[Latex] Beamer with Overlay

  • The numbers inside the pointed brackets tell LaTeX which slides the item should appear on. For example

\textbf<2-3>{Only shown on slides 2 and 3}
\item<-2,4-5,7>{Only shown on slides 1,2,4,5 and 7}

  • There are a number of commands that enable us to use overlays on text.
    • \onside and \uncover: making the text fully appear only on the specified slides. On unspecified slides the text is covered, so will still take up space but won’t be visible.
    • \setbeamercovered{transparent}: making the text transparent on unspecified slides. Please be aware that this command will affect all of the code following it, so if we want to change it back to the default setting later in the presentation we can simply use the same command again but with the keyword invisible. \setbeamercovered{invisible}
    • \visible: does the same as \uncover except it leaves the space blank on unspecified slides instead of transparent even if we’ve set the transparency as we did a moment ago.
    • \invisble: does the exact opposite to of the \visible command except it doesn’t take any space up

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