func SumProdDiff(i, j int) (int, int, int)
由于有多个返回值,需要用 ()
括起来。在上述函数内部,返回时,应该如下书写 return
return sum, prod, diff
s, p, d := SumProdDiff(value1, value2)
如果在 return
语句中返回值的数目和定义的不同,会产生 not enough arguments to return error.
func SumProdDiff(i, j int) (s int, p int, d int)
package main
import (
func SumProductDiff(i, j int) (int, int, int) {
return i+j, i*j, i-j
func main() {
sum, prod, diff := SumProductDiff(3,4)
fmt.Println("Sum:", sum, "| Product:",prod, "| Diff:", diff)
Sum: 7 | Product: 12 | Diff: -1
retValue, err := my_function()
if err == nil { //go ahead with normal code
} else { //error handling code
package main
import (
func MySqrt(f float64) (float64, error) {
//return an error as second parameter if invalid input
if (f < 0) {
return float64(math.NaN()), errors.New("I won't be able to do a sqrt of negative number!")
//otherwise use default square root function
return math.Sqrt(f), nil
func main() {
fmt.Print("First example with -1: ")
ret1, err1 := MySqrt(-1)
if err1 != nil {
fmt.Println("Error! Return values are", ret1, err1)
} else {
fmt.Println("It's ok! Return values are", ret1, err1)
fmt.Print("Second example with 5: ")
//you could also write it like this
if ret2, err2 := MySqrt(5); err2 != nil {
fmt.Println("Error! Return values are", ret2, err2)
} else {
fmt.Println("It's ok! Return values are", ret2, err2) }
First example with -1: Error! Return values are NaN I won't be able to do a sqrt of negative number!
Second example with 5: It's ok! Return values are 2.23606797749979
允许在定义函数时,命名返回值,当然这些变量可以在函数中使用。在 return
会自动将其返回。当然 return
在函数中定义的返回值变量,会自动赋为 zero-value
。也就是说变量会自动进行初始化- int
类型初始化为 0
初始化为 ""
, 结构体则根据其组成部分初始化。
package main
import (
//name the return variables - by default it will have 'zero-ed' values i.e. numbers are 0, string is empty, etc.
func MySqrt2(f float64) (ret float64, err error) {
if (f < 0) {
//then you can use those variables in code
ret = float64(math.NaN())
err = errors.New("I won't be able to do a sqrt of negative number!")
} else {
ret = math.Sqrt(f)
//err is not assigned, so it gets default value nil
//automatically return the named return variables ret and err
func main() {
2.23606797749979 <nil>
注意,可以显示的更改返回值。上述代码中,如果写 return 5, nil
,命名变量将会被忽略,返回的真正值为 5, nil