BEC 基础(I)

 1. 数字

  Cardinal                     Ordinal
  1 one                            1st first
  2 two                            2nd second
  3 three                         3rd third
  4 four                           4th fourth
  5 five                            5th fifth
  6 six                             6th sixth
  7 seven                       7th seventh
  8 eight                         8th eighth
  9 nine                          9th ninth
  10 ten                          10th tenth
  11 eleven                    11th eleventh
  12 twelve                     12th twelfth
  13.thirteen                   13th thirteenth
  14 fourteen                       14th fourteenth
  15 fifteen                         15th fifteenth
  16 sixteen                         16th sixteenth
  17 seventeen                       17th seventeenth
  18 eighteen                        18th eighteenth
  19 nineteen                        19th nineteenth
  20 twenty                         20th twentieth
  21 twenty-one                      21st twenty-first
  22 twenty-two                      22nd twenty-second
  30 thirty                           30th thirtieth
  40 forty                            40th fortieth
  50 fifty                            50th fiftieth
  60sixty                            60th sixtieth
  70seventy                          70th seventieth
  80eighty                           80th eightieth
  90ninety                           90th ninetieth
  100 a hundred                      100th hundredth

  0     *nought          0 is pronounced nought before a point and oh after a point in
  British English. It is pronounced zero in US English.
  100      a hundred
  1,000    a thousand
  1,000,000 a million

  1,000,000,000 a billion (US English)    
  1,000,000,000,000 a billion (British English)
   In the pass, US and British billions were not the same. But US billions are now often used by British companies and newspapers.

  1/4  a quarter   1/3 a third   1/2 a half   4/5  four fifths

  0.5 nought point five
  0.25 nought point two five
  10.06 ten point oh six
  27.27 twenty-seven point two seven
  *Pronounce numbers individually after a decimal point.

  Telling the time
  A simple way to tell the time is to say the numbers.
  10.20 ten twenty                     11.15 eleven fifteen
  4.45 four forty-five
  You can say the hours in two ways:
  9:00  nine   or    nine o’clock  

  But don’t make this common mistake
  nine-thirty o’clock----- This is wrong.

  If you need to be exact you can say: ten a.m. or ten in the morning
  and ten p.m. or ten at night

  You can also tell the time in this way:

  1.00 one o’clock   3.10 ten past three  4.15 a quarter past four  5.30 half past five
  5.35 twenty-five to six  6.45 a quarter to seven (这种表达时间的方式在口语和考试中经常出现)

  Days: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

  Months: January February March April May June July
  August September October November December

  Seasons: spring summer autumn (US English: fall) winter

  Years:  Written              Spoken
  1992                nineteen ninety-two
  1066                ten sixty-six
  Dates:       BE                                AE
  Spoken   The sixteenth of September(16th Sept.)     Sixteenth September
  September the sixteenth (Sept. 16th)       September sixteenth
  Written   16(th) September                      16(th) September
  16/9/98                              9/16/98

  电话号码表达:62196566  电话号码通常一位一位的读。 double /triple]
  钱的表达法:£8.50 eight pounds fifty pence    eight pounds fifty
  eight fifty

  2. 工作和考试中常见国家、国籍、首都及重大城市名称:

  China               Chinese          Beijing
  Japan               Japanese         Tokyo (Osaka, Yokohama, Kobe)
  South Korea       South Korean   Seoul
  Thailand            Thai              Bangkok
  Indonesia            Indonesian        Jakarta
  Vietnam             Vietnamese        Hanoi
  Malaysia             Malaysian        Kuala Lumpur
  Pakistan             Pakistani         Islamabad
  Philippines           Philippine        Manila
  Hong Kong
  India                Indian             New Delhi(Bombay)

  Italy                 Italian            Rome
  Sweden              Swedish           Stockholm
  Switzerland           Swiss             Geneva
  Norway              Norwegian         Oslo
  Finland              Finnish            Helsinki
  Denmark             Danish            Copenhagen                 
  Germany            German           Berlin (Bonn/ Hamburg)
  France              French            Paris
  Britain (the UK)      British            London
  Spain               Spanish             Madrid
  Russia              Russian             Moscow
  Austria              Austrian            Vienna
  Greece              Greek              Athens
  Poland              Polish              Warsaw

  The USA            ( North American)    Washington(Chicago/New York/San Francisco
  Seattle/Hawaii / Los Angeles/Detroit/Atlanta
  Canada              Canadian           Ottawa (Montreal/Vancouver/Toronto)
  Mexico              Mexican           Mexico City
  Brazil               Brazilian           Brasilia ( Rio De Janeiro or Rio/Sao Paulo)
  Argentina            Argentino           Buenos Aires
  Chile                                   Santiago

  Australia        Australian                Canberra (Sydney/Melbourne/Perth)
  New Zealand     New Zealander            Wellington

  Egypt          Egyptian                  Cairo


  Middle East: Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon
  African States: Kenya, Nigeria(尼日利亚), South Africa
  Eastern Europe: Hungary, Czech


  1 company
  Our company imports general merchandise.
  The London Trading Co.
  Shell Co.
  limited  Ltd
  The Beijing Electric Light Company, Ltd.
  International Trading Co. Ltd.

  Oriental Horizons Inc

  joint venture company
  joint stock company

  2  corporation
  China national export Commodities packing Corporation
  Corp.    American Natural Resources Corp.
  Limited liability company

  3  firm
  We have got no reply from that firm.
  Generally, firms have two principal sources of investment funds---debt and equity.

  4  concern
  firm house company
  It was then the greatest publishing concern.
  They are a big concern.
  A going concern.

  5  associated company (associate)
  Our associated company there will have the labels printed to comply with the FDA regulations.
  Associated Container Line
  Associated Newspapers

  6 house
  She works for a big publishing house.
  London fashion house

  7 business
  Many shipping businesses are facing collapse this year because of uneconomic freight rates.

  8 line
  Trans World Airlines

  9 syndicate

  10 transnational corporation/multi-national enterprise/international firm

  11 branch/division

  12 subsidiary


  14plc=public limited company

  15state (owned) enterprise    Foreign (owned) company  Franchise

  16 organization


  Department=Dept.    division=section

  Human Resources:
  Training: organizes and arranges training courses for the staff
  Personnel: recruits new employees
  Wages and Salaries: pays the staff

  Production (Manufacturing):
  Production: manufactures(produces) the products
  Packaging: packs the products and puts them in boxes and crates
  Distribution: dispatches the products and sends them to the customers
  Quality Control: checks the quality---organizes control systems to prevent mistakes.
  Maintenance: services (takes care of ) the machines and equipment.

  Marketing: plans how to sell new products
  Sales: sells the products to customers
  After(Post)-Sales Services: is responsible for after after-sales care and looks after customers’
  problems and complaints
  Advertising: runs advertising campaigns and places ads in magazines

  Purchasing ( Buying): buys (purchases) supplies
  Customers’ Accounts: sends invoices to customers ( invoices customers)
  Financial Services: deals with taxation, investment, and cash management.

  Accounting: working out the company’s costs and its profits
  Administrative (Administration): in charge of the control and direction of affairs of the company
  Bookkeeping: keeping the accounts of money of business company.
  Promotion: helping the selling of products
  Reception: receiving visitors to a hotel or large organization
  Transportation: carrying goods from one place to another
  Warehousing: storing the company’s products

  PR=Public Relations   HR=Human Resources  QC=Quality Control 
  IT=Information Technology  R&D=Research and Development
  Post room     Stationery Dept.    Typing pool    restroom  Canteen/Cafeteria/Dining hall

  accountant, book keeper, buyer(purchaser), clerk, Finance Manager, secretary ( Company Secretary)
  Price controller, Production supervisor, quality controller, retail sales manager, receptionist
  Sales manager/executive/assistant/agent/person/ representative(rep)/coordinator
  PA=Personal Assistant
  Rep. = Representative
  BE: manager    Managing Director(MD)/CE     Board of Directors  Chairman
  AE: Director    Chief Executive Officer(CEO)  CFO COO  CKO  President

  考试中常见的货币符号 ¥=Japanese Yen  $=dollar   £=pound


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