首先感谢这位github上的Marcos Castro de Souza大神
The travelling salesman problem (TSP) asks the following question: "Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city and returns to the origin city?" It is an NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization, important in operations research and theoretical computer science.
from operator import attrgetter
import random, sys, time, copy
# class that represents a graph
class Graph:
def __init__(self, amount_vertices):
self.edges = {} # dictionary of edges
self.vertices = set() # set of vertices
self.amount_vertices = amount_vertices # amount of vertices
# adds a edge linking "src" in "dest" with a "cost"
def addEdge(self, src, dest, cost = 0):
# checks if the edge already exists
if not self.existsEdge(src, dest):
self.edges[(src, dest)] = cost
# checks if exists a edge linking "src" in "dest"
def existsEdge(self, src, dest):
return (True if (src, dest) in self.edges else False)
# shows all the links of the graph
def showGraph(self):
print('Showing the graph:\n')
for edge in self.edges:
print('%d linked in %d with cost %d' % (edge[0], edge[1], self.edges[edge]))
# returns total cost of the path
def getCostPath(self, path):
total_cost = 0
for i in range(self.amount_vertices - 1):
total_cost += self.edges[(path[i], path[i+1])]
# add cost of the last edge
total_cost += self.edges[(path[self.amount_vertices - 1], path[0])]
return total_cost
# gets random unique paths - returns a list of lists of paths
def getRandomPaths(self, max_size):
random_paths, list_vertices = [], list(self.vertices)
initial_vertice = random.choice(list_vertices)
if initial_vertice not in list_vertices:
print('Error: initial vertice %d not exists!' % initial_vertice)
list_vertices.insert(0, initial_vertice)
for i in range(max_size):
list_temp = list_vertices[1:]
list_temp.insert(0, initial_vertice)
if list_temp not in random_paths:
return random_paths
# class that represents a complete graph
class CompleteGraph(Graph):
# generates a complete graph
def generates(self):
for i in range(self.amount_vertices):
for j in range(self.amount_vertices):
if i != j:
weight = random.randint(1, 10)
self.addEdge(i, j, weight)
# class that represents a particle
class Particle:
def __init__(self, solution, cost):
# current solution
self.solution = solution
# best solution (fitness) it has achieved so far
self.pbest = solution
# set costs
self.cost_current_solution = cost
self.cost_pbest_solution = cost
# velocity of a particle is a sequence of 4-tuple
# (1, 2, 1, 'beta') means SO(1,2), prabability 1 and compares with "beta"
self.velocity = []
# set pbest
def setPBest(self, new_pbest):
self.pbest = new_pbest
# returns the pbest
def getPBest(self):
return self.pbest
# set the new velocity (sequence of swap operators)
def setVelocity(self, new_velocity):
self.velocity = new_velocity
# returns the velocity (sequence of swap operators)
def getVelocity(self):
return self.velocity
# set solution
def setCurrentSolution(self, solution):
self.solution = solution
# gets solution
def getCurrentSolution(self):
return self.solution
# set cost pbest solution
def setCostPBest(self, cost):
self.cost_pbest_solution = cost
# gets cost pbest solution
def getCostPBest(self):
return self.cost_pbest_solution
# set cost current solution
def setCostCurrentSolution(self, cost):
self.cost_current_solution = cost
# gets cost current solution
def getCostCurrentSolution(self):
return self.cost_current_solution
# removes all elements of the list velocity
def clearVelocity(self):
del self.velocity[:]
# PSO algorithm
class PSO:
def __init__(self, graph, iterations, size_population, beta=1, alfa=1):
self.graph = graph # the graph
self.iterations = iterations # max of iterations
self.size_population = size_population # size population
self.particles = [] # list of particles
self.beta = beta # the probability that all swap operators in swap sequence (gbest - x(t-1))
self.alfa = alfa # the probability that all swap operators in swap sequence (pbest - x(t-1))
# initialized with a group of random particles (solutions)
solutions = self.graph.getRandomPaths(self.size_population)
# checks if exists any solution
if not solutions:
print('Initial population empty! Try run the algorithm again...')
# creates the particles and initialization of swap sequences in all the particles
for solution in solutions:
# creates a new particle
particle = Particle(solution=solution, cost=graph.getCostPath(solution))
# add the particle
# updates "size_population"
self.size_population = len(self.particles)
# set gbest (best particle of the population)
def setGBest(self, new_gbest):
self.gbest = new_gbest
# returns gbest (best particle of the population)
def getGBest(self):
return self.gbest
# shows the info of the particles
def showsParticles(self):
print('Showing particles...\n')
for particle in self.particles:
print('pbest: %s\t|\tcost pbest: %d\t|\tcurrent solution: %s\t|\tcost current solution: %d' \
% (str(particle.getPBest()), particle.getCostPBest(), str(particle.getCurrentSolution()),
def run(self):
# for each time step (iteration)
for t in range(self.iterations):
# updates gbest (best particle of the population)
self.gbest = min(self.particles, key=attrgetter('cost_pbest_solution'))
# for each particle in the swarm
for particle in self.particles:
particle.clearVelocity() # cleans the speed of the particle
temp_velocity = []
solution_gbest = copy.copy(self.gbest.getPBest()) # gets solution of the gbest
solution_pbest = particle.getPBest()[:] # copy of the pbest solution
solution_particle = particle.getCurrentSolution()[:] # gets copy of the current solution of the particle
# generates all swap operators to calculate (pbest - x(t-1))
for i in range(self.graph.amount_vertices):
if solution_particle[i] != solution_pbest[i]:
# generates swap operator
swap_operator = (i, solution_pbest.index(solution_particle[i]), self.alfa)
# append swap operator in the list of velocity
# makes the swap
aux = solution_pbest[swap_operator[0]]
solution_pbest[swap_operator[0]] = solution_pbest[swap_operator[1]]
solution_pbest[swap_operator[1]] = aux
# generates all swap operators to calculate (gbest - x(t-1))
for i in range(self.graph.amount_vertices):
if solution_particle[i] != solution_gbest[i]:
# generates swap operator
swap_operator = (i, solution_gbest.index(solution_particle[i]), self.beta)
# append swap operator in the list of velocity
# makes the swap
aux = solution_gbest[swap_operator[0]]
solution_gbest[swap_operator[0]] = solution_gbest[swap_operator[1]]
solution_gbest[swap_operator[1]] = aux
# updates velocity
# generates new solution for particle
for swap_operator in temp_velocity:
if random.random() <= swap_operator[2]:
# makes the swap
aux = solution_particle[swap_operator[0]]
solution_particle[swap_operator[0]] = solution_particle[swap_operator[1]]
solution_particle[swap_operator[1]] = aux
# updates the current solution
# gets cost of the current solution
cost_current_solution = self.graph.getCostPath(solution_particle)
# updates the cost of the current solution
# checks if current solution is pbest solution
if cost_current_solution < particle.getCostPBest():
if __name__ == "__main__":
cities = [(30,5),(40,10),(40,20),(29,25),(19,25),(9,19),(9,9),(20,5),(25,15)]
# 初始化图
graph = Graph(amount_vertices=len(cities))
for i in range(0,len(cities)):
for j in range(0,len(cities)):
if i != j:
distance = pow((cities[i][0]-cities[j][0])**2+(cities[i][1]-cities[j][1])**2,0.5)
graph.addEdge(i, j, distance)
pso = PSO(graph, iterations=1000, size_population=5000, beta=1, alfa=0.9)
# 执行PSO
# 展示全局最佳粒子
print('gbest: %s | cost: %d\n' % (pso.getGBest().getPBest(), pso.getGBest().getCostPBest()))
可以看到最佳路径为 0, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 所需的路程耗费为: 98