Android的HAL(Hardware Abstract Layer硬件抽象层)是为了保护一些硬件提供商的知识产权而提出的,是为了避开linux的GPL束缚。思路是把控制硬件的动作都放到了Android HAL中,而linux driver仅仅完成一些简单的数据交互作用,甚至把硬件寄存器空间直接映射到user space。而Android是基于Aparch的license,因此硬件厂商可以只提供二进制代码,所以说Android只是一个开放的平台,并不是一个开源的平台。
总结下来,Android HAL存在的原因主要有:
libhardware_legacy 是将 *.so 文件当作shared library来使用,在runtime(JNI 部份)以 direct function call 使用 HAL module。通过直接函数调用的方式,来操作驱动程序。当然,应用程序也可以不需要通过 JNI 的方式进行,直接加载 *.so (dlopen)的做法调用*.so 里的符号(symbol)也是一种方式。总而言之是没有经过封装,上层可以直接操作硬件。
现 在的 libhardware 作法,就有「stub」的味道了。HAL stub 是一种代理人(proxy)的概念,stub 虽然仍是以 *.so檔的形式存在,但 HAL 已经将 *.so 档隐藏起来了。Stub 向 HAL「提供」操作函数(operations),而 runtime 则是向 HAL 取得特定模块(stub)的 operations,再 callback 这些操作函数。这种以 indirect function call 的实作架构,让HAL stub 变成是一种「包含」关系,即 HAL 里包含了许许多多的 stub(代理人)。Runtime 只要说明「类型」,即 module ID,就可以取得操作函数。对于目前的HAL,可以认为Android定义了HAL层结构框架,通过几个接口访问硬件从而统一了调用方式。
HAL_legacy方式的HAL是一个模块,采用共享库形式,在编译时会调用到。由于采用function call形式调用,因此可被多个进程使用,但会被mapping到多个进程空间中,造成浪费,同时需要考虑代码能否安全重入的问题(thread safe)。而新式的HAL采用HAL module和HAL stub结合形式,HAL stub不是一个share library,编译时上层只拥有访问HAL stub的函数指针,并不需要HAL stub。上层通过HAL module提供的统一接口获取并操作HAL stub,so文件只会被mapping到一个进程,也不存在重复mapping和重入问题。
struct hw_module_t-代表抽象硬件模块,包含硬件模块的一些基本信息,例如版本号,开发者等,还有一个成员函数结构体。
struct hw_module_methods_t ,里面只有一个用于打开抽象硬件设备hw_device_t的open函数指针。
struct hw_device_t-代表抽象硬件设备,里面包含了版本号,一个关闭硬件的close函数指针,以及一个指向hw_module_t的结构的指针。
这两个结构的定义在hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hardware.h里面,在实现自己的hw module与hw device结构时,第一个成员变量必须是这两个结构,以达到类似C++中的继承的目的。
typedef struct hw_module_t {
/** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG */
uint32_t tag;
* The API version of the implemented module. The module owner is
* responsible for updating the version when a module interface has
* changed.
* The derived modules such as gralloc and audio own and manage this field.
* The module user must interpret the version field to decide whether or
* not to inter-operate with the supplied module implementation.
* For example, SurfaceFlinger is responsible for making sure that
* it knows how to manage different versions of the gralloc-module API,
* and AudioFlinger must know how to do the same for audio-module API.
* The module API version should include a major and a minor component.
* For example, version 1.0 could be represented as 0x0100. This format
* implies that versions 0x0100-0x01ff are all API-compatible.
* In the future, libhardware will expose a hw_get_module_version()
* (or equivalent) function that will take minimum/maximum supported
* versions as arguments and would be able to reject modules with
* versions outside of the supplied range.
uint16_t module_api_version;
#define version_major module_api_version
* version_major/version_minor defines are supplied here for temporary
* source code compatibility. They will be removed in the next version.
* ALL clients must convert to the new version format.
* The API version of the HAL module interface. This is meant to
* version the hw_module_t, hw_module_methods_t, and hw_device_t
* structures and definitions.
* The HAL interface owns this field. Module users/implementations
* must NOT rely on this value for version information.
* Presently, 0 is the only valid value.
uint16_t hal_api_version;
#define version_minor hal_api_version
/** Identifier of module */
const char *id;
/** Name of this module */
const char *name;
/** Author/owner/implementor of the module */
const char *author;
/** Modules methods */
struct hw_module_methods_t* methods;
/** module's dso */
void* dso;
/** padding to 128 bytes, reserved for future use */
uint32_t reserved[32-7];
} hw_module_t;
typedef struct hw_module_methods_t {
/** Open a specific device */
int (*open)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id,
struct hw_device_t** device);
} hw_module_methods_t;
* Every device data structure must begin with hw_device_t
* followed by module specific public methods and attributes.
typedef struct hw_device_t {
/** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG */
uint32_t tag;
* Version of the module-specific device API. This value is used by
* the derived-module user to manage different device implementations.
* The module user is responsible for checking the module_api_version
* and device version fields to ensure that the user is capable of
* communicating with the specific module implementation.
* One module can support multiple devices with different versions. This
* can be useful when a device interface changes in an incompatible way
* but it is still necessary to support older implementations at the same
* time. One such example is the Camera 2.0 API.
* This field is interpreted by the module user and is ignored by the
* HAL interface itself.
uint32_t version;
/** reference to the module this device belongs to */
struct hw_module_t* module;
/** padding reserved for future use */
uint32_t reserved[12];
/** Close this device */
int (*close)(struct hw_device_t* device);
} hw_device_t;
在系统启动创建CameraService对象时,其函数onFirstRef被调用,在它里面,通过hw_get_module(CAMERA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, (const hw_module_t**)&mModule)函数获取camera的抽象硬件模块camera_module,其过程如上所说,通过Camera的HAL动态库然后解析HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM符号得到全局变量,然后通过获取到的抽象硬件模块结构获取系统拥有的Camera数量等。具体代码参见CameraService.cpp。
其中camera_module即camera HAL的抽象硬件模块,其定义如下(camera_common.h):
typedef struct camera_module {
hw_module_t common;
* get_number_of_cameras:
* Returns the number of camera devices accessible through the camera
* module. The camera devices are numbered 0 through N-1, where N is the
* value returned by this call. The name of the camera device for open() is
* simply the number converted to a string. That is, "0" for camera ID 0,
* "1" for camera ID 1.
* The value here must be static, and cannot change after the first call to
* this method
int (*get_number_of_cameras)(void);
* get_camera_info:
* Return the static camera information for a given camera device. This
* information may not change for a camera device.
int (*get_camera_info)(int camera_id, struct camera_info *info);
* set_callbacks:
* Provide callback function pointers to the HAL module to inform framework
* of asynchronous camera module events. The framework will call this
* function once after initial camera HAL module load, after the
* get_number_of_cameras() method is called for the first time, and before
* any other calls to the module.
* Version information (based on camera_module_t.common.module_api_version):
* Not provided by HAL module. Framework may not call this function.
* Valid to be called by the framework.
int (*set_callbacks)(const camera_module_callbacks_t *callbacks);
* get_vendor_tag_ops:
* Get methods to query for vendor extension metadata tag information. The
* HAL should fill in all the vendor tag operation methods, or leave ops
* unchanged if no vendor tags are defined.
* Version information (based on camera_module_t.common.module_api_version):
* Not provided by HAL module. Framework may not call this function.
* Valid to be called by the framework.
void (*get_vendor_tag_ops)(vendor_tag_ops_t* ops);
/* reserved for future use */
void* reserved[8];
} camera_module_t;
由其定义看到,其第一个成员为hw_module_t common,即上面说的自己的硬件抽象模块必须包含hw_module结构,达到“继承”的目的。另外定义了几个自己的成员变量,比如获取camera个数,及camera信息等。使用hw_get_module获取到的camera_module_t变量位于平台的camera HAL实现库中,不同的厂家可能文件名字有所不同,但是肯定会实现下面类似的结构(CameraHAL.cpp)。
camera_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) = {
common : {
module_api_version : CAMERA_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_0,
hal_api_version : HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,
name : "Default Camera HAL",
author : "The Android Open Source Project",
methods : &gCameraModuleMethods,
dso : NULL,
reserved : {0},
get_number_of_cameras : get_number_of_cameras,
get_camera_info : get_camera_info,
set_callbacks : set_callbacks
有了Camera的HAL层的硬件抽象模块camera_module,就可以通过camera_module获取到硬件抽象设备camera_device_t,不过它封装在CameraHardwareInterface中,在连接一个camera时(CameraService的connect函数,最后调到CameraClient::initialize),将先创建CameraHardwareInterface对象,然后在其初始化函数中得到camera_device_t:int rc = module->methods->open(module, mName.string(), (hw_device_t **)&mDevice);这个open函数就是gCameraModuleMethods里面的open函数,其实现如下所示:
int Camera::open(const hw_module_t *module, hw_device_t **device)
ALOGI("%s:%d: Opening camera device", __func__, mId);
if (mBusy) {
ALOGE("%s:%d: Error! Camera device already opened", __func__, mId);
return -EBUSY;
// TODO: open camera dev nodes, etc
mBusy = true;
mDevice.common.module = const_cast(module);
*device = &mDevice.common;
return 0;
Camera::Camera(int id) : mId(id), mStaticInfo(NULL), mBusy(false), mCallbackOps(NULL), mStreams(NULL), mNumStreams(0), mSettings(NULL) { pthread_mutex_init(&mMutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&mStaticInfoMutex, NULL); memset(&mDevice, 0, sizeof(mDevice)); mDevice.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG; mDevice.common.version = CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0; mDevice.common.close = close_device; mDevice.ops = const_cast(&sOps); mDevice.priv = this; }
以上大致就是android hal模块的内容,下一篇会以android的一个重要的HAL模块gralloc来看看其具体的实现。