Problem G: 字符统计

Problem G: 字符统计

Time Limit: 1 Sec   Memory Limit: 16 MB
Submit: 1842   Solved: 1017
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islower(c) c是否小写字母:'a'~'z';
isupper(c) c是否大写字母:'A'~'Z';
isdigit(c) c是否数字:'0'~'9';
isspace(c) c是否空白字符:包括空格(' ')、换页符('\f')、换行符('\n')、回车符('\r')、水平制表符('\t')和垂直制表符('\v');
ispunct(c) c是否标点符号:标点符号包括除字母、数字和空白符之外的所有可打印字符,也就是说输入的所有字符减去以上4类字符数正好是标点符号数。(仅限C99)







Sample Input

SDUSTOJ Online Judge FAQQ:What is the compiler the judge is using and what are the compiler options?A:The online judge system is running on Debian Linux. We are using GNU GCC/G++ for C/C++ compile, Free Pascal for pascal compile and sun-java-jdk1.6 for Java. The compile options are:C: gcc Main.c -o Main -O2 -Wall -lm --static -std=c99 -DONLINE_JUDGEC++: g++ -o Main -O2 -Wall -lm --static -DONLINE_JUDGEPascal: fpc Main.pas -oMain -O1 -Co -Cr -Ct -CiJava: javac -J-Xms32m -J-Xmx256m *Java has 2 more seconds and 512M more memory when running and judging.Our compiler software version:gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.4.4-14ubuntu5) 4.4.5glibc 2.3.6Free Pascal Compiler version 2.4.0-2 [2010/03/06] for i386java version "1.6.0_22"Q:Where is the input and the output?A:Your program shall read input from stdin('Standard Input') and write output to stdout('Standard Output').For example,you can use 'scanf' in C or 'cin' in C++ to read from stdin,and use 'printf' in C or 'cout' in C++ to write to stdout.User programs are not allowed to open and read from/write to files, you will get a "Runtime Error" if you try to do so.Here is a sample solution for problem 1000 using C++:#include using namespace std;int main(){ int a,b; while(cin >> a >> b) cout << a+b << endl;return 0;}Here is a sample solution for problem 1000 using C:#include int main(){ int a,b; while(scanf("%d %d",&a, &b) != EOF) printf("%d\n",a+b);return 0;}Here is a sample solution for problem 1000 using PASCAL:program p1001(Input,Output); var a,b:Integer; begin while not eof(Input) do begin Readln(a,b); Writeln(a+b); end; end.Here is a sample solution for problem 1000 using Java:import java.util.*;public class Main{public static void main(String args[]){Scanner cin = new Scanner(;int a, b;while (cin.hasNext()){a = cin.nextInt(); b = cin.nextInt();System.out.println(a + b);}}}

Sample Output

All Characters : 2020Lowers : 1173Uppers : 135Digits : 70Spaces : 405Puncts : 237A : 113B : 24C : 62D : 47E : 108F : 25G : 32H : 23I : 111J : 19K : 1L : 59M : 51N : 121O : 97P : 46Q : 3R : 83S : 78T : 92U : 63V : 14W : 19X : 8Y : 9Z : 0



Append Code

//这个2020个Characters大家不要信,我用word查的a一共就112个,2020不好查。提示:wa17%:主要问题是getchar这里用的gets,我当时定义的char a【10005】wa17%了,不知道开个几十万能不能成。

char a;
int main()
       int f,l=0,i,zmlow=0,zmup=0,num=0,space=0,pun=0;
    int b[92]={0};
