
vux ui框架 尤雨溪 推荐的 它是由腾讯内部的开发人员创建的(已经创业了)
vux 默认不支持全局添加
npm install vue-cli -g // 如果还没安装
vue init airyland/vux2 projectPath

cd projectPath
npm install --registry=
npm run dev
  •  查找组件是顶部的组件选项开始--->全部组件
    • 每个被选择的组件标题下面都有
      • 四个小标题:选择进入demo页面复制所需要的组件demo代码                                      
    • 在HelloFromVux.vue中添加并展示到页面当中HelloFrom.vue是展示页面组件的集合页,需要在这里面引入并注册
      • 默认会有返回按钮需要在首页将他隐藏,此时可以查看文档给的组件属性信息进行修改showBack:false
        • 这些属性又从全部组件--->Xheader---》Props中查看
          • 这是esl-ink的报错,如果出现就将es-link在【build】--->webpack.base.config.js--->module--->ruels--->loader:eslint-loader注释掉
    • 添加列表cell  cell-box是表格集合 全部组件--->cell-box--->进入demo页面:
            • 在放到INfo.vue中,使用块级元素包裹
              • <template>
                            <cell-box is-link link='/detail' v-for="data in list">{{data.goodsName}}cell-box>

                < style >
                     .weio-cells { margin-top : 0 !important ; }
                style >
    • vux的动态获取信息 路由和请求:(可以直接使用link属性在任意进行跳转,前提实在路由中进行设置)
      • 页面的跳转,在main.js中进行路由的配置这里添加了detail页面
          • 先引入: import Detail from "./components/Detail"
              • const routes = [{
                  path: '/',
                  component: Info
                  path: '/detail',
                  component: Detail
      • vux中提供了数据请求的方法,是以插件的形式引入的,在main.js中全局引入Vue.user(AjaxPlugin):
          • 引入ajax插件之后语法和vue-resource一样($http),但也有区别
          • < script >
                 import {CellBox,Group} from 'vux'
                 export default {
                    name : "info" ,
                    components : {CellBox,Group},
                     data (){
                         return {
                            list : []用来遍历时存放的数组
                     mounted (){
                         var that = this 更改this指向
                        this .$http({
                            method : "get" ,
                             url : "" ,
                            params : { "classID" : 1 },
                        }).then((data) => {
                             console .log(data)此时打印出来的是名为data的数组对象所以需要解析
                             let datas = eval(;把值赋给data中的list:[]
                            that.list = datas
            script >
          • 然后在组件中遍历  <cell-box is-link link='/detail' v-for="data in
          • 把路由跳转后的显示区进行限制就需要router-view的位置变更,想要组件在哪里显示就把router-view引入到哪里
          • 先将方法放到helloFromVux.vue中
                • import Info from './components/Info'
                • const routes = [{
                        path: '/' ,
                        name: 'PageTransition' ,
                        component: PageTransition,
                        children: [{
                          path: '' ,
                          component: Info
                        }, {
                          path: '/detail' ,
                          component: Detail
          • 原本rouuter-virew实在App.vue中的,所以将helloFromVux引入到App.vue中
                • < template >
                    < div id = "app" >
                          < Hello > Hello >
                    div >
                  template >
                  < script >
                       import Hello from '@/components/HelloFromVux'
                  export default {
                    name : 'app' ,
                    components : {Hello}
                  script >
          • 那么默认的初始页就改为了Info.vue
          • 添加切换页面的过渡效果,需要引入模板
            • 它定义了一个主的路由用来包裹我们以后在项目中任意调用的router-view;需要把下面的代码复制到main.js当中替代当前的路由配置
              • import PageTransition from "..."
              • //重写后退样式
                VueRouter.prototype. goBack = function () {
                  this .isBack = true
                  window . history .go( - 1 )
              • 引入新的路由配置
              • const routes = [{
                      path: '/' ,
                      name: 'PageTransition' ,
                      component: PageTransition,
                      children: [{
                        path: '' ,
                        component: Info
                      }, {
                        path: '/detail' ,
                        component: Detail
            • 给header添加事件返回首页时,回退按钮消失 改变文本内容
              • < template >
                  < div >
                    < x - header : left-options = "{showBack: istrue}" @ click . native = "getHome" >Mr Au x - header >
                    < router - view @ to-parent = "getChild" > router - view >
                    < Footers > Footers >
                  div >
                template >
                < script >
                import { XHeader } from 'vux'
                import  Info  from './Info'
                import Footers from './Footers'
                export default {
                  components : {XHeader,Info,Footers},
                  data () {
                    return {
                      // note: changing this line won't causes changes
                      // with hot-reload because the reloaded component
                      // preserves its current state and we are modifying
                      // its initial state.
                      msg : 'Hello World!' ,
                      istrue : false
                  methods : {
                     getChild (msg){
                         this .msg = msg,
                         this .istrue = true
                     getHome (){
                         this .msg = msg;
                         this .istrue : false
                script >
                < style >
                .vux-demo {
                  text-align : center;
                .logo {
                  width : 100 px ;
                  height : 100 px
                style >
          • 添加底部:tabbar,在展示页HelloFromVux中注册并展示
              • import Footers from './Footers'
              • components : {XHeader,Info,Footers},
              • < template >
                     < tabbar >
                      < tabbar - item >
                        < img slot = "icon" src = "../assets/demo/icon_nav_button.png" >
                        < span slot = "label" >Wechat span >
                      tabbar - item >
                      < tabbar - item show-dot >
                        < img slot = "icon" src = "../assets/demo/icon_nav_msg.png" >
                        < span slot = "label" >Message span >
                      tabbar - item >
                      < tabbar - item selected link = "/component/demo" >
                        < img slot = "icon" src = "../assets/demo/icon_nav_article.png" >
                        < span slot = "label" >Explore span >
                      tabbar - item >
                      < tabbar - item badge = "2" >
                        < img slot = "icon" src = "../assets/demo/icon_nav_cell.png" >
                        < span slot = "label" >News span >
                      tabbar - item >
                    tabbar >
                template >
                < script >
                     import { Tabbar, TabbarItem, Group, Cell } from 'vux'
                     export default {
                        name : "foot" ,
                        componets : {Tabbar, TabbarItem}
                script >
                < style >
                style >
