# coding:utf-8
@author: Jason.F
@data: 2019.07.15
@function: Implementation: SVDBias
Datatset: Movielen-1m
Evaluation: hitradio,ndcg
Squared loss function with explicit rating.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
from collections import defaultdict
import heapq
import random
#1.Loading the MovienLen dataset, ml-1m
def load_rating_file_as_list(filename):
ratingList = []
with open(filename, "r") as f:
line = f.readline()
while line != None and line != "":
arr = line.split("\t")
user, item = int(arr[0]), int(arr[1])
ratingList.append([user, item])
line = f.readline()
return ratingList
def load_negative_file_as_list(filename):
negativeList = []
with open(filename, "r") as f:
line = f.readline()
while line != None and line != "":
arr = line.split("\t")
negatives = []
for x in arr[1: ]:
line = f.readline()
return negativeList
def load_rating_file_as_matrix(filename):
#Read .rating file and Return dok matrix.
#The first line of .rating file is: num_users\t num_items
# Get number of users and items
num_users, num_items = 0, 0
with open(filename, "r") as f:
line = f.readline()
while line != None and line != "":
arr = line.split("\t")
u, i = int(arr[0]), int(arr[1])
num_users = max(num_users, u)
num_items = max(num_items, i)
line = f.readline()
# Construct matrix
#mat = sp.dok_matrix((num_users+1, num_items+1), dtype=np.float32)
mat = np.zeros((num_users+1, num_items+1))
with open(filename, "r") as f:
line = f.readline()
while line != None and line != "":
arr = line.split("\t")
user, item, rating = int(arr[0]), int(arr[1]), float(arr[2])
#if (rating > 0.0): mat[user, item] = 1.0
mat[user, item] = rating
line = f.readline()
return mat
trainMatrix = load_rating_file_as_matrix("./data/ml-1m.train.rating")
testRatings = load_rating_file_as_list("./data/ml-1m.test.rating")
testNegatives = load_negative_file_as_list("./data/ml-1m.test.negative")
print('Dataset Statistics: Interaction = %d, User = %d, Item = %d, Sparsity = %.4f' % \
(len(trainMatrix[np.where(trainMatrix!= 0)]),trainMatrix.shape[0],trainMatrix.shape[1],\
len(trainMatrix[np.where(trainMatrix!= 0)])/(trainMatrix.shape[0]*trainMatrix.shape[1]) ))
#2. SVDBias class
class SVDBias():
def __init__(self, R, num_ng=4):
Perform matrix factorization to predict empty entries in a matrix.
- R (ndarray) : user-item rating matrix
- num_ng (int) : number of negative items
self.R = R
self.num_users, self.num_items = R.shape
self.num_ng = num_ng
# Create a list of training samples
pos_samples = [
(i, j, self.R[i, j])
for i in range(self.num_users)
for j in range(self.num_items)
if self.R[i, j] > 0
#smapling the negative items
for x in self.samples:
u = x[0]
for t in range(self.num_ng):
j = np.random.randint(self.num_items)
#while (u, j) in self.R:
while self.R[u, j] > 0:
j = np.random.randint(self.num_items)
self.samples.append([u, j, 0])
#smapling the negative items
neg_samples = random.sample([
(i, j, self.R[i, j])
for i in range(self.num_users)
for j in range(self.num_items)
if self.R[i, j] == 0
], len(pos_samples)*num_ng)
self.samples = pos_samples + neg_samples
def train(self, K, alpha=0.001, beta=0.01, epochs=20):
- alpha (float) : learning rate
- beta (float) : regularization parameter
- K (int) : number of latent dimensions
-epochs(int) : number of iterations
self.K = K
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.epochs = epochs
# Initialize user and item latent feature matrice
self.P = np.random.normal(scale=1./self.K, size=(self.num_users, self.K))
self.Q = np.random.normal(scale=1./self.K, size=(self.num_items, self.K))
# Initialize the biases
self.b_u = np.zeros(self.num_users)
self.b_i = np.zeros(self.num_items)
self.b = np.mean(self.R[np.where(self.R != 0)])
# Perform stochastic gradient descent for number of iterations
training_process = []
for i in range(self.epochs):
#if (i+1) % 10 == 0:
# mse = self.mse()
# print("Iteration: %d ; error = %.4f" % (i+1, mse))
return self.full_matrix()
def mse(self):
A function to compute the total mean square error
xs, ys = self.R.nonzero()
predicted = self.full_matrix()
error = 0
for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
error += pow(self.R[x, y] - predicted[x, y], 2)
return np.sqrt(error)
def sgd(self):
Perform stochastic graident descent
for i, j, r in self.samples:
# Computer prediction and error
prediction = self.get_rating(i, j)
e = (r - prediction)
# Update biases
self.b_u[i] += self.alpha * (e - self.beta * self.b_u[i])
self.b_i[j] += self.alpha * (e - self.beta * self.b_i[j])
# Create copy of row of P since we need to update it but use older values for update on Q
P_i = self.P[i, :][:]
# Update user and item latent feature matrices
self.P[i, :] += self.alpha * (e * self.Q[j, :] - self.beta * self.P[i,:])
self.Q[j, :] += self.alpha * (e * P_i - self.beta * self.Q[j,:])
def get_rating(self, i, j):
Get the predicted rating of user i and item j
prediction = self.b + self.b_u[i] + self.b_i[j] + self.P[i, :].dot(self.Q[j, :].T)
return prediction
def full_matrix(self):
Computer the full matrix using the resultant biases, P and Q
return self.b + self.b_u[:,np.newaxis] + self.b_i[np.newaxis:,] + self.P.dot(self.Q.T)
#3. Training and Evaluating
def getHitRatio(ranklist, gtItem):
for item in ranklist:
if item == gtItem:
return 1
return 0
def getNDCG(ranklist, gtItem):
for i in range(len(ranklist)):
item = ranklist[i]
if item == gtItem:
return math.log(2) / math.log(i+2)
return 0
print ("%3s%20s%20s" % ('K','HR@10', 'NDCG@10'))
mdl = SVDBias(R=trainMatrix, num_ng=4)# K is latent factors
for K in [8,16,32,64]:#latent factors
nR = mdl.train(K=K, alpha=0.001, beta=0.01, epochs=20)
hits = []
ndcgs = []
for u, i in testRatings:
scorelist= [ [ni,nR[u,ni]] for ni in testNegatives[u]]
map_item_score = {}
for item, rate in scorelist: #turn dict
map_item_score[item] = rate
ranklist = heapq.nlargest(10, map_item_score, key=map_item_score.get)#default Topn=10
hr = getHitRatio(ranklist, i)
ndcg = getNDCG(ranklist, i)
hitratio,ndcg = np.array(hits).mean(), np.array(ndcgs).mean()
print ("%3d%20.6f%20.6f" % (K, hitratio, ndcg))
nohup python -u SVDBias-ml.py > svdbias-ml.log &
Dataset Statistics: Interaction = 994169, User = 6040, Item = 3706, Sparsity = 0.0444
K HR@10 NDCG@10
8 0.553477 0.312358
16 0.563245 0.318595
32 0.556954 0.313795
64 0.548675 0.309363