
译者按: 通过真实的代码示例感受Async/Await的力量。

  • 原文: Async/await - A thorough example
  • 译者: Fundebug


既然Node.js 8已经LTS了,我想大家是时候试一试Async/Await特性了,真的很好用!它可以帮助我们用同步的方式写异步代码,极大地提高了代码的可读性。在过去的2年时间里,Promise给我们带来了不少便利,同时也让我们有一些失望。

这边博客,我将介绍一个真实的代码示例,它是一个REST API的controller。通过展示我们如何从Promise切换到async/await,你讲能够体会到Async/Await的神奇之处!

### Promise示例 下面是我的工作项目中真实的Controller代码:
const BPromise = require('bluebird');

const { WrongCredentialsError, DBConnectionError, EmailError } = require('./../errors');

 * Emulate an Express.js route call as an example
loginController({}, { json: response => console.log(response) }, null)

function loginController (req, res, err) {
  const { email, password } = req;

  let user;

  BPromise.try(() => validateUserInput(req))
    .then(() => fetchUserByEmail(email))
    .then(fetchedUser => user = fetchedUser)
    .then(() => comparePasswords(req.password, user.password))
    .then(() => markLoggedInTimestamp(user.userId))
    .then(() => sendEmail(user.userId))
    .then(() => generateJWT(user))
    .then(token => res.json({ success: true, token }))
    .catch(WrongCredentialsError, () => res.json({ success: false, error: 'Invalid email and/or password' }))
    .catch(EmailError, DBConnectionError, () => res.json({ success: false, error: 'Unexpected error, please try again' }))
    .catch(() => res.json({ success: false }))

 * Validate input from Request
 * @param {Object} input
 * @throws {WrongCredentialsError}
 * @returns {Void}
function validateUserInput(input) {
  if (!input.email || !input.password) {
    throw new WrongCredentialsError();

 * Fetch a User from the DB by Email
 * @throws WrongCredentialsError
 * @throws DBConnectionError
 * @returns {BPromise}
function fetchUserByEmail(email) {
  const user = {
    userId: 'DUMMY_ID',
    email: '[email protected]',
    password: 'DUMMY_PASSWORD_HASH'
  return new BPromise(resolve => resolve(user));

 * Compare two password
 * @param {String} inputPwd
 * @param {String} storedPwd
 * @throws {WrongCredentialsError}
 * @returns {Void}
function comparePasswords(inputPwd, storedPwd) {
  if (hashPassword(inputPwd) !== storedPwd) {
    throw new WrongCredentialsError();

 * Hash password
 * @param {String} password
 * @returns {String}
function hashPassword(password) {
  return password;

 * Mark a user's logged in timestamp
 * @param {String} userId
 * @throws DBConnectionError
 * @returns {BPromise}
function markLoggedInTimestamp(userId) {
  return new BPromise(resolve => resolve());

 * Send a follow up email
 * @param {String} userId
 * @throws EmailError
 * @returns {BPromise}
function sendEmail(userId) {
  return new BPromise(resolve => resolve());

 * Generate a JWT token to send to the client
 * @param {Object} user
 * @returns {BPromise}
function generateJWT(user) {
  const token = 'DUMMY_JWT_TOKEN';

  return new BPromise(resolve => resolve(token));
一些值得注意的要点: #### 多余的外层变量
let user;

/* ... */
  .then(fetchedUser => user = fetchedUser)
  /* ... */
  .then(() => sendEmail(user.userId))
  /* ... */
可知,user是一个全局变量,因为我需要在Promise链中使用它。如果不希望定义多余的外层变量,则需要在Promise链中的每一个函数中都返回user变量,这样做显然更加糟糕。 #### 烦人的Promise链
/* ... */
BPromise.try(() => validateUserInput(req))
/* ... */
一个Promise链必须从Promise开始,但是**validateUserInput**函数并没有返回Promise,这时需要使用**Bluebird**。我也知道这样写比较奇怪… #### 讨厌的Bluebird 我在很多地方都使用了Bluebird,如果不用它的话,代码会更加臃肿。所谓DRY,即Don’t repeat yourself,我们可以使用Bluebird去尽量简化代码。但是,Bluebird是一个第三方依赖,如果出问题了怎么办?去掉Bluebird应该更好! *JavaScript太灵(gui)活(yi)了,出了BUG你也不知道,不妨接入[Fundebug](https://www.fundebug.com)线上实时监控*。 ### Async/Await示例 当我放弃Promise,使用Async/Await之后,代码是这样的:
const { WrongCredentialsError, DBConnectionError, EmailError } = require('./../errors');

 * Emulate an Express.js route call as an example
loginController({}, { json: response => console.log(response) }, null)

 * @param {Object} req
 * @param {Object} res
 * @param {Object} err
 * @returns {Void}
async function loginController(req, res, err) {
  const { email, password } = req.email;

  try {
    if (!email || !password) {
      throw new WrongCredentialsError();

    const user = await fetchUserByEmail(email);

    if (user.password !== hashPassword(req.password)) {
      throw new WrongCredentialsError();

    await markLoggedInTimestamp(user.userId);
    await sendEmail(user.userId);

    const token = await generateJWT(user);

    res.json({ success: true, token });

  } catch (err) {
    if (err instanceof WrongCredentialsError) {
      res.json({ success: false, error: 'Invalid email and/or password' })
    } else if (err instanceof DBConnectionError || err instanceof EmailError) {
      res.json({ success: false, error: 'Unexpected error, please try again' });
    } else {
      res.json({ success: false })

 * Fetch a User from the DB by Email
 * @throws WrongCredentialsError
 * @throws DBConnectionError
 * @returns {Promise}
function fetchUserByEmail(email) {
  const user = {
    userId: 'DUMMY_ID',
    email: '[email protected]',
    password: 'DUMMY_PASSWORD_HASH'
  return new Promise(resolve => resolve(user));

 * Hash password
 * @param {String} password
 * @returns {String}
function hashPassword(password) {
  return password;

 * Mark a user's logged in timestamp
 * @param {String} userId
 * @throws DBConnectionError
 * @returns {Promise}
function markLoggedInTimestamp(userId) {
  return new Promise(resolve => resolve());

 * Send a follow up email
 * @param {String} userId
 * @throws EmailError
 * @returns {Promise}
function sendEmail(userId) {
  return new Promise(resolve => resolve());

 * Generate a JWT token to send to the client
 * @param {Object} user
 * @returns {Promise}
function generateJWT(user) {
  const token = 'DUMMY_JWT_TOKEN';

  return new Promise(resolve => resolve(token));
哈哈!!! #### 没有外层变量 现在,所有函数都在同一个作用域中调用,不再需要**.then**函数。因此,我们不再需要定义多余的全局变量,也不需要做多余的变量赋值。 #### 没有多余的函数 Promise示例中的同步函数**validateInput**和**comparePasswords**的代码可以与异步函数写在一起,因此可以不再需要定义单独的函数,代码更少。 #### 可读性更高 异步代码采用同步方式来写,同时减少了代码量,可读性大大提高。 #### 不再需要Bluebird 原生的Promise可以替代Bluebird,且不再需要Bluebird的try方法了。




  • 重构:从Promise到Async/Await
  • Async/Await替代Promise的6个理由
  • Async/Await是这样简化JavaScript代码的


