
       CMT(Clustering of Static-Adaptive Correspondences for Deformable Object Tracking),是一套比较新的跟踪算法,诞生于2014年,原名叫Consensus-based Tracking and Matching of Keypoints for Object Tracking ,当时在计算机视觉应用(Application of Computer Vision)的冬季会议上获得了最佳论文奖,随后于2015年发表在了CVPR上:论文地址。












   step1:利用forward-backward 跟踪,提高准确度;



   即全图像与矩形框匹配,这部分的工作对应于论文中的‘3.1 Static-Adaptive Correspondences’;其中code中的thr_dist对应于论文中的,thr_ratio对应于论文中的




   这部分的工作对应于论文中的‘3.2 Correspondence Clustering’;








   即矩形框与矩形框匹配,这部分的工作目的是为了去歧义,即为了解决那些完全一样的点或是具有相同描述子的点匹配难的问题,它对应于论文中的‘3.3 Disambiguation of Correspondences’;









    void CMT::initialize(const Mat im_gray, const cv::Rect rect)
        //Remember initial size 存储跟踪区域的初始大小
        size_initial = rect.size();
        //Remember initial image 存储初始灰度图像
        im_prev = im_gray;
        //Compute center of rect 计算跟踪区域的中心位置
        Point2f center = Point2f(rect.x + rect.width/2.0, rect.y + rect.height/2.0);

        //Initialize detector and descriptor 初始化检测器FAST和描述子提取器BRISK
        detector = cv::FastFeatureDetector::create();
    //    descriptor = cv::DescriptorExtractor::create(str_descriptor);
        descriptor = cv::BRISK::create();
        //Get initial keypoints in whole image and compute their descriptors
        vector keypoints;
        detector->detect(im_gray, keypoints); // 检测初始全图像的所有关键点
        //Divide keypoints into foreground and background keypoints according to selection 分离出前景和背景的关键点,前景即跟踪框内
        vector keypoints_fg;
        vector keypoints_bg;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints.size(); i++)
            KeyPoint k = keypoints[i];
            Point2f pt = k.pt;

            if (pt.x > rect.x && pt.y > rect.y && pt.x < rect.br().x && pt.y < rect.br().y)



        //Create foreground classes 创建前景类,就是矩形框中特征点的索引
        vector classes_fg;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints_fg.size(); i++)

        //Compute foreground/background features 计算前景和背景的特征描述子
        Mat descs_fg;
        Mat descs_bg;
        descriptor->compute(im_gray, keypoints_fg, descs_fg);
        descriptor->compute(im_gray, keypoints_bg, descs_bg);

        //Only now is the right time to convert keypoints to points, as compute() might remove some keypoints 将关键点转换为点存储
        vector points_fg;
        vector points_bg;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints_fg.size(); i++)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints_bg.size(); i++)
        //Create normalized points 创建归一化的点,即计算前景的关键点到前景矩形框中心的相对位置作为归一化的点的坐标
        vector points_normalized;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < points_fg.size(); i++)
            points_normalized.push_back(points_fg[i] - center);

        //Initialize matcher 初始化匹配器,生成类标签,匹配库
        matcher.initialize(points_normalized, descs_fg, classes_fg, descs_bg, center);

        //Initialize consensus 初始化一致器,生成矩形框内任意点对之间的距离和角度

        //Create initial set of active keypoints 创建初始的有效点和有效类,即前景关键点的坐标
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints_fg.size(); i++)
            classes_active = classes_fg;

    void CMT::processFrame(cv::Mat im_gray)
        //Track keypoints
        vector points_tracked;
        vector status;
        // 利用光流法得到部分跟踪点。
        tracker.track(im_prev, im_gray, points_active, points_tracked, status);

        //FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_tracked.size() << " tracked points.";

        //keep only successful classes剔除跟踪失败的点
        vector classes_tracked;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < classes_active.size(); i++)
            if (status[i])


        //Detect keypoints, compute descriptors 计算当前图像的关键点
        vector keypoints;
        detector->detect(im_gray, keypoints);
        // 计算当前图像特征点的描述
        Mat descriptors;
        descriptor->compute(im_gray, keypoints, descriptors);

        //Match keypoints globally 利用数据库全局匹配特征点,计算出匹配好的的特征点和类
        //**********全局匹配(3.1 Static-Adaptive Correspondences)*****************
        vector points_matched_global;
        vector classes_matched_global;
        matcher.matchGlobal(keypoints, descriptors, points_matched_global, classes_matched_global);

        //FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_matched_global.size() << " points matched globally.";

        //Fuse tracked and globally matched points
        vector points_fused;
        vector classes_fused;
        fusion.preferFirst(points_tracked, classes_tracked, points_matched_global, classes_matched_global,
                points_fused, classes_fused);

        //FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_fused.size() << " points fused.";

        // 估计旋转和尺度  ,
        //*****************聚类 (3.2 Correspondence Clustering)*************************
        //Estimate scale and rotation from the fused points
        float scale;
        float rotation;
        consensus.estimateScaleRotation(points_fused, classes_fused, scale, rotation);

        //FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "scale " << scale << ", " << "rotation " << rotation;

        //Find inliers and the center of their votes
        Point2f center;
        vector points_inlier;
        vector classes_inlier;
        consensus.findConsensus(points_fused, classes_fused, scale, rotation,
                center, points_inlier, classes_inlier);

        //FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_inlier.size() << " inlier points.";
        //FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "center " << center;

        //Match keypoints locally 局部匹配
        //*************************去歧义 (3.3 Disambiguation of Correspondences)*********************
        vector points_matched_local;
        vector classes_matched_local;
        matcher.matchLocal(keypoints, descriptors, center, scale, rotation, points_matched_local, classes_matched_local);

        //FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_matched_local.size() << " points matched locally.";

        //Clear active points

        //Fuse locally matched points and inliers
        // 融合局部匹配的点和inliers
        fusion.preferFirst(points_matched_local, classes_matched_local, points_inlier, classes_inlier, points_active, classes_active);
        //    points_active = points_fused;
        //    classes_active = classes_fused;

        //FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_active.size() << " final fused points.";

        //TODO: Use theta to suppress result
        // 计算出新的跟踪窗口
        bb_rot = RotatedRect(center,  size_initial * scale, rotation/CV_PI * 180);

        //Remember current image 更新上一帧图像
        im_prev = im_gray;

        //FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "CMT::processFrame() return";
