public int parseStartTag() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
//ASSUMPTION ch is past '
// [44] EmptyElemTag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>'
++depth; //FIXME
posStart = pos - 2;
emptyElementTag = false;
attributeCount = 0;
final int nameStart = pos - 1 + bufAbsoluteStart;
int colonPos = -1;
char ch = buf[ pos - 1];
if(ch == ':' && processNamespaces) throw new XmlPullParserException(
"when namespaces processing enabled colon can not be at element name start",
this, null);
while(true) {
ch = more();
if(!isNameChar(ch)) break;
if(ch == ':' && processNamespaces) {
if(colonPos != -1) throw new XmlPullParserException(
"only one colon is allowed in name of element when namespaces are enabled",
this, null);
colonPos = pos - 1 + bufAbsoluteStart;
int elLen = (pos - 1) - (nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart);
if(elRawName[ depth ] == null || elRawName[ depth ].length < elLen) {
elRawName[ depth ] = new char[ 2 * elLen ];
System.arraycopy(buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, elRawName[ depth ], 0, elLen);
elRawNameEnd[ depth ] = elLen;
elRawNameLine[ depth ] = lineNumber;
String name = null;
String prefix = null;
if(processNamespaces) {
if(colonPos != -1) {
prefix = elPrefix[ depth ] = newString(buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart,
colonPos - nameStart);
name = elName[ depth ] = newString(buf, colonPos + 1 - bufAbsoluteStart,
//(pos -1) - (colonPos + 1));
pos - 2 - (colonPos - bufAbsoluteStart));
} else {
prefix = elPrefix[ depth ] = null;
name = elName[ depth ] = newString(buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, elLen);
} else {
name = elName[ depth ] = newString(buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, elLen);
while(true) {
while(isS(ch)) { ch = more(); } // skip additional white spaces
if(ch == '>') {
} else if(ch == '/') {
if(emptyElementTag) throw new XmlPullParserException(
"repeated / in tag declaration", this, null);
emptyElementTag = true;
ch = more();
if(ch != '>') throw new XmlPullParserException(
"expected > to end empty tag not "+printable(ch), this, null);
} else if(isNameStartChar(ch)) {
ch = parseAttribute();
ch = more();
} else {
throw new XmlPullParserException(
"start tag unexpected character "+printable(ch), this, null);
//ch = more(); // skip space
// now when namespaces were declared we can resolve them
if(processNamespaces) {
String uri = getNamespace(prefix);
if(uri == null) {
if(prefix == null) { // no prefix and no uri => use default namespace
} else {
throw new XmlPullParserException(
"could not determine namespace bound to element prefix "+prefix,
this, null);
elUri[ depth ] = uri;
//String uri = getNamespace(prefix);
//if(uri == null && prefix == null) { // no prefix and no uri => use default namespace
// uri = "";
// resolve attribute namespaces
for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++)
final String attrPrefix = attributePrefix[ i ];
if(attrPrefix != null) {
final String attrUri = getNamespace(attrPrefix);
if(attrUri == null) {
throw new XmlPullParserException(
"could not determine namespace bound to attribute prefix "+attrPrefix,
this, null);
attributeUri[ i ] = attrUri;
} else {
attributeUri[ i ] = NO_NAMESPACE;
//[ WFC: Unique Att Spec ]
// check attribute uniqueness constraint for attributes that has namespace!!!
for (int i = 1; i < attributeCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if( attributeUri[j] == attributeUri[i]
&& (allStringsInterned && attributeName[j].equals(attributeName[i])
|| (!allStringsInterned
&& attributeNameHash[ j ] == attributeNameHash[ i ]
&& attributeName[j].equals(attributeName[i])) )
) {
// prepare data for nice error message?
String attr1 = attributeName[j];
if(attributeUri[j] != null) attr1 = attributeUri[j]+":"+attr1;
String attr2 = attributeName[i];
if(attributeUri[i] != null) attr2 = attributeUri[i]+":"+attr2;
throw new XmlPullParserException(
"duplicated attributes "+attr1+" and "+attr2, this, null);
} else { // ! processNamespaces
//[ WFC: Unique Att Spec ]
// check raw attribute uniqueness constraint!!!
for (int i = 1; i < attributeCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if((allStringsInterned && attributeName[j].equals(attributeName[i])
|| (!allStringsInterned
&& attributeNameHash[ j ] == attributeNameHash[ i ]
&& attributeName[j].equals(attributeName[i])) )
) {
// prepare data for nice error message?
final String attr1 = attributeName[j];
final String attr2 = attributeName[i];
throw new XmlPullParserException(
"duplicated attributes "+attr1+" and "+attr2, this, null);
elNamespaceCount[ depth ] = namespaceEnd;
posEnd = pos;
return eventType = START_TAG;