‘When we dream, we have the perfect chemical canvas for intense visions’ “入梦时,我们就拥有了能够呈现强烈幻象的完美化学画布”

‘When we dream, we have the perfect chemical canvas for intense visions’

Alice Robb is an American science journalist who has written for the Washington Post and the New Republic. Her new book, Why We Dream, encourages us to rethink the importance of dreams and to become dream interpreters ourselves.
Recently there’s been a massive interest in the science of sleep. Sleep plays a role in maintaining our mental health. Are dreams part of that process?
Dreams play a big role in helping us cope with stress, grief and trauma. Dreams are an opportunity to work through things that frighten us in real life, to play out worst-case scenarios in an environment where they have no consequences.
Has anyone explained why dreams contain such surreal elements, weird collages of time, people, geography and so on?
When we dream, the logic centres of our brain — the frontal lobes — go dark, and chemicals associated with self-control, like serotonin and norepinephrine, drop. At the same time, the emotion centres light up: we have a perfect chemical canvas for dramatic, psychologically intense visions.
You say neglecting to consider our dreams is like “throwing away a gift from our brains without bothering to open it.” What is the gift?
When we’re dreaming, we’re thinking in a state we never have access to by day. Dreams offer the opportunity to think in a different way and show new answers to problems. They show us blind spots, help us home in on things we might be neglecting in our personal lives.


  1. canvas 画布
  2. interpreter 解读者
  3. encourage sb to do sth and to do sth 激励某人去做某事,鼓励某人去做某事
  4. recently there’s been a manssive interest in sth 某事近来备受关注
  5. A plays a role in doing sth A 有助于做某事
  6. A plays a big role in doing sth A非常有助于,很好的帮助做某事
  7. trauma 心理创伤
  8. worst-case scenarios 最坏的可能,可能出现的最坏结果
  9. dreams are an opportunity to work through…, to play out 做梦提供了机会去做。。。,去做什么
  10. surreal 超现实的,离奇的,荒诞的
  11. weird 奇怪的
  12. collage大杂烩
  13. weird collages of time, people, geography and so on 时间,人物,地点等方面奇怪的大杂烩
  14. the frontal lobes大脑前叶
  15. go dark 进入休眠状态
  16. serotonin 血清素
  17. norepinephrine 去甲状上腺素
  18. drop下降
  19. light up,激活,the emotion centres light up情绪中枢激活
  20. we have a perfect chemical canvas for dramatic, psychologically intense visions, 我们拥有能够呈现激动而强烈的心理幻想的完美化学画布
  21. throw away 扔掉
  22. without bothering to open it 懒得去打开它
  23. dream offer the opportunity to do sth 做梦提供我们机会去做某事
  24. show new answers to problem 展示解决问题的新方法
  25. blind spot 盲点
  26. home in on sth 集中注意力于某事 =focus on ,concentrate on , pay attention to,be lost in 沉迷于… lose oneself in, put one’s heart into 专心于
