEvent_18
07:07:10.074 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ qmi_nas.c 5420] cm ss evt 18
[0051/0002] MSG 07:06:51.326 IMS/High [ ISMCMAdapter.cpp 262] informLTERegStatus csVolteFTState : 0 isPdnUp(DCM_RAT_LTE) : 1 oprt mode : 2
[0051/0002] MSG 07:06:51.326 IMS/High [ ISMCMAdapter.cpp 126] informNonLTERegStatus: ReportRegStatus = 1
[0051/0002] MSG 07:06:51.326 IMS/High [ ISMCMAdapter.cpp 344] informLTERegStatus: registered status = 0, domain set to = 9, serving system = 9, endcause = 2 retryAfterValue
[0042/00/2] QTRACE 07:06:51.326 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmtask.c 10346] MSGR RXD: CMSDS, sub 1
[0042/00/2] QTRACE 07:06:51.326 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 4168] AS_ID 1, IMS->CM: IMS_REG: RXD: IMS_REG_STATUS_IND, status 0 call_type_mask=
[0042/00/2] QTRACE 07:06:51.326 MMODE/STRM/High/CM [ cmsds.c 3914] AS_ID 1, IMS_REG: IMS_REG_STATUS_IND, status 0, call_type_mask=
ims re-registration(Periodic registration) timer, and the value for this timer was negotiated by UE and NW side during the ims registration procedure.
the finial negotiated value we can get it from expire item in of the 200Ok message for ims register.
for example, the negotiated expire value in below msg is 3590s
Subscription ID = 2
Version = 1
Direction = NETWORK_TO_UE
SDP Presence = 0
SIP Call ID Length = 59
SIP Message Length = 936
SIP Message Logged Bytes = 937
Response Code = OK (200)
CM Call ID = 255
SIP Call ID = 4272799761_2383078172@240e:6b:8100:12c:6e87:84c3:73b4:7914
Sip Message = SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP [240e:6b:8100:12c:6e87:84c3:73b4:7914]:44806;branch=z9hG4bK1249026755
To: ;tag=h7g4Esbg_ztesipiPGC-_esPovnQ1vAEmbp*13-6-16640*cfid.13
From: ;tag=4272801245
Call-ID: 4272799761_2383078172@240e:6b:8100:12c:6e87:84c3:73b4:7914
CSeq: 1051574290 REGISTER
Contact: ;expires=3590;---------// mean 3590s
expires=3590;---------// mean 3590s
after this timer expired we will started ims re-registration procedure.
MSG 07:06:51.305 [qpRegisterService.cpp 5745] RegisterService::qpProcessTimerExpireMsg | SA Lifetime expired2
MSG 07:06:51.314 [qpRegisterService.cpp 5716] RegisterService::qpProcessTimerExpireMsg | final timer fired; Cleaning Up SADB2
MSG 07:06:51.327 [ ICSTRMManager.cpp 359] ICSTRMManager::IsWWANUnavailableDueToTRMLoss | value = 12
MSG 07:06:51.330 [ RegisterManager.cpp 6436] CheckRegistrationNeeded - Reg Blocked due to TRM Unavailable RegType[0]2
非volte卡,capability是ps only,domain是ps only。
在qcrlil log中看两者最终返回给ril java 的值关键字如下:
08:52:51.608 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 10881] [DedicatedThread(1257,17393)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_voice_registration_state: RIL VOICE REGISTRATION: Home Service in 1xRTT
08:52:51.608 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 10882] [DedicatedThread(1257,17393)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_voice_registration_state: CCS supported: 1
08:52:51.608 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 10883] [DedicatedThread(1257,17393)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_voice_registration_state: Roaming Indicator: 1
08:52:51.608 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 10884] [DedicatedThread(1257,17393)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_voice_registration_state: System is in PRL: 1
08:52:51.608 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 10885] [DedicatedThread(1257,17393)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_voice_registration_state: default Roaming Indicator: -1
08:52:51.608 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 10886] [DedicatedThread(1257,17393)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_voice_registration_state: Denial reason: 0
08:52:57.474 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9924] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: > qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report:
08:52:57.474 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9926] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
08:52:57.474 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9928] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, bitErrorRate 0
08:52:57.474 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9930] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..WCDMA
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9931] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. NOT valid
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9935] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, bitErrorRate 99 rscp 255 ecio 255
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9937] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..TDSCDMA
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9939] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 2147483647
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9942] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9944] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9946] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9949] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9951] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9955] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 27, rsrp 92, rsrq 13, rsnnr 40
08:52:57.475 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_nas] RIL[1][qcril_qmi_nas.cpp: 9957] [DispatcherModul(1257,1307)] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: < qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report:
通话状态改变modem触发ap 的log打印
08:52:45.680 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_voice] RIL[0][qcril_qmi_voice.cc: 5620] [DispatcherModul(1238,1311)] qcril_qmi_voice_all_call_status_ind_hdlr: -- final call dump end --
08:52:45.828 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_voice] RIL[0][qcril_qmi_voice.cc: 5376] [DispatcherModul(1238,1311)] qcril_qmi_voice_all_call_status_ind_hdlr: call state END for conn id 1
08:52:45.828 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_voice] RIL[0][qcril_qmi_voice.cc: 4608] [DispatcherModul(1238,1311)] qcril_qmi_voice_all_call_status_ind_end_hdlr: > qcril_qmi_voice_all_call_status_ind_end_hdlr:
08:52:45.831 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_voice] RIL[0][qcril_qmi_voice.cc: 4762] [DispatcherModul(1238,1311)] qcril_qmi_voice_all_call_status_ind_end_hdlr: < qcril_qmi_voice_all_call_status_ind_end_hdlr:
08:52:45.835 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_voice] RIL[0][qcril_qmi_voice.cc: 5620] [DispatcherModul(1238,1311)] qcril_qmi_voice_all_call_status_ind_hdlr: -- final call dump end --
08:52:45.850 Android QCRIL/Low [ DiagLogger.cpp 88] [qcril_qmi_voice] RIL[0][qcril_qmi_voice.cc: 14452] [DispatcherModul(1238,1311)] qcril_qmi_voice_send_current_ims_calls: Reply to RIL --> call[0] :state END index 1, toa 129, isMpty 0, isMT 1, als 0, isVoice 1, isVoicePrivacy 0