spring cloud Greenwich 学习笔记(0)spring cloud 与 spring boot的版本对应情况,环境说明


springcloud系列学习笔记目录参见博主专栏 spring boot 2.X/spring cloud Greenwich。
本系列环境:Java11;springboot 2.1.1.RELEASE;springcloud Greenwich.RELEASE;MySQL 8.0.5;

spring cloud 的版本要与springboot的版本对应,否则可能会出现一些意外惊喜。

就像Spring Boot需要依赖对应的Spring Framework版本一样,Spring Cloud需要依赖对应版本的Spring Boot,我们不能随便使用版本。

版本的对应关系可以在 https://start.spring.io/info 上查看。

本系列文章springcloud采用的是最新的 Greenwich.RELEASE版本。其对应的springboot的版本范围是Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.1.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT

本文书写时https://start.spring.io/info 内容如下:

	git: {
		commit: {
			time: "2019-02-13T00:09:40Z",
			id: "ad8814f"
		branch: "ad8814fc109b5aaaea99e9a148fb39843f45d42a"
	build: {
		version: "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT",
		artifact: "start-site",
		name: "start.spring.io website",
		versions: {
			initializr: "0.8.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
			spring - boot: "2.1.2.RELEASE"
		group: "io.spring.start",
		time: "2019-02-13T00:12:22.445Z"
	bom - ranges: {
		azure: {
			0.2 .4: "Spring Boot >=1.5.4.RELEASE and <2.0.0.RELEASE",
			2.0 .10: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <2.1.0.RELEASE",
			2.1 .2: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE"
		codecentric - spring - boot - admin: {
			1.5 .7: "Spring Boot >=1.5.9.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1",
			2.0 .4: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M1 and <2.1.0.M1",
			2.1 .1: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M1"
		spring - cloud: {
			Edgware.SR5: "Spring Boot >=1.5.0.RELEASE and <=1.5.19.RELEASE",
			Edgware.BUILD - SNAPSHOT: "Spring Boot >=1.5.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and <2.0.0.M1",
			Finchley.M2: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M3 and <2.0.0.M5",
			Finchley.M3: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M5 and <=2.0.0.M5",
			Finchley.M4: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M6 and <=2.0.0.M6",
			Finchley.M5: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M7 and <=2.0.0.M7",
			Finchley.M6: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC1 and <=2.0.0.RC1",
			Finchley.M7: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC2 and <=2.0.0.RC2",
			Finchley.M9: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <=2.0.0.RELEASE",
			Finchley.RC1: "Spring Boot >=2.0.1.RELEASE and <2.0.2.RELEASE",
			Finchley.RC2: "Spring Boot >=2.0.2.RELEASE and <2.0.3.RELEASE",
			Finchley.SR2: "Spring Boot >=2.0.3.RELEASE and <2.0.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
			Finchley.BUILD - SNAPSHOT: "Spring Boot >=2.0.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and <2.1.0.M3",
			Greenwich.M1: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M3 and <2.1.0.RELEASE",
			Greenwich.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.1.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
			Greenwich.BUILD - SNAPSHOT: "Spring Boot >=2.1.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"
		spring - cloud - services: {
			1.6 .6.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=1.5.0.RELEASE and <=1.5.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
			2.0 .3.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <=2.0.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
			2.1 .0.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE"
		spring - statemachine: {
			2.0 .0.M4: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC1 and <=2.0.0.RC1",
			2.0 .0.M5: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC2 and <=2.0.0.RC2",
			2.0 .1.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE"
		vaadin: {
			8.7 .0: "Spring Boot >=1.5.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1",
			10.0 .10: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M1 and <2.1.0.M1",
			12.0 .6: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M1"
	dependency - ranges: {
		cxf - jaxrs: {
			3.2 .5: "Spring Boot >=1.5.0.RELEASE and <2.1.0.M1"
		ratpack: {
			1.1 .1: "Spring Boot >=1.5.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1"
		okta: {
			1.1 .0: "Spring Boot >=2.1.2.RELEASE"
		mybatis: {
			1.3 .3: "Spring Boot >=1.5.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.RELEASE",
			2.0 .0: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE"
		open - service - broker: {
			2.1 .0.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE"
		camel: {
			2.21 .4: "Spring Boot >=1.5.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1",
			2.22 .2: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M1 and <2.1.0.M1",
			2.23 .1: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M1"

spring cloud Greenwich 学习笔记(0)spring cloud 与 spring boot的版本对应情况,环境说明_第1张图片

springcloud系列学习笔记目录参见博主专栏 spring boot 2.X/spring cloud Greenwich。
本系列环境:Java11;springboot 2.1.1.RELEASE;springcloud Greenwich.RELEASE;MySQL 8.0.5;
