计算机网络系列(3)之传输层TCP and UDP

1. TCP
TCP(Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议)是一种面向连接的、可靠的、基于字节流的传输层通信协议。


2. TCP package format
TCP数据包由TCP header和TCP data构成。其中,TCP header 的构成如下:Source port number + destination port number + sequence number + acknowledge number + HLEN + Reserved + URG/ACK/PSH/RST/SYN/FIN + Window size + Checksum + Urgent pointer

计算机网络系列(3)之传输层TCP and UDP_第1张图片

2.1. Sort number

2.2. Sequence number & Acknowledge number

2.3. Window size
这个包的发送方告诉连接的另一端: 他的TCP size value是276个字节. 你不要一次性发送超过276bytes的数据给我,否则我会缓冲区溢出overflow。

3. Three-way handshaking
3.1. Three-way handshaking
Get approval from the other party + Initialize communication (e.g., exchange IP address, initialize sequence number and etc). TCP三次握手的目的主要有两个:其一是经过双方的确认,建立一个TCP连接;其二是初始化TCP连接的相关信息,比如序列号,比如绑定IP地址,等。

计算机网络系列(3)之传输层TCP and UDP_第2张图片

4. TCP functions
4.1. Reliable data delivery
4.1.1. Re-sequencing
TCP re-sequences the received TCP segments into the correct order based on the sequence number and the segment size.

4.1.2. Error control
When data is transmitted, communication noise or distortion may cause errors.

4.1.3. Error detection
TCP checksum: TCP header + TCP data + Psudo-header, where the psudo-header is used to identify the mis-delivered segments.

4.1.4. Retransmission
When a destination receives an erroneous segment or detect a lost segment, it requests the source to retransmit erroneous or lost segment.

4.1.5. Timeout Interval
TCP measures the mean round trip and the deviation of round trip time. The timeout interval is selected to be timeout = mean + 4*deviation.

4.2. Flow control
4.2.1. Meanings
Control the flow of data from the source to the destination such that there is no buffer overflow at the destination.

4.2.2. Sliding window protocol
Let the destination have a buffer size of W bytes. At any time, the source can send at most W bytes, even if it has not received their acknowledgments.

4.3. Congestion control
4.3.1. Meaning
When the Internet has heavy traffic, there is congestion. 参见TCP数据包之RTT/RTO测量分析(http://blog.csdn.net/zhangskd/article/details/7196707)。

4.3.2. Ideas
When the source experiments a timeout, there are two possibilities: a. there is congestion; b. the segment/acknowledgment has been lost.

When there is congestion, the source quickly reduces the transmission rate; When there is no congestion, the source slowly increases the transmission rate until reaching the original one.

5. UDP
5.1. Meaning
UDP is another transport protocol executed at the communication endpoints. It is connectionless, but not guarantee reliable data delivery and not execute flow and congestion control.

6. Questions
Q1: What is the purpose of port numbers?
A port number is a way to identify a specific process to which an Internet or other network message is to be forwarded when it arrives at a server.

Q2: What functions does TCP provide?
reliability transmission (error detection, re-transmission)
flow control
congestion control

Q3: Consider TCP checksum
Case 1: State the error patterns that the TCP checksum cannot detect.
数据全部改变 (e.g., 1,2,3,-6 变成 5,5,5,-15)
位置改变 (e.g., 1,2,3,-6 变成 1,3,2,-6)
一增一减 (e.g., 1,2,3,-6 变成 2,1,3,-6)

Case 2: In a TCP segment, the first and the second bytes of data in a TCP segment are erroneous. Analyze whether the TCP checksum can detect these errors.

计算机网络系列(3)之传输层TCP and UDP_第3张图片

Checksum = X1+X2+X3+…+Xn

6. 总结

重点2:TCP的功能。主要是数据可靠性的传输,流控,拥塞控制三大要点。具体地将,可靠性传输主要是通过checksum等校验机制完成的,流控的目的是避免数据发送方一下子发送大量的数据,导致接收方一口气吃不成胖子,太勉强,容易出现肠胃病,甚至胃破裂(天,博主有血晕),也就是overflow. 我们可以通过滑动窗口协议来解决,这个协议主要说了一句话:我是讲原则的,每一句对话(each session)别TM超过15个字(这个值可以商量),否则后果自负。



